The Ultimate EVIL!!!

I was at another forum and told the moderators this. Which is that I have the solution to the energy crisis. There would be no more need for coal fired power plants, nuclear power plants, dams for generating electricity, solar panels, wind farms or anything else. Though given overpopulation, it might not do a whole lot to stop human caused global warming. But as you can imagine, what I would reveal would be a BIG help. There is only one thing I wanted in return for doing so much toward saving the planet. Which is to practice real freedom of speech and let me say whatever I want without getting banned. No matter how "offensive" they might find it.

I even told them that if they agreed and I told them what my idea was, they were free to try to poke any hole in it that they could come up with. And beyond that, if they weren't up to it, invite the smartest scientific minds on the planet to go there and try to do the same.
Just give me the opportunity to answer their questions. If my plan was found to be unworkable, (which is highly unlikely) all they would have to do is ban me. They had absolutely nothing to lose. But as far as that piss ass forum was concerned, their ability to practice censorship was more important than the whole damned planet and the vast majority of life on it. It is surprising how low some people can go. But that takes the cake. I can't think of anything more blatantly evil!
"In simple terms, we would put some mechanism in outer space to capture the sun’s energy almost continuously and transmit that energy to Earth. This would happen day or night, rain or shine. Once we have received the energy on Earth at a rectenna (a special antenna for receiving energy), we can then easily distribute the power through our normal methods. Easy enough."
"Over seven decades ago in 1941, Isaac Asimov wrote a short story, “Reason” (PDF), in which energy captured from the sun was transmitted via microwave beams to nearby planets from a space station. Flash forward to today, scientists are looking to make that very science fiction dream a reality for Earth."

Power that way would require the sun. My idea involves no outside energy. Except for a tiny bit to get the process started.
"In simple terms, we would put some mechanism in outer space to capture the sun’s energy almost continuously and transmit that energy to Earth. This would happen day or night, rain or shine. Once we have received the energy on Earth at a rectenna (a special antenna for receiving energy), we can then easily distribute the power through our normal methods. Easy enough."

I think our new Juden-hassen Freund has a hankering for some Soylent Green.
"In simple terms, we would put some mechanism in outer space to capture the sun’s energy almost continuously and transmit that energy to Earth. This would happen day or night, rain or shine. Once we have received the energy on Earth at a rectenna (a special antenna for receiving energy), we can then easily distribute the power through our normal methods. Easy enough."
tRump and his demonic team are not the ultimate of evil but are slaves of the devil to which Satan the devil is the ultimate of evil.
Why is that Attention Whore Drama Queen USFreedom911 posting quotes from Jack with lines drawn through them- over, and over, and over again?

Did Jack say something that made USFreedom shart his britches?

Idiot has lost his mind! LOL!
Cool. Will you be expressing that here?

As far as I'm concerned, humanity can fuck off and suffer a blistering death. Why? Because no doubt I could make the same offer here and it would go nowhere. If humans can't allow freedom of speech, they don't deserve to live.
All you have to do to obtain gigawatts of free energy is to render deceased humans into bio-diesel. Since humans are getting fatter and dying sooner every year, there is no way that demand will exceed supply.
As far as I'm concerned, humanity can fuck off and suffer a blistering death. Why? Because no doubt I could make the same offer here and it would go nowhere. If humans can't allow freedom of speech, they don't deserve to live.

Excellent post. You have now proven to EVERYONE ... you have nothing.
You have the opportunity to say whatever you want here. You claim you have an idea for 'unlimited energy'. When asked to express it, you climb into your "I'm a Victim" role. You say "If humans can't allow freedom of speech, they don't ...".

You have Freedom of Speech, right here, right now. Express yourself with this idea of yours. OR, ...
... admit you are just another puffed up Blow Hard.
Why is that Attention Whore Drama Queen USFreedom911 posting quotes from Jack with lines drawn through them- over, and over, and over again?

Did Jack say something that made USFreedom shart his britches?

Idiot has lost his mind! LOL!

:) The once respected USF has now reduced himself to infatuated Fanboi. Is he still asking "Can I have your baby, Jack?". (What a revoltin' development this is) :palm:
Excellent post. You have now proven to EVERYONE ... you have nothing.
You have the opportunity to say whatever you want here. You claim you have an idea for 'unlimited energy'. When asked to express it, you climb into your "I'm a Victim" role. You say "If humans can't allow freedom of speech, they don't ...".

You have Freedom of Speech, right here, right now. Express yourself with this idea of yours. OR, ...
... admit you are just another puffed up Blow Hard.

Don't bitch to me. Tell the mods of my offer and ask that they accept them. What in the hell would they have to lose. If what I have to say is ligit, they would be saving humanity. If what I have to say isn't true, all they have to do is ban me. Hell, they may do that anyway. You should see the thread I just posted in the off topic section called "The Negro Disease." Something tells me it might be a little too truthful for them. So you better take a look quick before it disappears.
You have exposed yourself as a Blow Hard with nothing to say.

I have posted a PSA (Public Service Announcement) for our Gentle Readers here at JPP.

Excellent post. You have now proven to EVERYONE ... you have nothing.
You have the opportunity to say whatever you want here. You claim you have an idea for 'unlimited energy'. When asked to express it, you climb into your "I'm a Victim" role. You say "If humans can't allow freedom of speech, they don't ...".

You have Freedom of Speech, right here, right now. Express yourself with this idea of yours. OR, ...
... admit you are just another puffed up Blow Hard.