There's Nobody Worth Voting For.


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Let’s see, Hillary Clinton is a BIG government incompetent leftist progressive militarist wanted by the FBI.

Bernie Sanders is a neo-communist wanting to turn America into the old Soviet Union.

Ted Cruz is a religionist pro-lifer hypocrite who wants to carpet bomb the middle east with no regard for the innocent.

Marco Rubio is a BIG government militarist toy soldier promoting WWIII.

Carly Fiorina thinks the federal Drug War is constitutional and wants to prosecute Colorado and any other State that exercises 10th amendment State powers by legalizing, taxing and regulating some drugs.

Jeb Bush believes that the Presidency belongs to the Bush family dynasty and like his brother wants to prolong the middle eastern meddling and vacuum creating for insane ME terrorist to fill.

Mike Huckabee is a BIG government moralist holier-than-thou religionist who still hasn’t excepted that the 4th & 14th amendments protect a woman’s right to choose what to do with her own body and offers no constitutional protection for the unborn and overturning Roe v Wade would need a constitutional amendment.

Ben Carson is a nice fellow who also wants to bomb hell out of the middle east.

Rand Paul is just a constitutionalist who makes sense, but next to nobody wants to hear anything about the Constitution and the fact that most of what the federal government does is unconstitutional and Rand Paul hasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell to be nominated by the Republicans as their Presidential candidate.

John Kasich is a typical mainstream old school BIG government neo-con “go along to get along” politician who owes Ohio oil and gas fracking jobs for most of Ohio’s economic improvement and not anything he’s done as Governor.

Rick Santorum is Mike Huchabee’s little brother who’s agenda is an American Christian Theocracy operated by his interpretation of the Bible as opposed to the fundamental genius of the Constitution.

Chris Christi is New Jersey’s Liar n Chief who claims that NJ conceal carry laws make it easier to get a conceal carry permit since he’s been Governor and that’s BS. Christie also like Carly Fiorina wants to ignore the Constitution and prosecute Colorado and any other State with unconstitutional federal Drug War laws. Christie has historically promoted and supported NJ gun bans on some guns, and ended homestead tax rebates for NJ’s senior citizens.

Donald Trump, filed bankruptcy 4 times. Donald Trump has been a Democrat before he was a Republican. Donald Trump was pro-choice, pro-gay marriage and anti-second amendment until he became a Republican and became pro-life, anti-gay marriage and pro-second amendment. Donald Trump proudly admits he’s bribed every politician that he thought could further his quest for fame and fortune. Donald Trump has been defined by Glen Beck as the worst of BIG government progressives. As Beck puts it, “Trump loves BIG government he just thinks it needs him to run it. He knows nothing of the Constitution, limited government or constitutional rule of law and doesn’t give a damn about any of that.”

While I agree with Beck, I’d add all of the rest of the Democrat and Republican candidates with the exception of Rand Paul who’s constitutional agenda is worth nothing to a bribed and willfully ignorant voting populace.
Let’s see, Hillary Clinton is a BIG government incompetent leftist progressive militarist wanted by the FBI. TRUE

Bernie Sanders is a neo-communist wanting to turn America into the old Soviet Union. TRUE

Ted Cruz is a religionist pro-lifer hypocrite who wants to carpet bomb the middle east with no regard for the innocent. FALSE

Marco Rubio is a BIG government militarist toy soldier promoting WWIII. A LITTLE EXTREME

Carly Fiorina thinks the federal Drug War is constitutional and wants to prosecute Colorado and any other State that exercises 10th amendment State powers by legalizing, taxing and regulating some drugs. FALSE, THERE ARE FEDERAL LAWS AGAINST DRUGS YOU KNOW

Jeb Bush believes that the Presidency belongs to the Bush family dynasty and like his brother wants to prolong the middle eastern meddling and vacuum creating for insane ME terrorist to fill. BULLSHIT, HES NOT PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL

Mike Huckabee is a BIG government moralist holier-than-thou religionist who still hasn’t excepted that the 4th & 14th amendments protect a woman’s right to choose what to do with her own body and offers no constitutional protection for the unborn and overturning Roe v Wade would need a constitutional amendment. ??? WTF, A LITTLE CONVOLUTED

Ben Carson is a nice fellow who also wants to bomb hell out of the middle east. GOOD FOR HIM

Rand Paul is just a constitutionalist who makes sense, but next to nobody wants to hear anything about the Constitution and the fact that most of what the federal government does is unconstitutional and Rand Paul hasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell to be nominated by the Republicans as their Presidential candidate. TRUE TRUE AND TRUE

John Kasich is a typical mainstream old school BIG government neo-con “go along to get along” politician who owes Ohio oil and gas fracking jobs for most of Ohio’s economic improvement and not anything he’s done as Governor. TRUE

Rick Santorum is Mike Huchabee’s little brother who’s agenda is an American Christian Theocracy operated by his interpretation of the Bible as opposed to the fundamental genius of the Constitution. TRUE

Chris Christi is New Jersey’s Liar n Chief who claims that NJ conceal carry laws make it easier to get a conceal carry permit since he’s been Governor and that’s BS. Christie also like Carly Fiorina wants to ignore the Constitution and prosecute Colorado and any other State with unconstitutional federal Drug War laws. Christie has historically promoted and supported NJ gun bans on some guns, and ended homestead tax rebates for NJ’s senior citizens. TRUE

Donald Trump, filed bankruptcy 4 times. Donald Trump has been a Democrat before he was a Republican. Donald Trump was pro-choice, pro-gay marriage and anti-second amendment until he became a Republican and became pro-life, anti-gay marriage and pro-second amendment. Donald Trump proudly admits he’s bribed every politician that he thought could further his quest for fame and fortune. Donald Trump has been defined by Glen Beck as the worst of BIG government progressives. As Beck puts it, “Trump loves BIG government he just thinks it needs him to run it. He knows nothing of the Constitution, limited government or constitutional rule of law and doesn’t give a damn about any of that.” MOSTLY IRRELEVANT BUT YOU CAN SAY SOME THE SAME THINGS ABOUT HILLARY

While I agree with Beck, I’d add all of the rest of the Democrat and Republican candidates with the exception of Rand Paul who’s constitutional agenda is worth nothing to a bribed and willfully ignorant voting populace. THEN I GUESS YOU'LL STAY HOME ON ELECTION DAY
The assumption that somebody will give you exactly what you want as a candidate is absurd, the only candidate that could do that is yourself.
The assumption that somebody will give you exactly what you want as a candidate is absurd, the only candidate that could do that is yourself.

The funny thing about your statement, at least for me, is I don't even agree with myself 100% of the time. You are spot on however.
The assumption that somebody will give you exactly what you want as a candidate is absurd, the only candidate that could do that is yourself.

Right on.
Lesser of evils, that can win, is often the wisest choice.
Bobo probably isn't allowed to vote anyway. So he rants.
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The assumption that somebody will give you exactly what you want as a candidate is absurd, the only candidate that could do that is yourself.

But that baits the question, who is the one candidate that will give America "ANYTHING" America needs like a dose of constitutionalism, balancing a federal budget, paying down the national debt, ending the unconstitutional Drug War, Obama-Care and phasing out all of the federal government's unconstitutional social and corporate welfare and ripping the waste, fraud and abuse out of the Military Industrial Complex and securing our borders?

Can you name just one candidate who even would skirt the edges of any of that?

Answer: Hell no, they're all just more BIG government progressives that love BIG government who think BIG government would be more beautiful if they were running it.

"Don't vote, it just encourages the bastards" (P.J. O'Rourke)

Instead, promote a Constitutional Convention.
see these traitors dont want Americans to vote

they hate what the founders left us

that is why they have cheated in elections for decades
Let’s see, Hillary Clinton is a BIG government incompetent leftist progressive militarist wanted by the FBI.

Bernie Sanders is a neo-communist wanting to turn America into the old Soviet Union.

Ted Cruz is a religionist pro-lifer hypocrite who wants to carpet bomb the middle east with no regard for the innocent.

Marco Rubio is a BIG government militarist toy soldier promoting WWIII.

Carly Fiorina thinks the federal Drug War is constitutional and wants to prosecute Colorado and any other State that exercises 10th amendment State powers by legalizing, taxing and regulating some drugs.

Jeb Bush believes that the Presidency belongs to the Bush family dynasty and like his brother wants to prolong the middle eastern meddling and vacuum creating for insane ME terrorist to fill.

Mike Huckabee is a BIG government moralist holier-than-thou religionist who still hasn’t excepted that the 4th & 14th amendments protect a woman’s right to choose what to do with her own body and offers no constitutional protection for the unborn and overturning Roe v Wade would need a constitutional amendment.

Ben Carson is a nice fellow who also wants to bomb hell out of the middle east.

Rand Paul is just a constitutionalist who makes sense, but next to nobody wants to hear anything about the Constitution and the fact that most of what the federal government does is unconstitutional and Rand Paul hasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell to be nominated by the Republicans as their Presidential candidate.

John Kasich is a typical mainstream old school BIG government neo-con “go along to get along” politician who owes Ohio oil and gas fracking jobs for most of Ohio’s economic improvement and not anything he’s done as Governor.

Rick Santorum is Mike Huchabee’s little brother who’s agenda is an American Christian Theocracy operated by his interpretation of the Bible as opposed to the fundamental genius of the Constitution.

Chris Christi is New Jersey’s Liar n Chief who claims that NJ conceal carry laws make it easier to get a conceal carry permit since he’s been Governor and that’s BS. Christie also like Carly Fiorina wants to ignore the Constitution and prosecute Colorado and any other State with unconstitutional federal Drug War laws. Christie has historically promoted and supported NJ gun bans on some guns, and ended homestead tax rebates for NJ’s senior citizens.

Donald Trump, filed bankruptcy 4 times. Donald Trump has been a Democrat before he was a Republican. Donald Trump was pro-choice, pro-gay marriage and anti-second amendment until he became a Republican and became pro-life, anti-gay marriage and pro-second amendment. Donald Trump proudly admits he’s bribed every politician that he thought could further his quest for fame and fortune. Donald Trump has been defined by Glen Beck as the worst of BIG government progressives. As Beck puts it, “Trump loves BIG government he just thinks it needs him to run it. He knows nothing of the Constitution, limited government or constitutional rule of law and doesn’t give a damn about any of that.”

While I agree with Beck, I’d add all of the rest of the Democrat and Republican candidates with the exception of Rand Paul who’s constitutional agenda is worth nothing to a bribed and willfully ignorant voting populace. summary ever. You nailed. Yup...thems pretty much our choices.

I have to admit that I am enjoying the hell out of this election cycle. We have a wonderful cast of villains. Very colorful too.

The great thing about America is that in America anyone can become President. The scary thing about America is that it sometimes happens.
In BOBO world, if you are a convicted felon you try to convince everyone you don't want to vote anyway.
Poor BOBO.

Who's the "convicted felon?:dunno: Oh! That's right, you never have any evidence to back your willfully ignorant leftist babble, huh?:rofl2::cof1: summary ever. You nailed. Yup...thems pretty much our choices.

I have to admit that I am enjoying the hell out of this election cycle. We have a wonderful cast of villains. Very colorful too.

The great thing about America is that in America anyone can become President. The scary thing about America is that it sometimes happens.

The scariest thing about America is anyone can become President provided they sell their soul to the duopoly.