They just love her in Alaska!

It was actually a committee of 6, from my understanding, and unless this guy is a judge and this was a trial, his individual "finding" means nothing.
YOu stupid fucking HACK this was a report issued UNANIMOUSLY by all the members. You really can't be this fucking stupid can you? Point to me where the statement I pointed out to you is NOT part of the report? Never mind you can't do it. It is THE OFFICIAL REPORT the guy that say "I Find" is the same guy that wrote the rest of the report you blind hackish dumbfuck!

Here dumbshit go read the report it was authored by ONE MAN and adopted unanimously by the legislature in Alaska. You are willfully blind, NO ONE is this fucking stupid. NO ONE not even George W Bush.
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Pretty simple Soc... "I FIND" does not mean "WE THE GROUP FIND" in any context I know of. You can call me a "hack" and "stupid" all you like, but you are the one who seems to not comprehend the English language here, and you also seem to be the one who is "hackishly" making these assertions that Palin is guilty of something, when that is contradictory to the findings of the committee.

do not disturb him with the facts

The facts are what the report concluded: Palin's firing of Monegan was "a proper and lawful exercise" of the governor's authority.

I can't help the fact that you partisan hacks want to conclude otherwise, based on the biased opinion of a fellow partisan hack, that isn't the finding of the committee, according to this report, and this report was not a trial.
The facts are what the report concluded: Palin's firing of Monegan was "a proper and lawful exercise" of the governor's authority.

I can't help the fact that you partisan hacks want to conclude otherwise, based on the biased opinion of a fellow partisan hack, that isn't the finding of the committee, according to this report, and this report was not a trial.
you fucking hackish bag of Douche water. The same guy that wrote "I Find" also wrote that the Palin's firing of Monegan was "a proper and lawful exercise". Out of one side of your bullshit hackish face you praise him and then out of the other you say he doesn't know shit. ONE PERSON wrote the whole report you fucking moron. He also starts finding number two, which is the one you keep quoting with "I Find". This is how I know without a doubt you are a hack. You have not even read the report because if you did you would know that the "I find" part that you object to in the first part is used in the second part. You aren't stupid, you are outright dishonest. You are a liar and you have now been exposed as a liar.
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you fucking hackish bag of Douche water. The same guy that wrote "I Find" also wrote that the Palin's firing of Monegan was "a proper and lawful exercise". Out of one side of your bullshit hackish face you praise him and then out of the other you say he doesn't know shit. ONE PERSON wrote the whole report you fucking moron. He also starts finding number two, which is the one you keep quoting with "I Find". This is how I know without a doubt you are a hack. You have not even read the report because if you did you would know that the "I find" part that you object to in the first part is used in the second part. You aren't stupid, you are outright dishonest. You are a liar and you have now been exposed as a liar.

So, basically the report finds the action legal but unethical. Is that correct?
So, basically the report finds the action legal but unethical. Is that correct?
It finds the firing of the head of public safety legal because she can fire him for cause. It finds that the actions of the Governor and her family in pressuring him to fire her brother in law to be unethical. So the firing of the head of the troopers was legal, pressuring him to fire her brother in law was unethical.
Anybody attacking palin is a fucking tool. She's bringing them out in droves. STF up and focus on MCfossil.
He stands zero chance, she at least has a snowballs chance in Hell if you make it about her. He draws 20 from the old folks home Palin draws 20,000.
Anybody attacking palin is a fucking tool. She's bringing them out in droves. STF up and focus on MCfossil.
He stands zero chance, she at least has a snowballs chance in Hell if you make it about her. He draws 20 from the old folks home Palin draws 20,000.

Why are they a "fucking tool?" There is a fairly decent chance that she will assume the Presidency sometime in the next few years if McCain wins.

She's fair game. Get a grip.
Because your making it her vs Obama
Mcain stans ZERO chance that's why they drafted the cons version of "hail mary"
It finds the firing of the head of public safety legal because she can fire him for cause. It finds that the actions of the Governor and her family in pressuring him to fire her brother in law to be unethical. So the firing of the head of the troopers was legal, pressuring him to fire her brother in law was unethical.

It says no such thing. Have you actually read it? I did, last night. Several points here... First, you are a liar. You stated this was some "unanimous" finding by a committee, it wasn't, it is a report submitted to the committee by Steven Branchwater, an 'independent' investigator... a Ken Starr.

Secondly, the only negative thing he said about Palin in the whole report, was the one sentence you keep repeating over and over again. If you bother to read through to his 'recommendations' at the end, he explains how the law needs to be changed, because she was justified in her actions. Palin, her husband, and her father, had filled a perfectly legal and legitimate complaint against Wooten, and were merely following up on the status of the investigation. The guy threatened to kill her father, among several other violations of the law, and this was the basis for the complaint filed, which had been filed before Palin was governor. Alaska state law indicates Wooten's immediate dismissal was in order, but the investigation of the charges took months to complete, during which time, Palin and her family could be given NO information on the status of the investigation. She never "demanded" someone be fired, she didn't fire Monegue for not firing Wooten! That is pure left-wing HYPE!

Finally, this was a report to the legislative committee, they have made no ruling on the matter. You guys act like Palin has been convicted of ethics violations here, and that is simply NOT the case. While she may have 'violated' the current Alaskan Ethics Law, it is because the law doesn't take her unusual circumstances into account, and needs to be changed. Otherwise, she was within her authority to do everything she did, and did not act in an improper or unlawful manner.
We need to get Palin to testify under oath like Clowntoon did about the cigar desecration incident.

We need to carry you out into a field somewhere and shoot you in the head!

Let me ask your dumb ass a question or two...

Let's say, your sister's husband was a big shot state trooper, and he threatened to kill your father... what would you do about that? File a complaint with the State Trooper's Office? Okay, let's assume that's what you 'reasonably' do... then, you get elected governor! Months have passed, and this son of a bitch is still on the job, nothing appears to be getting done... what would you do? Maybe, make a call or two, to inquire about the status of the investigation? Okay, let's assume you did that... and you couldn't be given ANY information... what then? Would you just say to yourself, oh well... guess they aren't going to do anything about this, and even though I am the governor, I must accept this and move on? I highly doubt you would, I know I wouldn't.

Palin didn't do a damn thing that any of us wouldn't have done under the same circumstances. You and your left-wing propaganda experts, have spun this into some big ethical issue, and it's not. Wooten, the State Trooper in question, violated the law, acted unethically, and deserved to lose his state trooper job! Because of the laws in Alaska, the victim's family could not be given any information on the status of this, or whether justice was going to prevail. They were forced to wait and wonder, for month on end, while this bastard was still on the state payroll, still carrying a gun, still working as a state trooper in the state where Palin was the freakin' governor! She found reasonable and justifiable cause to dismiss the asshole boss of this bastard, and was well within her rights as governor to do so. I don't blame her! I would have done the same, or maybe even worse! You would have too!

Your problem is, you are so deranged and rabid, you have lost all objectivity in this matter, and this renders your judgment meaningless here. You see a 'political opportunity' and you are taking it, but you are so far out in left field, it isn't funny. Read the fucking report, try to take an objective look at what transpired, and what Palin did, then come back and tell me exactly what she did that was "unethical" regarding this matter!
We need to carry you out into a field somewhere and shoot you in the head!

Let me ask your dumb ass a question or two...

Let's say, your sister's husband was a big shot state trooper, and he threatened to kill your father... what would you do about that? File a complaint with the State Trooper's Office? Okay, let's assume that's what you 'reasonably' do... then, you get elected governor! Months have passed, and this son of a bitch is still on the job, nothing appears to be getting done... what would you do? Maybe, make a call or two, to inquire about the status of the investigation? Okay, let's assume you did that... and you couldn't be given ANY information... what then? Would you just say to yourself, oh well... guess they aren't going to do anything about this, and even though I am the governor, I must accept this and move on? I highly doubt you would, I know I wouldn't.

Palin didn't do a damn thing that any of us wouldn't have done under the same circumstances. You and your left-wing propaganda experts, have spun this into some big ethical issue, and it's not. Wooten, the State Trooper in question, violated the law, acted unethically, and deserved to lose his state trooper job! Because of the laws in Alaska, the victim's family could not be given any information on the status of this, or whether justice was going to prevail. They were forced to wait and wonder, for month on end, while this bastard was still on the state payroll, still carrying a gun, still working as a state trooper in the state where Palin was the freakin' governor! She found reasonable and justifiable cause to dismiss the asshole boss of this bastard, and was well within her rights as governor to do so. I don't blame her! I would have done the same, or maybe even worse! You would have too!

Your problem is, you are so deranged and rabid, you have lost all objectivity in this matter, and this renders your judgment meaningless here. You see a 'political opportunity' and you are taking it, but you are so far out in left field, it isn't funny. Read the fucking report, try to take an objective look at what transpired, and what Palin did, then come back and tell me exactly what she did that was "unethical" regarding this matter!

Can't seperate emo from obligations and duty? figures, that is the way jackasses are.

but we don't need jackasses as VP or Pres.

or in Palins case would it be a Jennyass ?

I guess I am more of a true conservative than Dixie is.
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Can't seperate emo from obligations and duty?

What the fuck are you even talking about? The complaint against Wooten was not an "emotional" thing, the mutherfucker threatened to KILL HER FATHER! She filed a perfectly reasonable and legitimate complaint with the appropriate authority, as any reasonable and rational person would be expected to do in such a situation, nothing "emotional" about that. And this was done BEFORE she was elected Governor.

I would think her "duty and obligation" as governor of a state, would be to not allow unethical law-breaking state troopers to roam the roads of Alaska. Tell me something, would she have been "within her rights" to take action if the son of a bitch actually carried out his threads and murdered her father? Or would she still be "required" to rise above her emotions, and not inquire about the status of the case?