THIS must end in America!

I went to college and majored in psychology, oddly enough.

you added extra bullshit to the definition about authitarianism being limited to traditional lifestyles or something, so you can ignore the authoritarianism in obama's change brigade. I had the same criticism damo had. Why are you such a megatool?

What is it with psychology and the posters on here, didn't Dixie claim the same thing?
OK... let me ask you a question...

There was a video played over and over by ALL the networks last year. It was a tiny "snippet" of a sermon Reverend Jeremiah Wright gave right after September 11, 2001... In the "snippet" he says: "America's chickens are coming home to roost"...

Did you make any judgment about Wright from that "snippet"...did you ever listen to his whole sermon that day? Did you know it was a great sermon that every American should have heard after we were attacked on 911... he called for self examination, as individuals and as a nation...and using Scripture, he warned about turning hatred for the guilty individuals that attacked us into blind hatred for the innocent (all Muslims)...

NOW, America has the blood of thousands of innocent men, women and children on our hands...We murdered human beings that "looked" close enough to the individuals that attacked us...but they were completely innocent victims...

UH, wrong comparison.
That video had audio.

Would you have a better one that you want to promote??
AND...there is a legal process for placing someone under arrest... the officer's job is to cuff, transport and turn the suspect over for process..his job is NOT to be judge, jury and executioner...

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners."

And when the SUSPECT refuses to cooperate....................??
an unlawful arrest would be one that includes an officer attempting to arrest someone that committed no crime, for example, the open carrying of a handgun in an open carry state is not a crime, but some idiotic cop decides to call it disorderly conduct and perform an unlawful arrest, I would have the right to resist.

In the incident mentioned in the OP, if the video is accurate, the immediate use of excessive force can be construed as an assault and battery with excessive force. he'd have every right to resist that for fear of bodily injury.

You mean, if you interpreted the video accurately, don't you? Because the video is an inanimate object, it can't be anything other than what it is.

Yes, if a cop tries to arrest you for being an idiot, that is not a crime in America, and you would have the right to resist such an arrest. There is no visual evidence here to confirm the officer was making an unlawful arrest. There is YOUR interpretation, and subjective opinion, and that's all. You see, information like this would come out in a trial by jury, which is why I said that is what needs to happen here.

Based SOLELY on what I saw in the video, I couldn't convict the officer if I were on the jury. And trust me, there are a helluva lot more skeptical people out there on juries than me. So if the case and charges rest on this video alone, the cop will walk. Now, maybe in the testimony, the jury would learn what was said, the conversation that transpired in the moments before the arrest, and perhaps that would incriminate the cop, but we don't know that now.

But the law you are trying to apply here, doesn't apply. It is specifically for obscure and rare instances, where a cop is clearly out of line... like the Alaskan State Trooper threatening to kill Sarah Palin's father. It is not subject to your personal opinion of whether your arrest is lawful. As I said... 35-year veteran bail bondsman... never bailed out someone who thought they deserved being arrested. A specific criteria has to be met, in order for you to 'exercise' this 'right' to resist arrest, and you better damn sure be right about it.
It is not subject to your personal opinion of whether your arrest is lawful. A specific criteria has to be met, in order for you to 'exercise' this 'right' to resist arrest, and you better damn sure be right about it.
it's not? who's opinion should it be then? the cop making the arrest?
because of it's not subject to my opinion, then i'd like to make sure whoevers opinion it WOULD be subject to, walks around with me 24/7.
OK... let me ask you a question...

There was a video played over and over by ALL the networks last year. It was a tiny "snippet" of a sermon Reverend Jeremiah Wright gave right after September 11, 2001... In the "snippet" he says: "America's chickens are coming home to roost"...

Did you make any judgment about Wright from that "snippet"...did you ever listen to his whole sermon that day? Did you know it was a great sermon that every American should have heard after we were attacked on 911... he called for self examination, as individuals and as a nation...and using Scripture, he warned about turning hatred for the guilty individuals that attacked us into blind hatred for the innocent (all Muslims)...

NOW, America has the blood of thousands of innocent men, women and children on our hands...We murdered human beings that "looked" close enough to the individuals that attacked us...but they were completely innocent victims...

Why does everything have to revert back to the war YOUR president is still sending troops to? I don't hate ALL Muslims, and you can't find any statement by me which would reflect that.

Rev. Wright was featured in more than ONE video snippet, in fact there were numerous videos of Wright condemning America. And as was pointed out, the AUDIO of those videos was very telling. Still, we didn't see a single solitary person calling for the arrest or conviction of Rev. Wright, he has the right to say whatever he wants to say in America. The video was used to condemn Barrack Obama because of his judgment, which is a valid criteria for a presidential candidate. BIG FUCKING DIFFERENCE!
it's not? who's opinion should it be then? the cop making the arrest?
because of it's not subject to my opinion, then i'd like to make sure whoevers opinion it WOULD be subject to, walks around with me 24/7.

Well, it's like I said, goofus... IF it were left up to the individual to decide if they were being "lawfully arrested" there wouldn't be many arrests in America! It has nothing to do with your opinion, it is a matter of what is legitimately legal and lawful. In this instance, we simply don't know whether the arrest was lawful or not, we don't know the details of what transpired, we just have a short 10 second video without audio. To ASSUME the officer was attempting an unlawful arrest based on that, is absurd.

Let's clarify something here for your stupid ass... There is a BIG BIG difference between an "UNLAWFUL" arrest and an "UNDESERVED" arrest. Cops aren't judges or jurors, they don't decide the merits of a case before an arrest, they don't have such authority. People who are completely innocent, are arrested every day in America, and they do NOT have the right to resist a LAWFUL arrest, whether they feel they are innocent or not. IF they are innocent of the charges, they have their day in court, but unless the cop is unlawful in their arrest, they don't have the right to resist. Sorry!
Well, it's like I said, goofus... IF it were left up to the individual to decide if they were being "lawfully arrested" there wouldn't be many arrests in America! It has nothing to do with your opinion, it is a matter of what is legitimately legal and lawful. In this instance, we simply don't know whether the arrest was lawful or not, we don't know the details of what transpired, we just have a short 10 second video without audio. To ASSUME the officer was attempting an unlawful arrest based on that, is absurd.

Let's clarify something here for your stupid ass... There is a BIG BIG difference between an "UNLAWFUL" arrest and an "UNDESERVED" arrest. Cops aren't judges or jurors, they don't decide the merits of a case before an arrest, they don't have such authority. People who are completely innocent, are arrested every day in America, and they do NOT have the right to resist a LAWFUL arrest, whether they feel they are innocent or not. IF they are innocent of the charges, they have their day in court, but unless the cop is unlawful in their arrest, they don't have the right to resist. Sorry!

It's like this, homo.

If a person is being unlawfully arrested in his view, he can resist and take the chance that jury will find in his favor. It is legally possible.

I probably won't try it often, however.
It's like this, homo.

If a person is being unlawfully arrested in his view, he can resist and take the chance that jury will find in his favor. It is legally possible.

I probably won't try it often, however.
I'd prefer not to. I'd rather sue later than resist and be killed or found guilty of a much worse "crime" because I believed it to be an "unlawful" arrest.
Let's clarify something here for your stupid ass... There is a BIG BIG difference between an "UNLAWFUL" arrest and an "UNDESERVED" arrest. Cops aren't judges or jurors, they don't decide the merits of a case before an arrest, they don't have such authority. People who are completely innocent, are arrested every day in America, and they do NOT have the right to resist a LAWFUL arrest, whether they feel they are innocent or not. IF they are innocent of the charges, they have their day in court, but unless the cop is unlawful in their arrest, they don't have the right to resist. Sorry!

you got alot of nerve to call me a stupid ass when you're dumbfuck of a brain can't even read/comprehend the nearly dozen supreme court case opinions I posted that clearly show how insanely wrong you are.

If I have not committed a crime and a cop tries to arrest me, I have the right to resist that arrest, even up to the point of killing that officer because he is not acting within the law at that time. Your position that you have taken is the reason why so many innocent/non law breaking people are arrested on a daily basis in police states like Illinois. The cops up there just arrest people under the pretense that they will let the courts sort it out. In that policy driven atmosphere, you end up with millions of people with arrest records that are undeserved and then either end up totally broke trying to defend themselves against bogus charges or faced with the prospect of being UNABLE to defend themselves, plea bargain to a lesser charge ending up with a criminal record. YOUR way is the way of the dictator. Fuck you, Fuck that, and Fuck the policy.
you got alot of nerve to call me a stupid ass when you're dumbfuck of a brain can't even read/comprehend the nearly dozen supreme court case opinions I posted that clearly show how insanely wrong you are.

If I have not committed a crime and a cop tries to arrest me, I have the right to resist that arrest, even up to the point of killing that officer because he is not acting within the law at that time. Your position that you have taken is the reason why so many innocent/non law breaking people are arrested on a daily basis in police states like Illinois. The cops up there just arrest people under the pretense that they will let the courts sort it out. In that policy driven atmosphere, you end up with millions of people with arrest records that are undeserved and then either end up totally broke trying to defend themselves against bogus charges or faced with the prospect of being UNABLE to defend themselves, plea bargain to a lesser charge ending up with a criminal record. YOUR way is the way of the dictator. Fuck you, Fuck that, and Fuck the policy.

First of all, you ARE a stupid ass if you think people have the right to determine whether their arrest is valid and resit it. Whether you are guilty or innocent is not what "unlawful" pertains to! If the officer is acting outside the law to arrest you, then and only then, do you have a right to resist, but you don't have the right to resist an arrest based on your belief you are innocent of the charges. As I said, and I continue to maintain, if that were the case, no one would EVER get arrested in America! You can be arrested and held on "suspicion" for 24 hrs, without being charged. It happens all the time in America, not just in Illinois.

Again, you want to rest on the snippets of rulings you posted, but you failed to post what exactly the court determined was "unlawful" in the finding. Maybe the cop was drunk and he was trying to arrest your girlfriend for being "too damn hott!" ...In THAT case, it would be an "unlawful arrest" and you would be within your rights to defend her, and she would be within her rights to resist, but that is a rare and unusual circumstance... you wouldn't have a girlfriend that hot.

We can draw all kinds of hypotheticals to illustrate an "unlawful arrest" but that doesn't mean any arrest in which the suspect is innocent of the charges! Just because you think you are innocent of the charges, doesn't give you the right to resist arrest, nor does it make the arrest "unlawful!"
First of all, you ARE a stupid ass if you think people have the right to determine whether their arrest is valid and resit it. Whether you are guilty or innocent is not what "unlawful" pertains to! If the officer is acting outside the law to arrest you, then and only then, do you have a right to resist, but you don't have the right to resist an arrest based on your belief you are innocent of the charges. As I said, and I continue to maintain, if that were the case, no one would EVER get arrested in America! You can be arrested and held on "suspicion" for 24 hrs, without being charged. It happens all the time in America, not just in Illinois.
hey fucktard, its really simple that if I didn't break a law, I do not need to accept an arrest. you also need to read the fucking laws, but I don't think you're smart enough to do that. You just accept the way things are. Learn your rights if you want to be free, but don't even think of trying to tell me i'm wrong on this when i've shown you the facts. dumbass.

Again, you want to rest on the snippets of rulings you posted, but you failed to post what exactly the court determined was "unlawful" in the finding. Maybe the cop was drunk and he was trying to arrest your girlfriend for being "too damn hott!" ...In THAT case, it would be an "unlawful arrest" and you would be within your rights to defend her, and she would be within her rights to resist, but that is a rare and unusual circumstance... you wouldn't have a girlfriend that hot.

We can draw all kinds of hypotheticals to illustrate an "unlawful arrest" but that doesn't mean any arrest in which the suspect is innocent of the charges! Just because you think you are innocent of the charges, doesn't give you the right to resist arrest, nor does it make the arrest "unlawful!"
do you have the slightest clue in your pinhead brain what unlawful means? I don't think so and now nearly everyone else here knows it also.
hey fucktard, its really simple that if I didn't break a law, I do not need to accept an arrest. you also need to read the fucking laws, but I don't think you're smart enough to do that. You just accept the way things are. Learn your rights if you want to be free, but don't even think of trying to tell me i'm wrong on this when i've shown you the facts. dumbass.

do you have the slightest clue in your pinhead brain what unlawful means? I don't think so and now nearly everyone else here knows it also.

I know the law, and I know the constitution. I am also smart enough to know the difference between "unlawful" and "undeserved!" You did not prove that a person has the right to refuse "undeserved" arrest, sorry! It is not the cops duty to determine your guilt or innocence, and if what you claimed were true, they would HAVE to do this, in order to arrest anybody!

IF it were the law that people could refuse arrest when they didn't feel the charges were justified, my very first question as a prosecutor to a defendant would be... "Why didn't you resist arrest if you thought you were innocent?" Subsequently, we wouldn't even need a court or jury, because we could rest assured that every arrest was warranted and the party was guilty, otherwise they would have refused to be arrested! DUMBASS!
I know the law, and I know the constitution.
No, you don't. You might like to THINK you do, but you don't.

I am also smart enough to know the difference between "unlawful" and "undeserved!"
you haven't shown it yet as you continually are lumping the two categories in to one.

You did not prove that a person has the right to refuse "undeserved" arrest, sorry! It is not the cops duty to determine your guilt or innocence, and if what you claimed were true, they would HAVE to do this, in order to arrest anybody!
I DID prove it, you refuse to accept it. The cops job is to enforce the law. If he doesn't KNOW the law, he shouldn't be trying to enforce it. If he tries to enforce a law that doesn't exist or tries to arrest someone who hasn't broken a law, he becomes the criminal.

IF it were the law that people could refuse arrest when they didn't feel the charges were justified, my very first question as a prosecutor to a defendant would be... "Why didn't you resist arrest if you thought you were innocent?" Subsequently, we wouldn't even need a court or jury, because we could rest assured that every arrest was warranted and the party was guilty, otherwise they would have refused to be arrested! DUMBASS!
The brilliance of our system is it gives people the choice, and it is the law that people can resist an unlawful arrest as I have shown on this thread. ignore it if you like. it doesn't make it any less factual or real.