The Unanswered Thread


Fuck You Too
Every Fox Sports Football game I have watched, and I've watched many of them, has explicitly put forth a banner that says HAPPY HOLIDAYS.

Is Fox part of the attack on Christmas?

Wishing someone "Happy Holidays" can get you in trouble

By Chicago Tribune and The Baltimore Sun

The Rev. Jerry Falwell is standing up for Christmas.

Fair warning to any public official or retailer responsible for calling a Christmas tree a "holiday tree": You may receive a call from a lawyer or become the target of a boycott.

Two groups, Liberty Counsel, affiliated with the Rev. Jerry Falwell, and the Alliance Defense Fund, say they have almost 1,600 lawyer-volunteers ready to battle what some conservative Christians view as a secular movement against Nativity scenes, Christmas trees and even the greeting "Merry Christmas."

Governments that have put "holiday trees" on display have been lambasted, and retailers that wish customers "Happy Holidays" have been threatened with boycotts and pestered with phone calls and online petitions. Started three years ago, the campaign will be the groups' largest.

Falwell launched a "Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign" with a stated goal of preventing religious discrimination. He has said he wants to take back Christmas from "grinches" such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

"The fact is," he told ABC News, "we've gone on the offense now. We've put them on the defense. We're kicking their butts, and they're unhappy."

City leaders in Boston on Thursday night lighted what until a few days ago had been called a "holiday tree." Under pressure from conservative groups and after the Canadian logger who has long donated a tree to Boston said he would have thrown the tree into a wood chipper if he had known the city would relabel his gift, Mayor Thomas Menino changed the evergreen to a Christmas tree.

House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., this week ordered the Capitol Holiday Tree, so called since the 1990s, be renamed the Capitol Christmas Tree.

And Lowe's home-improvement stores took down "Holiday Trees" banners at its locations this week after receiving more than 1,000 complaints. A spokeswoman said Lowe's has "proudly sold Christmas trees in our stores for decades."

The right turns a minor thing among progressives into a big deal and an "attack on Christmas".
It has been a "big deal" amongst religious right wingers for the past several years.

...and it is a fucking joke...I've yet to see anyone who leans right say as much.
It has been a "big deal" amongst religious right wingers for the past several years.

...and it is a fucking joke...I've yet to see anyone who leans right say as much.

You pick rather bizarre times to start arguments. It's 11:50 on new years eve. You're not going to find a whole lot of takers.
Have you ever taken a stand on "The war Against Christmas"?
The only stand I take is that I think we should just say the greeting that we celebrate.

A good conversation that shows actual tolerance would be:

Me: Merry Christmas!

The random Pagan: Io Saturnalia!

Me: Well, Io Saturnalia to you too!

Passing Jewish Person: Happy Hanukkah!

Me: And to you!

So forth....

Rather than attempting to make some generic tasteless offering of rice cakes look pretty, it would be far more interesting to take joy in our differences and similarities.
yet, when those who dishonestly try to force judeo-Christian hegemony on the populace scream about "The War On Christmas", the most you do is try to make those who HONESTLY point out that it is fucking ridiculous, seem to be likewise.
The only stand I take is that I think we should just say the greeting that we celebrate.

A good conversation that shows actual tolerance would be:

Me: Merry Christmas!

The random Pagan: Io Saturnalia!

Me: Well, Io Saturnalia to you too!

Passing Jewish Person: Happy Hanukkah!

Me: And to you!

So forth....

Rather than attempting to make some generic tasteless offering of rice cakes look pretty, it would be far more interesting to take joy in our differences and similarities.

That is a fucking evasion. You know goddamned fucking well that religious extremists are screaming that because PRIVATE ENTERPRISE isn't saying things EXACTLY AS THEY'D HAVE IT SAID, they are SOMEHOE being attacked.

Once again, you are a lying SOB.
yet, when those who dishonestly try to force judeo-Christian hegemony on the populace scream about "The War On Christmas", the most you do is try to make those who HONESTLY point out that it is fucking ridiculous, seem to be likewise.
Right. Whatever. What I do is simply put forward different views into a thread, like I always do.

When I say that something is actually my opinion or that this is what I think then what follows is exactly that. Of course, they are subject to change. There have been some convincing arguments.

Show me an example of where I made you appear ridiculous.