The White Supremacy. A study in being offensive.


White supremacy. What is it. Well, about 98% of the time that I see a negro male out in public with a female, it is a white female. Obviously negro males find White women superior. Also, negro women will often straighten their hair to be more like White woman's hair. Or wear wigs like that. Next, brunette women will often dye their hair blond to look more attractive. Blond women hardly ever dye their hair to a brunette shade. Also, many women have been known to wear blue contact lenses to make their brown eyes look blue. Except maybe for in a movie, I doubt if any woman ever wore brown contact lenses to make their blue eyes look brown. Also, there isn't a negro populated country on the planet that is worth a damn. That is despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. Another thing, how many White people in the U.S. try to sneak into mexico. Or how many White Europeans try to sneak into Africa or the Middle East.

Here is the thing. Apparently to all those other non-whites, they are offended by White people for just being White. And if White people try to exercise their universe given right to just exist, they are labeled as "racists." And from what I heard, some government agency labeled White supremacists as the greatest threat to the U.S.! But the U.S. was founded by and is mostly populated by White people. So how can they be the greatest threat to the U.S. Whatever kind of "U.S." that White people would be a threat to is a U.S. that shouldn't exist!!! White people have a right to exist! And if it means killing non-whites to do so, I would go with the song by the Drowning Pool that says, "LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR!"
Show us all teh crimes the blacks do,'re gonna get matter what!
I wanna copy that shit, dammit! It's real info, idk how he has it, but he does.
All I'm asking is please show that stuff b4 you get banned. It's all true, I ran a lot of it down.
I lost that OS.

Tell me your story. If you are White, why are you so non-white in philosophy. What makes you so eager as your little video shows to have me flushed down the toilet. Did you report me yet? How about some fun instead. Tell me something in this thread that you disagree with.
Tell me your story. If you are White, why are you so non-white in philosophy. What makes you so eager as your little video shows to have me flushed down the toilet. Did you report me yet? How about some fun instead. Tell me something in this thread that you disagree with.

What makes you think I am "non-white" in philosophy? And that gif is of cat flushing down the nonsense, not you personally.
STFU you useless POS unamerican bastard

You STFU Ass Lesion.

cultsmasher>Ass Lesion.

You ain't no "Oath keeper" either, bitch. What you are is a sorry snowflake sumbitch.

I operate on a level higher than both of you fucktards.

Da Smasha is a boy of legend whilst you are simply a piece of shit snowflake.
Earlier today I went on a service call. 32nd street and Jackson here in Phoenix. Feel free to Google the map of that area. An apartment there had bad breakers that had taken out all the power in the kitchen and one bedroom. The occupants, a Black guy and his Hispanic wife / girlfriend (I really don't know their relationship, nor is it really important) and their three mixed race girls were worried there'd be no Thanksgiving because they couldn't cook food.
I bought the breakers and repaired the problem. About 2:15 pm they had power restored.

Now, I didn't need the money I charged the maintenance company / landlord. I didn't even need go. I could have blown them off. But I didn't. They wanted a good Thanksgiving and I helped make that possible.

There was no White Privilege or White Supremacy in that. I did what I do and what I'm damn good at. I recognized they needed their electricity restored.

Then I went to Tempe and fixed some problems for a Black lady and her father in a rental home. You know, it didn't matter what color or race they were. They needed resolution of a problem too. I took care of that. I'd like to think I made them happy someone cared and took care of their issue.

So, when I read or hear some Leftist Progressive asshole try to tell me that I'm some product of White Privilege I can just smile and know not only are they full of shit, but I am nowhere near their low life, bigoted, racist view of the world.

Those people I fix problems for will have a happier Thanksgiving and so will I. To all those miserable Progressive Leftist bigots and racists, I hope someday you will see the error of your ways otherwise, in your next life it will really, really suck.
What makes you think I am "non-white" in philosophy? And that gif is of cat flushing down the nonsense, not you personally.

Your GIF shows your non-white philosophy. Next, if what I say should be flushed down the toilet, you are basically saying I should be flushed down the toilet too. What i woujld prefer is for you to do the flushing yourself. Tell me what I said that you disagree with.
If I am to be called "unAmerican," I would at least like to know why. Read my thread. Explain to me what is in it that you disagree with.

you maintain a preconceived notion of what people assume to be, aspired to be, or are just plain accustomed to being..............which directly results in the bullshit systemic racism crap we have going on's unamerican, at best, and at worst it's downright demonic................get rid of your bullshit
Earlier today I went on a service call. 32nd street and Jackson here in Phoenix. Feel free to Google the map of that area. An apartment there had bad breakers that had taken out all the power in the kitchen and one bedroom. The occupants, a Black guy and his Hispanic wife / girlfriend (I really don't know their relationship, nor is it really important) and their three mixed race girls were worried there'd be no Thanksgiving because they couldn't cook food.
I bought the breakers and repaired the problem. About 2:15 pm they had power restored.

Now, I didn't need the money I charged the maintenance company / landlord. I didn't even need go. I could have blown them off. But I didn't. They wanted a good Thanksgiving and I helped make that possible.

There was no White Privilege or White Supremacy in that. I did what I do and what I'm damn good at. I recognized they needed their electricity restored.

Then I went to Tempe and fixed some problems for a Black lady and her father in a rental home. You know, it didn't matter what color or race they were. They needed resolution of a problem too. I took care of that. I'd like to think I made them happy someone cared and took care of their issue.

So, when I read or hear some Leftist Progressive asshole try to tell me that I'm some product of White Privilege I can just smile and know not only are they full of shit, but I am nowhere near their low life, bigoted, racist view of the world.

Those people I fix problems for will have a happier Thanksgiving and so will I. To all those miserable Progressive Leftist bigots and racists, I hope someday you will see the error of your ways otherwise, in your next life it will really, really suck.

Such selfishness is always interesting. Sick, but interesting. Your biggest concern seems to be how what you do makes YOU feel. It is good that you do your job. It is even good if you take pride in your work. But it is absolutely demented for you to feel good about doing good for your enemies. For those whom, if you are White, are at their core offended by your very existence. And want to take everything you have. Take the mexican you mentioned. Many of them belong to a group called "LaRaza." Which means "The Race." Or they at least support it. They even have a holiday in mexico called The Day Of LaRaza. Well guess what. It isn't you gringo motherfuckers they are celebrating. As for the negroes, I have some statistics for you. Keep in mind that they only make up a little over 13% of the population.

Murders by race - age, 2007.jpg crime statistics 2.jpg crime statistics 3.jpg crime statistics.jpg

Do I even need to go into the tens of thousands of White children they have murdered? If you are White, you should hang your head in shame for feeling good about helping them. In the future, if you have any dignity, you should refuse to do anything for them.
you maintain a preconceived notion of what people assume to be, aspired to be, or are just plain accustomed to being..............which directly results in the bullshit systemic racism crap we have going on's unamerican, at best, and at worst it's downright demonic................get rid of your bullshit

You say a lot without saying anything. Take being blond. There is nothing preconceived about me finding blond chicks to be more attractive. As for blue eyes vs brown eyes, most people find blue to be a more pleasing color than brown. We even have blue skies. Just imagine if the sky was brown. Next, why decided that to be truly American, White Americans should be willing to destroy themselves. That's some high powered cultish bullshit there. I will give you some pictures of "supremacy" and "racism" in action. Too bad you apparently don't have the intelligence that those creatures do.

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You say a lot without saying anything. Take being blond. There is nothing preconceived about me finding blond chicks to be more attractive. As for blue eyes vs brown eyes, most people find blue to be a more pleasing color than brown. We even have blue skies. Just imagine if the sky was brown. Next, why decided that to be truly American, White Americans should be willing to destroy themselves. That's some high powered cultish bullshit there. I will give you some pictures of "supremacy" and "racism" in action. Too bad you apparently don't have the intelligence that those creatures do.

congratulations on making yourself look as stupid as domer and insignificant infant.