the worst of liberalism

The true conservative, in this country, is about individual freedoms, fiscal responsibility, and minimal gov't interference. That is a far cry from liberals.

As far as the authoritarians, the liberals are as guilty as any conservative. They press for more gov't controls. But since it such a "compassionate" gov't, they think it is not authoritarian.

BTW, you really need to READ the posts and follow along before you answer for someone else and change to topic...AGAIN.
Liberals press for more gov't controls of WHAT? Things like bank and corporate regulations, consumer protection, environmental protection.
Yea, conservatives want minimal gov't interference in the rich raping the middle class and poor. If only gov't would leave everyone alone, the rich would change their ways.

Oh I don't know, how about national healthcare? Or forcing nonsmoking regulations in privately owned businesses, or more welfare programs?

You are trying to create a strawman argument when you try to claim conservatives want absolutely no gov't regulations. Honesty would be a nice trait for you to develop.
come on, isn't footstomping and bastardizing the other sides position the main thrust form most of the turbo-libs here. Especially this dropout.
Oh I don't know, how about national healthcare? Or forcing nonsmoking regulations in privately owned businesses, or more welfare programs?

You are trying to create a strawman argument when you try to claim conservatives want absolutely no gov't regulations. Honesty would be a nice trait for you to develop.

National health care would be great, instead of Wall Street catering for profit death panels, bankruptcy for cancer patients, and 45,000 Americans dying every year because they can't afford health insurance.

No one is forcing people not to smoke, just not pollute the air that DOESN'T belong to them. We've got plenty of welfare programs...for corporations to the tune of about 4 trillion dollars per year the American people absorb in corporate cost externalization...
come on, isn't footstomping and bastardizing the other sides position the main thrust form most of the turbo-libs here. Especially this dropout.

Hey Lowspin, it's time to end the childishness and join the debate. Let's discuss corporate cost externalization...are you up to it?
Hey Lowspin, it's time to end the childishness and join the debate. Let's discuss corporate cost externalization...are you up to it?

listen dropout, attend a fucking college and take econ 101 before you step up to the big boys. Your talking points only style is among the weakest of the democrats here. And it's not surprising as most liberals actually believe in education. I'd prefer to continue to laugh at your comedy. Respect is earned playa, and you don't get much around here.
listen dropout, attend a fucking college and take econ 101 before you step up to the big boys. Your talking points only style is among the weakest of the democrats here. And it's not surprising as most liberals actually believe in education. I'd prefer to continue to laugh at your comedy. Respect is earned playa, and you don't get much around here.

Translation...lowspin has no clue what corporate cost externalization is, and he is a coward that can only hurl insults.
show me a thread on economics where you didn't get your ass kicked. Rich people who understand economics don't run around like chicken little using words like evil corporates and unjust profits.
Your angry at the world, and it ain't cuase your rich. Your a used tractor sailsman, shit business should be picking up.
show me a thread on economics where you didn't get your ass kicked. Rich people who understand economics don't run around like chicken little using words like evil corporates and unjust profits.
Your angry at the world, and it ain't cuase your rich. Your a used tractor sailsman, shit business should be picking up.

I am challenging you to kick my ass on THIS thread. But you are a yellow bellied coward who sucks his thumb and cries.

Put up, or shut up...
thats better than a dropout salesman who has to suck cock to get a sale.
Tell your kids not to drop out.

So you learned about companies so called shifting cost to the community. That's a fucking go to play for lib-tards in the talking points for GED's manual that you have.
Give me some economic reasons for your successful investment or future calls if you want to impress actual college grads.
thats better than a dropout salesman who has to suck cock to get a sale.
Tell your kids not to drop out.

So you learned about companies so called shifting cost to the community. That's a fucking go to play for lib-tards in the talking points for GED's manual that you have.
Give me some economic reasons for your successful investment or future calls if you want to impress actual college grads.

WOW, you are the master of 5 year old talk. Did you learn that in college? So, let's get this straight. I challenged you to kick my ass on economics on this thread. And all you have is kindergarten talk...
your next valid econimcs rant will be your first droupout.

I'm out, tell your kids daddy is not always right. It's far more lucrative to stay in school.
Your a salesman, I bet the CEO has a college degree.
The true conservative, in this country, is about individual freedoms, fiscal responsibility, and minimal gov't interference. That is a far cry from liberals.
I'm afraid I have to disagree with this. Neither liberals nor conservatives in the establishment give a damn about individual freedoms, except in narrowly defined categories. For Liberals, they believe in the individual freedom to be free from responsibility, whereas the conservative believes in individual freedom to be free to make money. thats it.
I am challenging you to kick my ass on THIS thread. But you are a yellow bellied coward who sucks his thumb and cries.

Put up, or shut up...

stop trying to jack my thread. this is about the overreaching power of nanny state governments and their terrorist tactics of kidnapping your kids because they think they belong to the state.
stop trying to jack my thread. this is about the overreaching power of nanny state governments and their terrorist tactics of kidnapping your kids because they think they belong to the state.

I'm not trying to 'jack' your thread. I am trying to do some pest control. BTW, without my posts, your thread would have deep 6'd days ago.
Funny that this thread has some people claiming liberals are not authoritarian. And yet another thread is arguing that parents should not be allowed to pack their kid's lunches, since some parents include junkfood in those lunches.
Funny that this thread has some people claiming liberals are not authoritarian. And yet another thread is arguing that parents should not be allowed to pack their kid's lunches, since some parents include junkfood in those lunches.

that's because it's not authoritarianism when it's considered for your benefit.
Funny that this thread has some people claiming liberals are not authoritarian. And yet another thread is arguing that parents should not be allowed to pack their kid's lunches, since some parents include junkfood in those lunches.

Liberals need to create a Godwin's law for authoritarianism. When a conservative equates authoritarianism, which causes real harm to people, with something that can only hurt their feelings and expose the core of conservatism; insecurity.
Liberals need to create a Godwin's law for authoritarianism. When a conservative equates authoritarianism, which causes real harm to people, with something that can only hurt their feelings and expose the core of conservatism; insecurity.

Bfoon, would you consider the school banning lunches brought from home to be an authoritarian act?