Theology Question


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If God is all powerful, why can God not make everyone happy? If God created the entire universe, why not create a utopia?

If God cannot make everyone happy, God is not all powerful.
If God can make everyone happy and does not, God is cruel and petty.

Solution, God is not all powerful and cannot make everyone happy.

Even God has limits to power.
If God is all powerful, why can God not make everyone happy? If God created the entire universe, why not create a utopia?

If God cannot make everyone happy, God is not all powerful.
If God can make everyone happy and does not, God is cruel and petty.

Solution, God is not all powerful and cannot make everyone happy.

Even God has limits to power.

"This is the best of all possible worlds". -Leibniz
Good quote, thank you. What Leibniz meant is that this is the best God could do.

The possible worlds pre-exist God's choice. Thus, the universe is limited, as is God's power.

As I understood it meant that God did as good as it could possibly be done while preserving His plans for his creation. This is the best possible configuration of events that can be conceived. As such God performed exactly correctly.

(NOte: I'm not a big believer in any of this, it's just how I understood the "Problem of Evil" to be addressed most efficiently)
As I understood it meant that God did as good as it could possibly be done while preserving His plans for his creation. This is the best possible configuration of events that can be conceived. As such God performed exactly correctly.

(NOte: I'm not a big believer in any of this, it's just how I understood the "Problem of Evil" to be addressed most efficiently)

Leibniz says the possibilities exist before God's will. Thus, God is choosing, not creating out of nothing.
Well if you are a Diest, God created the world and stepped back, if a Christian, he gave man free will to create his own world, which resulted in the mess we have before us now
If God is all powerful, why can God not make everyone happy? If God created the entire universe, why not create a utopia?

If God cannot make everyone happy, God is not all powerful.
If God can make everyone happy and does not, God is cruel and petty.

Solution, God is not all powerful and cannot make everyone happy.

Even God has limits to power.

What makes this limited power entity a god, then?

Wouldn't it be less of a stretch to assume that deities don't exist than to define them with contrived and confusing attributes?

We simply have no hard evidence that a god exists, and if one did, it would more than likely make itself VERY known on a basis more regular than 2000+ year intervals.
If God is all powerful, why can God not make everyone happy? If God created the entire universe, why not create a utopia?

If God cannot make everyone happy, God is not all powerful.
If God can make everyone happy and does not, God is cruel and petty.

Solution, God is not all powerful and cannot make everyone happy.

Even God has limits to power.

false assumption based upon bias and ignorance.