The White Supremacy. A study in being offensive.

See, that's not the sort of person I am. Overall can believe what he wants about minorities but most of those I meet are no more racist than I am, which is to say not at all. On one call, the Hispanic lady renting the apartment gave me and my helper fry bread. We didn't ask, she offered. Why? Because she was happy all her lights and receptacles worked again. On another an older Mexican guy (and yes, I suspect he was probably here illegally hence why I used Mexican) shared some really good and very smooth moonshine he had from Mexico. It was better than most tequila you can buy. He was happy his apartment had lights again.

See, I don't care what color someone is. I really don't care what ethnicity they claim. I go by how they treat me and how I treat them. People that are attracted to groups like La Raza, MECHa or the like, they're really no different from neo-Nazis or White supremacists. I don't want to associate with either in any way. People like that are usually stupid and often violent. Best to just avoid them altogether.
What I say isn't a matter of belief. It is a matter of KNOWING. Weren't the charts I provided in post #14 enough for you? I'm afraid that if I got any more truthful than that, they would ban me. In fact, I'm surprised that they let me post what I did. Also, the things you said are sheer stupidity. If you are doing something nice to anybody, (any "thing") of course they are going to be nice back to you. On a personal level. But overall is a different matter. What little friendly interactions you or others have mean nothing. That just isn't the way life in general works. People are just happier amongst their own kind. If they aren't happy, there's no telling what mischief they may get up to. Which isn't good for society in general. You can't pretend this away. Just as you can't pretend away your coccyx.

What I speak of is the reality. When you go against reality, you are ultimately only going to do damage to yourself or others. As an example of what I say, every flock of birds I have ever seen either in person or on some nature show has always been the same species of bird. And every school of fish that I have ever seen on any nature show has always been the same species of fish. Why are they and most other creatures that way? Because evolution has shown over and over throughout history that being that way is the right way to be. If you want your species to survive. And it is probably that way on every life bearing planet throughout infinity.

But if you are one of the doomsday cultists I have often run across, what I say is probably meaningless to you. But just for your enjoyment, I will provide some pictures of "racism" and "supremacy" in action.

school of fish.jpg schools of fish 2.jpg

Flock of birds.jpg flock of birds 2.jpg
Such selfishness is always interesting. Sick, but interesting. Your biggest concern seems to be how what you do makes YOU feel. It is good that you do your job. It is even good if you take pride in your work. But it is absolutely demented for you to feel good about doing good for your enemies. For those whom, if you are White, are at their core offended by your very existence. And want to take everything you have. Take the mexican you mentioned. Many of them belong to a group called "LaRaza." Which means "The Race." Or they at least support it. They even have a holiday in mexico called The Day Of LaRaza. Well guess what. It isn't you gringo motherfuckers they are celebrating. As for the negroes, I have some statistics for you. Keep in mind that they only make up a little over 13% of the population.

Do I even need to go into the tens of thousands of White children they have murdered? If you are White, you should hang your head in shame for feeling good about helping them. In the future, if you have any dignity, you should refuse to do anything for them.

How does what you do here make you feel?? You seem to enjoy the game & insulting....

You should up your game here & update your material.

la raza does not even exist any more...........:laugh::laugh::laugh:

How does what you do here make you feel?? You seem to enjoy the game & insulting....

You should up your game here & update your material.

la raza does not even exist any more...........:laugh::laugh::laugh:


To show people their stupidity is doing something. Just going with the flow is doing nothing. Is that the 'game" you speak of? And would you next like to point out any insults in my thread. Everything said is absolutely true. And it doesn't even begin to scratch the surface. Next, interpretation, "I should up my game and get banned."

Next, your "information" is all messed up. Laugh at that. As long as there is a taco to be bent, or gringo lands for mexicans to invade, LaRaza will never die. And in mexico they still celebrate Dia de la Raza. (Day of the race) And it isn't you White motherfuckers they are celebrating. Though from what I hear, they changed their name to UndiosUS. But don't be fooled. LaRaza still exists. Here is a website you can look up. It's called, "La Raza's growing influence: Gaining clout and tax dollars in all branches of government." Here are some of the donations they have received. From Bill Gates, over 29 million dollars since 2003. From the Ford Foundation, over 18 million dollars since 1999. FRrom the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, over 9 million dollars since 2008. From the Kellog Foundation, over 7 million dollars since 2002. From the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, over 6 million since 1999. Etc. etc. etc. It makes me sick! To be all fair and equal, which this government is supposed to stand for, I think an equal amount of money should be sent to the American Nazi Party and the KKK.
I honestly believe the Western half of Europe lacks abstract thought. How can a people go so fast from racial genocide to racial suicide? Certainly a far cry from the master race.
See, that's not the sort of person I am. Overall can believe what he wants about minorities but most of those I meet are no more racist than I am, which is to say not at all. On one call, the Hispanic lady renting the apartment gave me and my helper fry bread. We didn't ask, she offered. Why? Because she was happy all her lights and receptacles worked again. On another an older Mexican guy (and yes, I suspect he was probably here illegally hence why I used Mexican) shared some really good and very smooth moonshine he had from Mexico. It was better than most tequila you can buy. He was happy his apartment had lights again.

See, I don't care what color someone is. I really don't care what ethnicity they claim. I go by how they treat me and how I treat them. People that are attracted to groups like La Raza, MECHa or the like, they're really no different from neo-Nazis or White supremacists. I don't want to associate with either in any way. People like that are usually stupid and often violent. Best to just avoid them altogether.

Lol, Mexico reports Guatemalans & Guatemala reports Hondurans, but God forbid the USA reports them. Then we're racist monsters. Lolo
I honestly believe the Western half of Europe lacks abstract thought. How can a people go so fast from racial genocide to racial suicide? Certainly a far cry from the master race.

Did you even read the original thread? Speak about that. As for racial suicide, I can agree with that. Look at England. They have around 65 million people. But if they were to switch to an agrarian economy, they could only grow enough food to feed 8 million people. Yet somehow they "justify" letting enemy muslim scum to emigrate there. When their people can't even come close to feeding themselves!
Gods... I hate stupid racists. Remember, if this is going to be your only contribution to this site you need to go elsewhere, this is a politics site, not a stupid racist "yaay racism" site.. If you want to post on 4Chan, go to 4Chan with your stupid Incel self. Seriously. Don't even bother to stay here.
Gods... I hate stupid racists. Remember, if this is going to be your only contribution to this site you need to go elsewhere, this is a politics site, not a stupid racist "yaay racism" site.. If you want to post on 4Chan, go to 4Chan with your stupid Incel self. Seriously. Don't even bother to stay here.

I take it that you at least read the title of my thread. Did you read the rest of the thread? You are free to agree or disagree with anything it says. How about this. We have an actual discussion on "racism" overall. I am ready. Are you? If there is something wrong with "hatred" or "racism," let it be hashed out in the forum. Anybody can say whatever they want. For those who disagree with me, I DEMAND they they call me "Whity, honkey, cracker, peckerwood," etc. I just would like to use the "N" word for Negroes, the "S" word for latinos or the "G" word for orientals in return.

If "racism" is wrong, let it be revealed. If "racism" is right, let it be revealed. Keep in mind what Samuel Clemens once said. "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." Also, I have a little video for you. I'm not sure if it will work. Because a video that I tried to post of a song by Frank Zappa didn't work either. It is a video of an interview of a black taxi driver who wore a swastika armband. For an on the spot interview, I thought he did pretty good.

I take it that you at least read the title of my thread. Did you read the rest of the thread? You are free to agree or disagree with anything it says. How about this. We have an actual discussion on "racism" overall. I am ready. Are you? If there is something wrong with "hatred" or "racism," let it be hashed out in the forum. Anybody can say whatever they want. For those who disagree with me, I DEMAND they they call me "Whity, honkey, cracker, peckerwood," etc. I just would like to use the "N" word for Negroes, the "S" word for latinos or the "G" word for orientals in return.

If "racism" is wrong, let it be revealed. If "racism" is right, let it be revealed. Keep in mind what Samuel Clemens once said. "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." Also, I have a little video for you. I'm not sure if it will work. Because a video that I tried to post of a song by Frank Zappa didn't work either. It is a video of an interview of a black taxi driver who wore a swastika armband. For an on the spot interview, I thought he did pretty good.

How about this: I own this site, it is for politics discussions not for racists to try to promote their stupid. If you cannot get that through your head you will be best served by just moving on down the road. This isn't some special site for racists to gather and suck each other off in some round robin orgy of hate. You do not get to use my dime to promote your stupid.
How about this: I own this site, it is for politics discussions not for racists to try to promote their stupid. If you cannot get that through your head you will be best served by just moving on down the road. This isn't some special site for racists to gather and suck each other off in some round robin orgy of hate. You do not get to use my dime to promote your stupid.

:hand: :hand: :hand:
How about this: I own this site, it is for politics discussions not for racists to try to promote their stupid. If you cannot get that through your head you will be best served by just moving on down the road. This isn't some special site for racists to gather and suck each other off in some round robin orgy of hate. You do not get to use my dime to promote your stupid.

So, you own this site? Do you also own whatever anybody writes here? I'm guessing that you do claim that. It is a legal loophole that forums use to legally deny people their basic human right to freedom of speech. This forum, like any other, is a place where people can talk to each other. That means exchanging ideas and discussing things. If this doesn't suit you, you are morally obliged to find something else to do. But as we both know, moral and legal are two different things.

Next, humans are politics. Politics are human. They are both the same thing. Anything that has anything to do with humans is ultimately political in nature. So anything I have written here, no matter how much you dislike it, is political in nature. Now, would you like to go into the whole "stupid" issue? I didn't think so. But I will go there anyway. What is stupid or intelligent. Basically it means what is right and what is wrong. When deciding on that isn't even allowed here, you can't call anything stupid. In doing so, you just show yourself to be a mindless follower of some cult. To that end, I would be willing to bet that you wouldn't even allow anybody around here who's hobby was to smash cults.
So, you own this site? Do you also own whatever anybody writes here? I'm guessing that you do claim that. It is a legal loophole that forums use to legally deny people their basic human right to freedom of speech. This forum, like any other, is a place where people can talk to each other. That means exchanging ideas and discussing things. If this doesn't suit you, you are morally obliged to find something else to do. But as we both know, moral and legal are two different things.

Next, humans are politics. Politics are human. They are both the same thing. Anything that has anything to do with humans is ultimately political in nature. So anything I have written here, no matter how much you dislike it, is political in nature. Now, would you like to go into the whole "stupid" issue? I didn't think so. But I will go there anyway. What is stupid or intelligent. Basically it means what is right and what is wrong. When deciding on that isn't even allowed here, you can't call anything stupid. In doing so, you just show yourself to be a mindless follower of some cult. To that end, I would be willing to bet that you wouldn't even allow anybody around here who's hobby was to smash cults.

I do not own your words, if I did claim that I would have long deleted your racist nonsense so it wouldn't get on me and make me stupid, you are responsible for your posts. I do, however own the forum and by posting here you give me rights to delete, edit, and use your posts. You apparently didn't read the rules or you would know this already.

Racism is loosely "human" only in that scared little incel creeps try to convince themselves that it is normal to be afraid of those who "look different". It takes a simple mind to believe it and you should share it with other simple minds on places dedicated to the round robin orgies of hate you seem to want. I could care less what you want to say to try to convince me that you aren't a stupid little incel; I am flat telling you that if you believe you are going to be on this site promoting your stupid and getting it all over my board you have another think coming.
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