Theodicy, the problem of evil


"Cypress you motherfucking whore!"
One line of reasoning -->

Because of Hitler, Pol Pot, mass murderers, earthquakes, floods, fires, cancer there cannot be an omniscient and beneficent higher power deserving of admiration and veneration.
One line of reasoning -->

Because of Hitler, Pol Pot, mass murderers, earthquakes, floods, fires, cancer there cannot be an omniscient and beneficent higher power deserving of admiration and veneration.

Bad mythology. Christian concept of evil is incoherent.
One line of reasoning -->

Because of Hitler, Pol Pot, mass murderers, earthquakes, floods, fires, cancer there cannot be an omniscient and beneficent higher power deserving of admiration and veneration.

The other line of reasoning.

Humans are imbued with free will. Having the freedom to choose means having the freedom to choose righteousness, or moral depravity.

Earthquakes and floods aren't evil. People die of earthquakes and floods because of where they choose to live, and the building materials they construct with. Earthquakes and floods are part of a natural cycle that makes life flourish, by replenishment of top soil and maintaining and recycling an active crust.

Most cancers are due to our choices and development of synthetic chemicals and environmental pollution.

We wouldn't be fully human if we did not cultivate virtues like courage, self sacrifice, charity. Forced to have perfect and happy lives free of any adversity, the virtues that make us fully human would not be cultivated.
The other line of reasoning.

Humans are imbued with free will. Having the freedom to choose means having the freedom to choose righteousness, or moral depravity.

Earthquakes and floods aren't evil. People die of earthquakes and floods because of where they choose to live, and the building materials they construct with. Earthquakes and floods are part of a natural cycle that makes life flourish, by replenishment of top soil and maintaining and recycling an active crust.

Most cancers are due to our choices and development of synthetic chemicals and environmental pollution.

We wouldn't be fully human if we did not cultivate virtues like courage, self sacrifice, charity. Forced to have perfect and happy lives free of any adversity, the virtues that make us fully human would not be cultivated.'ve sort of discovered Leibniz.
The other line of reasoning.

Humans are imbued with free will. Having the freedom to choose means having the freedom to choose righteousness, or moral depravity.

Earthquakes and floods aren't evil. People die of earthquakes and floods because of where they choose to live, and the building materials they construct with. Earthquakes and floods are part of a natural cycle that makes life flourish, by replenishment of top soil and maintaining and recycling an active crust.

Most cancers are due to our choices and development of synthetic chemicals and environmental pollution.

We wouldn't be fully human if we did not cultivate virtues like courage, self sacrifice, charity. Forced to have perfect and happy lives free of any adversity, the virtues that make us fully human would not be cultivated.

Why bother with God, then.
We live on an active planet

If it wasn’t active we would not exist

If there is a higher power it is not all powerful

It is also limited by the physical realities of all the exists

We love and care because we are human

We are human because we love and care

Some humans are born with shortcomings

Like brains that can’t process caring emotions

They can’t truely help mankind be it’s best

Only the loving and caring humans can make us our BEST


Need to also show compassion for those born lacking in all areas including brain processing that is missing

They must not be allowed power over the lives of others as they don’t possess them needed brain functions

They can lead perfectly happy lives doing other things for society

In places they can’t destroy others for profits

Once we face this fact we will soar to greater heights

We can and will get there
The other line of reasoning.

Humans are imbued with free will. Having the freedom to choose means having the freedom to choose righteousness, or moral depravity.

Earthquakes and floods aren't evil. People die of earthquakes and floods because of where they choose to live, and the building materials they construct with. Earthquakes and floods are part of a natural cycle that makes life flourish, by replenishment of top soil and maintaining and recycling an active crust.

Most cancers are due to our choices and development of synthetic chemicals and environmental pollution.

We wouldn't be fully human if we did not cultivate virtues like courage, self sacrifice, charity. Forced to have perfect and happy lives free of any adversity, the virtues that make us fully human would not be cultivated.

I rate this a Scottish verdict.

This kind of theodicy is sufficient to defeat the claim that evil and adversity are incompatible with a transcendant higher power.

But it does nothing to prove any gods actually exist.
I rate this a Scottish verdict.

This kind of theodicy is sufficient to defeat the claim that evil and adversity are incompatible with a transcendant higher power.

But it does nothing to prove any gods actually exist.

Wow, a thread of you talking to yourself.
Why bother with God, then.
There are as many reasons for the belief in a higher transcendent power as there are religions, denominations,, and temples in this world.

I don't accept the premise that a higher transcendent power has to strictly and only be concerned with the welfare of humans. Its a mighty Big universe
We live on an active planet

If it wasn’t active we would not exist

If there is a higher power it is not all powerful

It is also limited by the physical realities of all the exists

We love and care because we are human

We are human because we love and care

Some humans are born with shortcomings

Like brains that can’t process caring emotions

They can’t truely help mankind be it’s best

Only the loving and caring humans can make us our BEST


Need to also show compassion for those born lacking in all areas including brain processing that is missing

They must not be allowed power over the lives of others as they don’t possess them needed brain functions

They can lead perfectly happy lives doing other things for society

In places they can’t destroy others for profits

Once we face this fact we will soar to greater heights

We can and will get there

I can't see us being fully human if we were automatons forced to have perfect, happy lives always free of adversity.

What we think of as destructive natural forces are absolutely neccessary for life and ecosystems to exist.
There are as many reasons for the belief in a higher transcendent power as there are religions, denominations,, and temples in this world.

I don't accept the premise that a higher transcendent power has to strictly and only be concerned with the welfare of humans. Its a mighty Big universe

Like I said, why bother with God.
There are as many reasons for the belief in a higher transcendent power as there are religions, denominations,, and temples in this world.

I don't accept the premise that a higher transcendent power has to strictly and only be concerned with the welfare of humans. Its a mighty Big universe

So that would make you a Diest, correct
So that would make you a Diest, correct
I'm not a huge fan of putting labels on myself. I don't like to join teams.

My understanding is that whatever else they were, deists were an offshoot of Christianity. The believed in the ethical teachings of Jesus, they believed he was a prophet if not literally divine, and they believed in a monotheistic clockmaker god.

In other words, I don't think one can separate out deism as an independent religion apart from it's historical context and association with Jesus, monotheism, and the New Testament gospel.
I'm not a huge fan of putting labels on myself. I don't like to join teams.

My understanding is that whatever else they were, deists were an offshoot of Christianity. The believed in the ethical teachings of Jesus, they believed he was a prophet if not literally divine, and they believed in a monotheistic clockmaker god.

In other words, I don't think one can separate out deism as an independent religion apart from it's historical context and association with Jesus, monotheism, and the New Testament gospel.

Deism is the idea God created the universe then disappeared.