the war on christmas BEGINS at FAUX news!


Junior Member
HEATHER NAUERT, HOST: The holidays fast approaching, and of course, controversy comes with it: Is it OK to say Merry Christmas or display manger scenes on public property, or sing Christmas carols in public schools?

Well, now one atheist group is putting a new spin on the war on Christmas, spending $40,000 for ads to run on Washington D.C. buses that feature Santa Claus asking "Why believe in a god? Just be good, for goodness' sake."

Jesse Galef is with the American Humanist Association, that's the group that launched the campaign. Also here is Bill Donohue. He's the president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. Welcome to you both.,2933,451369,00.html
Lets just celebrate Yule and skip the rest of the johnny-come-latelies.
Whenever I'm feeling oppressed due to the constant offense that Christians feel at being made to know that their holiday isn't the only one at that time of the year and they aren't necessarily the center of the universe, I merely remind myself that Christmas is actually based on a pagan holiday, and sleep much easier.
I doubt we'll be victims to a "Christmas bomb". What I do think will happen, more emphasis on the message and less on gifting. I wouldn't say I'm typical, but in the past I've spent about $500 per kid=$1500 and another $500 on 'others', including family other than my kids.

This year, I'm done. I bought 2 of them "Rent tickets" for April showing=$210. Gave them another $150 in restaurant for that day at "312 Chicago".

Gave the 3rd kid $250 in gift cards to restaurants, which was his request, for dates.

Have cut out 'others', we'll do a party here with all bringing dishes. I figure it'll cost me about $200.

There is a good point here... they choose Christmas because they know can get away with it .., if they chose to go after any other Religious Holiday there would be major repercussions. Why not the Star of David and ask "Why not belive in a God", major backlash there. Why not an image of Mohammed-- they wouldnt have the balls for that one.
It seems to me that the message is simply asking people to examine why they would choose to believe in god, and then suggesting that we be good because we CHOOSE to be good, instead of because of some threat of eternal damnation.

If people's faith cannot withstand such an "insidious" attack, it wasn't worth much anyway.
It seems to me that the message is simply asking people to examine why they would choose to believe in god, and then suggesting that we be good because we CHOOSE to be good, instead of because of some threat of eternal damnation.

If people's faith cannot withstand such an "insidious" attack, it wasn't worth much anyway.

I think as people begin to question their spending, they may begin to question their rationale for years past.
There is a good point here... they choose Christmas because they know can get away with it .., if they chose to go after any other Religious Holiday there would be major repercussions. Why not the Star of David and ask "Why not belive in a God", major backlash there. Why not an image of Mohammed-- they wouldnt have the balls for that one.
They choose Christmas because Christians are a massive majority and it makes more news. Faux news is simply helping them get their message out by portraying it as some sort of 'persecution' because they chose the holiday of the majority.
Christmas is a combnation of pagan midwinter holidays co-opted by the christians.

The Christians stole it and now they cry that siomeone else is stealing it ?

Be sure and watch the history of Christmas this holiday season.
That's Hanuchristmakwanzika. I thought every little kid learned how to spell that in the first grade! Look what's happening to our schools!