Theology Question

What you wrote only says that you believe that the only possibility is either the Christian Faith or the Atheist Faith. This is the false dichotomy fallacy in full color. It isn't the "opposite" it is just another logical fallacy.

What I said withstands scrutiny, your fallacious argument notwithstanding.

You completely misread what I wrote.
The concept of God as a proposition was invented by the Catholic Church. Catholic theologians invented the concept of God which is the object of belief or truth.

Again, this is preposterous. The concept of God/gods existed even before the Hebrews roamed the land. Your fallacy continues, you can't even roam from the false dichotomy. Your anemic argument does not take into account any other option than that of this false dilemma. Choose between this pine cone, or that pine needle, don't look at the deciduous trees, they don't exist!

The reality is, there are infinite beliefs that are possible to have, all of which take faith. The only one that doesn't take faith is the belief that we do not have enough evidence to rule one way or the other.

Do I think there is a god? No. Am I certain? Of course not. Do I think it matters either way? Not particularly.

I can believe that a god exists and still think that the God of the Hebrew and Christian Bible does not exist (I don't, but many folks do), and I can believe that gods or god doesn't exist even if I have never heard of the god of the Christian and Hebrew bibles. And I would still be making the same leap of faith.

Saying that you have only "believe this or that" when there are infinite choices of equally faithful (wishful) belief systems is absurd.
If God is all powerful, why can God not make everyone happy? If God created the entire universe, why not create a utopia?

If God cannot make everyone happy, God is not all powerful.
If God can make everyone happy and does not, God is cruel and petty.

Solution, God is not all powerful and cannot make everyone happy.

Even God has limits to power.
Free will /next question.
Name the people, nation and religion that existed before the Hebrews that had exactly the same understanding of God. And what was it? You tell me.

Again the problematic "it must be this understanding of god". Anyway, Zoroastrianism if you must have one.

Anyway, as I stated earlier. The OP is simplistic and begins with a false dichotomy, limiting all belief to that of a small list of god/s from the Hebrew or Christian Bible or the Koran.

I then noted that someone like me would point out that god, if they do exist, simply doesn't care about you and that is why evil or sadness exists. They do not think of you any more often than you think of the bacteria in a squirrel's bowels.

You then insisted that I must believe either in (insert false dichotomy fallacy here) Christ or Nothing and there is no other option. My response continues to withstand scrutiny, while yours relies on a faith I don't think is necessary to answer your question. Whether or not this particular God exists, I think that humans spend way too much time believing that this ball of matter here is important than this god does. They've tried to humanize this God, even claim to have been created in the same image as that god.

As I noted back then.

If the Great Green Arkleseizure sneezed the universe into existence, how is it you don't fear the Great Handkerchief?

You must believe one or the other, there is no other option, because false dichotomy is fun.
Again the problematic "it must be this understanding of god". Anyway, Zoroastrianism if you must have one.

Anyway, as I stated earlier. The OP is simplistic and begins with a false dichotomy, limiting all belief to that of a small list of god/s from the Hebrew or Christian Bible or the Koran.

I then noted that someone like me would point out that god, if they do exist, simply doesn't care about you and that is why evil or sadness exists. They do not think of you any more often than you think of the bacteria in a squirrel's bowels.

You then insisted that I must believe either in (insert false dichotomy fallacy here) Christ or Nothing and there is no other option. My response continues to withstand scrutiny, while yours relies on a faith I don't think is necessary to answer your question. Whether or not this particular God exists, I think that humans spend way too much time believing that this ball of matter here is important than this god does. They've tried to humanize this God, even claim to have been created in the same image as that god.

As I noted back then.

If the Great Green Arkleseizure sneezed the universe into existence, how is it you don't fear the Great Handkerchief?

You must believe one or the other, there is no other option, because false dichotomy is fun.

Zoroastrians believe that God sent his Son to earth to die for our sins? That is not accurate.
Okay, you are unable to be adult enough to acknowledge being wrong.

That happens. It often changes as one matures.

Let's hope.

I wish you had more understanding of logic and how science proceeds from a hypothesis. I've tried to explain it to you, with examples, but clearly you aren't able to understand it.

Too bad.
I wish you had more understanding of logic and how science proceeds from a hypothesis. I've tried to explain it to you, with examples, but clearly you aren't able to understand it.

Too bad.

I am able to understand it...and employ it.

You pretend to understand it...and seem unwilling to even attempt to employ it.

You use of logic is fact, it should be called, misuse of logic.

But, you apparently will never own up to the mistake.

Okay. As I said, I hope you learn to do so when you grow up.