But Jesus birth is less important overall to the faith than his sacrifice.
His birth IS a sacrifice by God and by Christ Himself. To be born upon Earth submits Christ to the pains of death. Everyone born on Earth must die...even Jesus Christ.
As such it seems acceptable for the "birth myth" to be whatever we want it to be.
I find it odd that you argue details about a god you don't believe in.
Yes, the birth story is a minor part of only two gospels and differ in detail, particularly whether Mary and Joseph were from Nazareth or Bethlehem. Elsewhere, in the other 25 books of the New Testament, the birth story is not even mentioned to the best of my recollection.

I get the impression that Mary is actually arguably the most important part of the birth story. The immaculate conception and the virgin birth are the keystone for the
subsequent Trinitarian christology.

But in the grand scheme of things, Christianity is premised on the death and resurrection of Jesus, making Easter really the foundational event of the Christian tradition.

No. It is premised on the gospel and teachings of Jesus Christ.
its obvious you've never lived in an agricultural order to have lambs in the spring the shepherds needed to take care of the sheep all year around.......

it is interesting to note that the region around Bethlehem was where the sheep that were used for the temple sacrifices were raised.......the shepherds there were always the first to greet the sacrificial lambs at their birth, so it was fitting they were present for the birth of the Lamb.......

Sheep are generally brought in during the winter months to protect them from predators.
During the Spring, however, lambing season occurs. A lamb may be born anywhere in the field at any time, so shepherds watch their flocks by night to watch for any births.

Yes, I live in an agricultural area.
That might be true in the very limited experience you have with Reformed Protestantism, but that is not true to say about world Christianity at large.
It is true of Christianity at large.
Russian Easter eggs can and frequently do have a religious connotation, and are decorated with religious symbology. I have definitely seen painted eggs with the Cyrillic acronym XB painted on it: Христос воскрес - "Christ is risen"
Such eggs are created for celebrating Christ, not the egg.
His birth IS a sacrifice by God and by Christ Himself. To be born upon Earth submits Christ to the pains of death. Everyone born on Earth must die...even Jesus Christ.

Then you agree with my original point. Good.

I find it odd that you argue details about a god you don't believe in.

That's because I have education and it is extremely common among the educated to discuss things that they don't believe. I have studied theology quite a bit, actually. So of course I can speak knowledgeably. And I used to be a believing Christian.

I find it odd that a man who posts nothing but a string of informal logic fallacies (this indicating he has at least a nodding acquaintance with philosophy) but has no ability to understand how philosophers talk?

Have a merry Christmas and please give me the gift of not responding any of my posts anymore. You honestly bore the crap out of me and you annoy me with the non-stop ignorance you spout. No offense.
Then you agree with my original point. Good.
Word stuffing. You made the opposite point, liar.
That's because I have education
Irrelevant. 'Expert' worship.
and it is extremely common among the educated to discuss things that they don't believe.
I have studied theology quite a bit, actually.
Obviously, you haven't. Stop making up shit about yourself.
So of course I can speak knowledgeably.
But you aren't.
And I used to be a believing Christian.
I find it odd that a man who posts nothing but a string of informal logic fallacies (this indicating he has at least a nodding acquaintance with philosophy) but has no ability to understand how philosophers talk?
You deny and discard philosophy.
Have a merry Christmas
Your words are empty.
and please give me the gift of not responding any of my posts anymore.
You honestly bore the crap out of me and you annoy me with the non-stop ignorance you spout. No offense.
nothing in your post talks about what Christians celebrate at Christmas......

Right. I think it's pretty much universally known what Christians celebrate at Christmas. The article talks about the basis for the specific date that it's celebrated on and why that date was chosen, since nobody really knows when Jesus was born, which is illustrated by the fact that the birth stories are so different.
Right. I think it's pretty much universally known what Christians celebrate at Christmas. The article talks about the basis for the specific date that it's celebrated on and why that date was chosen, since nobody really knows when Jesus was born, which is illustrated by the fact that the birth stories are so different.

I doubt there is a single person anywhere that believes Jesus was born on December 25th 2022 years ago.....
I doubt there is a single person anywhere that believes Jesus was born on December 25th 2022 years ago.....

You'd probably be surprised. There are Christians who think Jesus wants them to own more guns. There are Christians out there who think that their version of Christianity existed since the beginning of the faith. There are Christians out there who think the Bible is LITERALLY TRUE (every word of it). There are Christians who gladly gave their money to Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swaggert, Oral Roberts, Jim and Tammy Faye...the list goes on.

So if there's a Christian out there who thinks Jesus was born on Dec 25th, 0 AD you should NOT be surprised.
no argument.....

You know, PMP, this might be your limit. I understand it is "OK" by board rules to do this, but it is still massively dishonest.

Why don't you take your fake "Christianity" and go smear it on some toilet paper and flush it. Because if YOU are a Christian I'm quite happy to be an atheist.

Write this down, bookmark this post. This will come up when you meet God at the Throne. Enjoy!
I don't think the birth of Jesus is held out as the foundational event in Christianity.

Jesus was born a Jew.

To the best of my recollection, the birth of Jesus is only described in the Gospel of Mathew, and almost only in passing in Luke.

The other gospels don't mention it, and I don't think it is ever mentioned in the 13 epistles of Paul.

You know what is described in all the gospels and is openly recognized by Paul?

The death and resurrection of Jesus. That is the watershed moment for Christianity, the ground zero origin point. Easter is really what defines Christianity.

Actually Passover! The Last Supper was a Passover Seder.