This is line to get into the Trump rally in the Bronx

Tunnel and bridge people largely from Pennsylvania
I know this is a terribly bad day for you and your fellow LWers,...but LYING wont help you any. You should watch it,...I am. The screaming crowds in the Bronx who adore him because they want to
go back to the Trump economy and the safer world he helped keep in place until that demented fool you helped put in place wiped it all out with leftwing NONSENSE. The majority of the country is DONE with you idiots. Kiss your asses goodbye,...your all going down. Go somewhere and have yourself a good cry, throw a tantrum, idiots are good at that.

:yayaseesathreadban: :magagrin:
Today is the day that will go down as the beginning of the end for the woke cult far left. There is no place left at the table for you nor will you be given any quarter. There IS a place as there always has been for the mainstream old school Democrats, there well should be. You are NOT our enemies. You are our friends and neighbors. We may have our differences but you love your country and your people just as we do. We must unite to utterly destroy the far left cultist Marxists that have haunted this country for far too long. REJOICE! Today is the beginning of their end,.....the clock is ticking.