THIS must end in America!

douchebag, YOU were the one that brought up 'undeserved'. I maintained the distinction between lawful and unlawful.

Yes, I introduced you to the word "undeserved" because that is what you seem to be confusing with "unlawful!" They are NOT the same thing! The question of "lawfulness" is determined by whether the officer follows proper procedure in your arrest, and if what he is arresting you for is indeed a crime, not your supposed guilt, or presumed innocence!

well they better nominate your ass for the supreme court then because they must be wrong also. I had no idea you were such a constitutional genius. :rolleyes:

It's one of my many exemplary powers!

i've maintained the same stance the whole time. It's not my fault you can't read.

No, you really haven't, you have now twisted your position around from "if I didn't break a law, I do not need to accept an arrest." to "he (the officer) must have 'reasonable articulate supsicion' that I have committed a crime" and these are two completely contradicting things.

whats your line dix? the cops can't arrest you for not breaking a law, but I am not allowed to resist if they do it anyway? thats some real bullshit thinking there which makes you all fucked up wrong.

The cops can arrest you on suspicion, as you just said! Anytime you are arrested in America, the presumption is, you are innocent of the crime until proven guilty. Lawfulness of your arrest has absolutely NOTHING to do with your perceived guilt or innocence, it is referring to the actions (lawful) of the police officer making the arrest! You can't be "lawfully" arrested for things that aren't against the law... and officer can't "lawfully" arrest you because he just doesn't like how you look... that is what the law you cited is talking about, it doesn't say that you have the right to resist arrest because you believe yourself innocent of the crime.... IF it's a crime, you CAN be arrested, whether you are guilty or not, and it's NOT up to you to determine that!

Let me say this again, a police officer cannot arrest me if I have not committed a crime. If they attempt to do so anyway, I have the right to resist as USSC case precedence has shown and confirmed that I am right. If an officer is going to make an arrest, he must have 'reasonable articulate supsicion' that I have committed a crime, am committing a crime, or am about to commit a crime. If he doesn't have 'RAS', he cannot arrest me. THAT would be an unlawful arrest. Something that I have been consistent on throughout this thread.

YES.... A police officer can arrest you if you haven't committed a crime, they do it EVERY FUCKING DAY MORON! That is WHY we have a COURT OF LAW! To determine if you were guilty of the crime you were arrested for! YES... a police officer must have reasonable suspicion that you have committed a legitimate crime, and that is ALL they are required to have, in order to place you under arrest. And you DO NOT have the right to resist such an arrest, if you do, they have the right to use necessary force to subdue you and take you into custody. Your guilt or innocence is not addressed until you go to court... that is precisely why we have courts!

Now you can keep on insisting you know more than the rest of us about this, and refusing to accept what is fact, but that doesn't change the facts! I have demonstrated how your viewpoint is flawed and would result in NO arrest ever being made, and no need to have a court, if that were the case! You are just a fucking damn moron without a clue, and you continue to try and bullshit your way out of this stupid and ridiculous argument. I just hope some other idiot pinhead doesn't read your argument and think he can resist arrest in the future, because I would really hate for someone to be injured or killed because they listened to your stupid opinion on this.
YES.... A police officer can arrest you if you haven't committed a crime, they do it EVERY FUCKING DAY MORON!
and if you've committed no crime, you can resist. read Mr. Soc's posts.

Now you can keep on insisting you know more than the rest of us about this, and refusing to accept what is fact, but that doesn't change the facts! I have demonstrated how your viewpoint is flawed
what you've demonstrated is what a total fucktard you are by pretending you know what the fuck you're talking about.