This is line to get into the Trump rally in the Bronx

“Hundreds of Trump supporters pack Bronx rally”

Need a consensus, couple two three thousand at best, if it were more Murdoch entities would have video or pictures of something more than groups of people congregated in one area, as I said, tunnel and bridge Trumpkins from Pennsylvania. Even the Mets outdrew him, and people had to pay to see them play

But surely cultist as “stone” really does believe it was another “biggest crowd ever”
o.k...... :cool:
Notice all of the photos are from a perspective that makes an estimate of the crowd size impossible.
Ya, I did.

Trump’s rally in deep blue South Bronx drew crowd of 8,000 to 10,000: law enforcement sources


“Hundreds of Trump supporters pack Bronx rally”

Need a consensus, couple two three thousand at best, if it were more Murdoch entities would have video or pictures of something more than groups of people congregated in one area, as I said, tunnel and bridge Trumpkins from Pennsylvania. Even the Mets outdrew him, and people had to pay to see them play

But surely cultist as “stone” really does believe it was another “biggest crowd ever”
Okay, you are claiming these people were bussed in from elsewhere. Got any evidence of that?

Being bussed in implies that Trump hired chartered busses to bring them in. A typical bus holds like 50 people. That means you need 20 buses per 1000 people. If there were just 2000 bussed in that would require 40+ buses.

Got any evidence that a large number of charter buses were present or near the rally location? How about evidence of the company(s) used to supply them? That should be easy to accomplish, you can't really hide dozens upon dozens of commercial buses, and the people bused in wouldn't have the means to travel miles to the rally even if bused within a few miles of it. So, where's the evidence?
Okay, you are claiming these people were bussed in from elsewhere. Got any evidence of that?

Being bussed in implies that Trump hired chartered busses to bring them in. A typical bus holds like 50 people. That means you need 20 buses per 1000 people. If there were just 2000 bussed in that would require 40+ buses.

Got any evidence that a large number of charter buses were present or near the rally location? How about evidence of the company(s) used to supply them? That should be easy to accomplish, you can't really hide dozens upon dozens of commercial buses, and the people bused in wouldn't have the means to travel miles to the rally even if bused within a few miles of it. So, where's the evidence?
There just were not that many in attendance, especially considering the population of NYC. Cindy Lauper could get a bigger crowd in NYC.
Okay, you are claiming these people were bussed in from elsewhere. Got any evidence of that?

Being bussed in implies that Trump hired chartered busses to bring them in. A typical bus holds like 50 people. That means you need 20 buses per 1000 people. If there were just 2000 bussed in that would require 40+ buses.

Got any evidence that a large number of charter buses were present or near the rally location? How about evidence of the company(s) used to supply them? That should be easy to accomplish, you can't really hide dozens upon dozens of commercial buses, and the people bused in wouldn't have the means to travel miles to the rally even if bused within a few miles of it. So, where's the evidence?
It got quiet in here...;)
There just were not that many in attendance, especially considering the population of NYC. Cindy Lauper could get a bigger crowd in NYC.
I low balled the number at maybe 2000 to 3000. That seems about right for a reasonable number. The comparison you make is irrelevant. Cindy Lauper is neither a politician or running for President. It's apples to car tires or something.

Your response also doesn't address my question: If they were bused in, where's the evidence of that?
There just were not that many in attendance, especially considering the population of NYC. Cindy Lauper could get a bigger crowd in NYC.
The rally was held in a neighborhood called South Bronx. Cindy Lauper has nothing to do with this. Stop with your whining and get back to answering phones.