They just love her in Alaska!


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Sarah Barracuda!

"Sarah Palin's reaction to the Legislature's Troopergate report is an embarrassment to Alaskans and the nation.

She claims the report "vindicates" her. She said that the investigation found "no unlawful or unethical activity on my part."

Her response is either astoundingly ignorant or downright Orwellian."

More at link:
"Page 8, Finding Number One of the report says: "I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act."

In plain English, she did something "unlawful." She broke the state ethics law...

...if she had actually read it, she couldn't claim "vindication" with a straight face.

Palin asserted that the report found "there was no abuse of authority at all in trying to get Officer Wooten fired."

In fact, the report concluded that "impermissible pressure was placed on several subordinates in order to advance a personal agenda, to wit: to get Trooper Michael Wooten fired."

Palin's response is the kind of political "big lie" that George Orwell warned against. War is peace. Black is white. Up is down.

Sarah Orwell needs to read more.
Sorry Dixie, just tired of lies and coverups and her ignorance.
Palin's firing of Monegan was "a proper and lawful exercise" of the governor's authority.

Which part of "proper and lawful" are you having trouble with? It looks a lot like what Palin said:

She said that the investigation found "no unlawful or unethical activity on my part."

Now... I'm not exactly sure how you've suddenly overturned the precedent set by Bill Clinton in firing Arkansas State Troopers who revealed his extramarital affairs, but unless you have some magical way of doing that, I would suggest you just shut the fuck up and move on here. What Palin did, was no worse than what Clinton did, and your continued politicization of this, is just making you look like a bunch of absolute hypocrites. I know you don't care because you ARE hypocrites, but it doesn't look good for you.
Palin's firing of Monegan was "a proper and lawful exercise" of the governor's authority.

Which part of "proper and lawful" are you having trouble with? It looks a lot like what Palin said:

She said that the investigation found "no unlawful or unethical activity on my part."

Now... I'm not exactly sure how you've suddenly overturned the precedent set by Bill Clinton in firing Arkansas State Troopers who revealed his extramarital affairs, but unless you have some magical way of doing that, I would suggest you just shut the fuck up and move on here. What Palin did, was no worse than what Clinton did, and your continued politicization of this, is just making you look like a bunch of absolute hypocrites. I know you don't care because you ARE hypocrites, but it doesn't look good for you.
you fucking HACK the report SAYS she violated the ethics law. It says it in plain english. Her firing was legal her use of pressure to get her brother in law fired was unethical. Are you really that selective of a reader?

Page 8, Finding Number One of the report says: "I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act."
"I find" sounds like a completely subjective personal opinion to me. Especially when you read the other findings. And I guess you still have no comment on the firing of Arkansas State Troopers by Bill Clinton? Was he also in violation of "ethics law" and subject to impeachment? He certainly didn't seem to get in any trouble over it at the time, but you guys have this way of forgetting the past really quickly, when it's not politically expedient.
you fucking HACK the report SAYS she violated the ethics law. It says it in plain english. Her firing was legal her use of pressure to get her brother in law fired was unethical. Are you really that selective of a reader?

Page 8, Finding Number One of the report says: "I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act."

Please remember that you are speaking to someone who doesn't understand 1/'s not her fault.
"And I guess you still have no comment on the firing of Arkansas State Troopers by Bill Clinton? "


Isn't this the same poster that has been screaming all year "George Bush isn't running for President this year, dammit!"
This is also the idiot who still thinks Palin is going to rescue the ticket and we have no idea what's coming our way.
"And I guess you still have no comment on the firing of Arkansas State Troopers by Bill Clinton? "


Isn't this the same poster that has been screaming all year "George Bush isn't running for President this year, dammit!"

Well, he's not, and Bill Clinton is not, but that isn't the point here. You are accusing Sarah Palin of "wrongdoing" when she didn't do anything any more "wrong" than Bill Clinton did when he was governor of Arkansas. Can you 'refute' that point, or not? If not... shut the fuck up and go away!
It was actually a committee of 6, from my understanding, and unless this guy is a judge and this was a trial, his individual "finding" means nothing.

Only the "findings" of Dixie matter.

Now if he could just find his ass with both hands.
Well, he's not, and Bill Clinton is not, but that isn't the point here. You are accusing Sarah Palin of "wrongdoing" when she didn't do anything any more "wrong" than Bill Clinton did when he was governor of Arkansas. Can you 'refute' that point, or not? If not... shut the fuck up and go away!

Well, the difference, dear Dixie, is that Bush IS President, and Palin is running to be a heartbeat away from President. By contrast, Clinton is old, old news.

For the record, and you can certainly look this up on FP & I think here as well, I was embarassed when Clinton lied about his more public ethical lapses (I did not have sex with that woman), and would never defend him as a particularly "ethical" man. That's one of the differences between me (partisan, yet not immersed in koolaid) and you (unmitigated hack, who will say anything).

Palin violated the Alaskan State Ethical Statute & Ethics Act, and then said without a hint of self-consciousness that she didn't do anything "unethical." Then you said, in either an outright lie or an admission of complete stupidity/lack of reading comprehension, that "It's pretty much verbatim what the finding concluded".
Well, the difference, dear Dixie, is that Bush IS President, and Palin is running to be a heartbeat away from President. By contrast, Clinton is old, old news.

Clinton is old news, Bush is old news, and up until this, governors firing state troopers for WHATEVER reason, was old news. You seem to want to bring up old news a lot for someone advocating "hope and change."

For the record, and you can certainly look this up on FP & I think here as well, I was embarassed when Clinton lied about his more public ethical lapses (I did not have sex with that woman), and would never defend him as a particularly "ethical" man. That's one of the differences between me (partisan, yet not immersed in koolaid) and you (unmitigated hack, who will say anything).

No, the difference is, when Clinton fired Arkansas State Troopers for revealing his extramarital affairs, you voted for him twice without batting an eye... when Palin fires a Public Safety Commissioner who was worthy of firing for a host of reasons (according to the investigation), and the report concludes she was within her rights as governor to do so... you want to make a big "ethical" stink out of it.

Palin violated the Alaskan State Ethical Statute & Ethics Act, and then said without a hint of self-consciousness that she didn't do anything "unethical." Then you said, in either an outright lie or an admission of complete stupidity/lack of reading comprehension, that "It's pretty much verbatim what the finding concluded".

Again... DIRECTLY from the report... Palin's firing of Monegan was "a proper and lawful exercise" of the governor's authority.

Now, if the report had concluded it was "improper" and "unlawful" it would have said that, but it didn't. The only indication of anything "wrong" was in the form of a personal opinion by the hack who wrote the report up. His opinion of her violation of the Ethics Act, is absolutely meaningless.
Something tells me Dixie is leaving out a key part of this Clinton trooper firing story. Something tells me he's doing it intentionally too.
Dixie, you can continue to ignore what the rest of the report says, but I should warn you: it only makes you look more stupid & hackish, which is no small feat.
Dixie, you can continue to ignore what the rest of the report says, but I should warn you: it only makes you look more stupid & hackish, which is no small feat.

Well, the rest of the report found no wrongdoing on part of the governors office. Like I said, the only thing that could be considered "wrongdoing" in the report, came from a sentence which was a personal conclusion and opinion by one person on the committee. All the rest of the report concluded she did nothing illegal or unethical. You are the one looking foolish, along with the left-wing media who continues to harp on this one sentence like it summarizes the entire finding.

Again, the investigation finding was not a trial, and it was never intended to determine whether Palin was guilty of breaking the law. That is for a court and jury to determine, if the district attorney wants to hand down an indictment and go to trial.