There Is No Such Thing As Gay PRIDE

Of course. Their gross displays in public (like the jerks who got chased out of the park) are disturbing. They are harmful that way. And the criticism, I have already supported with logic. Again, they do what is absurdly contrary to nature. They are queer (the correct name for them)

Because you pretend not to like something it's harmful?

When did this imaginary event supposedly occur in your dream?
A reputable psychiatrist would offer his services to deprogram these nutjobs, and restore them to sanity. Some of them do just that. Homos should be looking for them, instead of parading around, making complete ass clowns out of themselves. I feel sorry for their families. Must be tough.
Well, so much for the theory that someone touted around the other day that Sage of Main Street is Watermark. He wouldn't troll as anti-gay...
If You've Heard of Someone, Don't Listen to Him

I don't buy into the slavery excuse.

In other words, you think those that weren't slaves should be rewarded and it be funded by those that didn't own slaves. Got it.

The South had slavery, the North had sweatshops. The North had no moral superiority. Both Left and Right versions of history and the present should be tossed into the wastepaper basket. Only when we are independent from the specious spectrum can we think freely.

In this postmodern decadence, anyone who gets paid to write, broadcast, or lecture is of the same ilk as those who get paid to have sex.
Technically, it's just Philly Cheesesteak being a faggot. But, he is a self-admitted troll.

You and chicken hawk .. AKA sea hawk are a couple of typical pussy republicans with no balls. This isn't your face book friends page anymore, pussy. I have permanently closed your friends page.

You're a typical generational Woodstock piece of relativist trash with a very questionable friends list here of low character individuals such as Leon, Rana, and others.

Screw you troll, you've been trolling me since my join date and you typify the modern republican collaborator always siding with the media while you befriend the socialist dregs of society.