The Unanswered Thread

That is a fucking evasion. You know goddamned fucking well that religious extremists are screaming that because PRIVATE ENTERPRISE isn't saying things EXACTLY AS THEY'D HAVE IT SAID, they are SOMEHOE being attacked.

Once again, you are a lying SOB.
LOL. You are drunk again.

It isn't an evasion it is what I think we should do, and what I would prefer to see over "Happy Holidays".
More partisan bullshit from Damocles. It is FUCKING OBVIOUS that the far right is screaming about something that does not exist...yet, you try to detract from it because they are part of the voting block you wish to see win.

You are a joke.
More partisan bullshit from Damocles. It is FUCKING OBVIOUS that the far right is screaming about something that does not exist...yet, you try to detract from it because they are part of the voting block you wish to see win.

You are a joke.
I told you earlier that it was a joke. What more do you want?

Really, I don't think it is that big of a deal. However my solution allows all of the holidays to be represented while not giving the far religious right an excuse to whine about exclusion.
Once again, you evade. The far religious right insists that IT IS BEING ATTACKED, because PRIVATE ENTERPRISE wishes to say "Happy Holidays" (so as to get EVERYONE'S money), rather than the EXCLUSIVE "Merry Christmas".

You KNOW it's fucking ridiculous. You'd rather attack the person who points it out, than accept reality.
The only stand I take is that I think we should just say the greeting that we celebrate.

A good conversation that shows actual tolerance would be:

Me: Merry Christmas!

The random Pagan: Io Saturnalia!

Me: Well, Io Saturnalia to you too!

Passing Jewish Person: Happy Hanukkah!

Me: And to you!

So forth....

Rather than attempting to make some generic tasteless offering of rice cakes look pretty, it would be far more interesting to take joy in our differences and similarities.

How is a generic sign in a store supposed to do that?

Maybe we should put sensors on the door, to detect the religion of the people walking in, and then change the sign appropriately. No need for a boycott then.

And Happy Holidays.
Once again, you evade. The far religious right insists that IT IS BEING ATTACKED, because PRIVATE ENTERPRISE wishes to say "Happy Holidays" (so as to get EVERYONE'S money), rather than the EXCLUSIVE "Merry Christmas".

You KNOW it's fucking ridiculous. You'd rather attack the person who points it out, than accept reality.
And once more you fail to comprehend a simple sentence.

I believe that mine is an actual solution, while the other just continues the "problem", such as it is. I think the whole thing is a joke, including the left's whining about them insisting on using Christmas and feeling "attacked".
"Okay, it's a joke".

That isn't an admission. It's sarcasm. the far right has been putting this LIE forth for the last several years. Do you admit that it is a lit put forth by the far right?
How is a generic sign in a store supposed to do that?

Maybe we should put sensors on the door, to detect the religion of the people walking in, and then change the sign appropriately. No need for a boycott then.

And Happy Holidays.
You would have many signs expressing each.
Your so-called solution has nothing to do with the issue.

The political pundits on the right pretend that Christmas is actually under attack. if you are to be HONEST, admit that such claims are simply LIES spread by the far right.
Your so-called solution has nothing to do with the issue.

The political pundits on the right pretend that Christmas is actually under attack. if you are to be HONEST, admit that such claims are simply LIES spread by the far right.
No, it has to do with resolving the issue, taking both the reason to feel "attacked" by being excluded away as well as including each holiday as its own separate celebration rather than a generic and weak "greeting".
Your so-called solution has nothing to do with the issue.

The political pundits on the right pretend that Christmas is actually under attack. if you are to be HONEST, admit that such claims are simply LIES spread by the far right.
What part of, "I don't think anybody is attacking Christmas." translates to this?

You are being totally disingenuous and resorting to huge strawmen based on serious and direct lies now.
No, it has to do with resolving the issue, taking both the reason to feel "attacked" by being excluded away as well as including each holiday as its own separate celebration rather than a generic and weak "greeting".

Bullshit. Christmas is NOT excluded. It simply isn't the ONLY holiday being recognized. The very fact that you are trying to pretend that holidays OTHER than Christmas being INCLUDED means that Christmas is EXCLUDED, means that you are trying to keep people from seeing what BULLSHIT the "Christmas under attack" claim is.
You just claimed that saying "Happy Holidays" EXCLUDES Christmas.

The lengths partisan scumbags like you will go to try to cover up the BULLSHIT OTHER partisans scumbags like you try to is fucking comical.
Bullshit. Christmas is NOT excluded. It simply isn't the ONLY holiday being recognized. The very fact that you are trying to pretend that holidays OTHER than Christmas being INCLUDED means that Christmas is EXCLUDED, means that you are trying to keep people from seeing what BULLSHIT the "Christmas under attack" claim is.

My solution works on the perception. Hence the quote marks in my explanation. And it gives us all a reason to find things out about each other as well.

The "happy holidays" "solution" is weak and actually gives people 'reason' to feel excluded whether they are or not.

Again, you are simply refusing to understand the written word so that you can insist that your opinion is the only valid one that can possibly exist. It gets tired.
You just claimed that saying "Happy Holidays" EXCLUDES Christmas.

The lengths partisan scumbags like you will go to try to cover up the BULLSHIT OTHER partisans scumbags like you try to is fucking comical.
I did not, I claimed that they feel it "excludes" Christmas. Hence the quote marks.

At least READ, and I mean actually try to understand what I am saying rather than just being combative.

Being combative is a sad form of argument that shows weakness.
Asshole, far right religionists are complaining because privately held businesses are posting "Happy Holidays", rather than "Merry Christmas".

You know goddamned well what I'm talking about. Rather than deal with the issue, because you REFUSE to acknowledge the deceit coming from the ridiculous right, you try to REFRAME the discussion in terms that you think you can deal with.

Plain and simple:

1) The Right Wing has been screaming about "The War On Christmas" for the last several years.

2) It is a big fat fucking lie

3) You, and those like you, refuse to accept that said lie is being told
Asshole, far right religionists are complaining because privately held businesses are posting "Happy Holidays", rather than "Merry Christmas".

You know goddamned well what I'm talking about. Rather than deal with the issue, because you REFUSE to acknowledge the deceit coming from the ridiculous right, you try to REFRAME the discussion in terms that you think you can deal with.

Plain and simple:

1) The Right Wing has been screaming about "The War On Christmas" for the last several years.

2) It is a big fat fucking lie

3) You, and those like you, refuse to accept that said lie is being told

One more time:

1. Yes they have been. And continuing the generic greeting solution only continues their perceived exclusion. While my solution takes away their "issue" with it while still including all the other holidays.

2. Yes. I agree. And I think the large amount of "leaders" of their group use it to perpetuate their position in their community.

3. You refuse to actually read what I write so that you can pretend that I am somehow your "enemy" regardless of my actual opinion. This is a weak and tired view of partisanship, the same thing you attempt to show contempt for earlier in the thread.

4. You are one sorry debater when you are drunk
5) You always do whatever you can to try to detract from anyone on the right acting like a moron, even if you have to act like a bit of a moron yourself.