THIS must end in America!

You have a thick head to match...When a person is in a fully prone and submissive position, there isn't ANYTHING a suspect can SAY that would justify repeated clubbing to the back and legs of the suspect...NONE

IF there was an unseen problem with this suspect, then the officers partner wouldn't have just stood by and watched...

This type of violence happens too often...police departments need to do a better job of weeding out these thugs with badges...

This is something you really need to put to a litmus test.
Go do something stupid, wait for the Police to show up, lay down on the ground, and when they tell you to put your hands behind your back, refuse to do so.

Tell us how it turns out.
This is something you really need to put to a litmus test.
Go do something stupid, wait for the Police to show up, lay down on the ground, and when they tell you to put your hands behind your back, refuse to do so.

Tell us how it turns out.

was that something stupid a violation of the law? and if it was, would it be on the scale of tasing a 72 year old grandmother?
then why isn't it working? we still have bad cops in chicago, nyc, and detroit.

The same reason we still have crooks, the same reason we still have hungry people, the same reason we still have wars, the same reason we still have crime, the same reason people still cheat on their wives, the same reason people still cheat on their taxes, the same reason people still OD on drugs, the same reason people still smoke cigarettes.... on and on and on! As long as you have positions of power and authority, you will always have people who will abuse them, it is human nature. The solution is NOT to do away with authority, is it?

as a follow up to this issue, the cop (with his lawyer standing beside him and his superior officer behind him) has said he stands by his actions. no reason for those actions as in any words or actions by the person he beat, but he stands by them. This cop won't see the inside of a courtroom is my guess.

Well, I finally broke down and watched the video for the first time this evening, and I don't think the video is conclusive at all. From what I see, it looks like the guy resisted arrest, and the officer took him down, then he tried to get up, and the officer struck him, he tried to get up again, and was struck again. It also appears the video has been edited, so we don't know what was cut out... and the total time the officer is in contact with the perp is less than 10 seconds. Like I said before, I don't know what happened, I am just going by what I saw on the video. This is precisely why a JURY should hear the evidence, ALL the evidence, in a proper trial, in a court of law! Interpretations of what WE see on a video, is not enough to "convict" the cop, and it shouldn't be!
Well, I finally broke down and watched the video for the first time this evening, and I don't think the video is conclusive at all. From what I see, it looks like the guy resisted arrest, and the officer took him down, then he tried to get up, and the officer struck him, he tried to get up again, and was struck again.
you do know that people have the right to resist an unlawful arrest, right?

It also appears the video has been edited, so we don't know what was cut out... and the total time the officer is in contact with the perp is less than 10 seconds. Like I said before, I don't know what happened, I am just going by what I saw on the video. This is precisely why a JURY should hear the evidence, ALL the evidence, in a proper trial, in a court of law! Interpretations of what WE see on a video, is not enough to "convict" the cop, and it shouldn't be!
and this I can agree with, I'd like to see the whole unedited video.
video is very telling, especially when circumstances of the incident show that whatever verbal phrases were uttered were irrelevant.

I'm sorry, but I have already said, the video IS NOT VERY TELLING, so we have a difference of opinion on that! It appears the guy RESISTED ARREST! It appears, when he was taken to the ground, he ATTEMPTED to get up! Further RESISTING ARREST!

Now that is what MY EYES SEE! Sorry!

Nevertheless, I am not the one here advocating that we let the cop off the hook based on WHAT I SAW! As I said, have an internal investigation, file charges, take it to court, let a JURY OF HIS PEERS decide on the merits of ALL THE EVIDENCE, and then let THE JURY decide if he is guilty or not guilty. What the fuck is WRONG with THAT idea, huh?
I'm sorry, but I have already said, the video IS NOT VERY TELLING, so we have a difference of opinion on that! It appears the guy RESISTED ARREST! It appears, when he was taken to the ground, he ATTEMPTED to get up! Further RESISTING ARREST!
yet again, we have the right to resist an unlawful arrest. If the arrest is unlawful, I can resist and if that means using lethal force, I have the right to do so. so would this guy.

What would be the rest of the conversation be, in the one where you told a cop to kiss your ass??

I'm glad I was able to help.

if the cop was smart and knew the law, he'd get pissed and walk away. If he was arrogant enough to assume that I need to bow down before him, he'd probably try to arrest me for disorderly conduct or some other bogus charge, in which case it's going to get real fucking ugly real fucking fast, most likely ending in the death of one or both of us.
if the cop was smart and knew the law, he'd get pissed and walk away. If he was arrogant enough to assume that I need to bow down before him, he'd probably try to arrest me for disorderly conduct or some other bogus charge, in which case it's going to get real fucking ugly real fucking fast, most likely ending in the death of one or both of us.

That was a nice set of Cliff notes; but it didn't do much to clarify what the rest of the conversation was like.

what? you mean the cops going to get all boisterous and raise his voice at me? again, irrelevant. I went through marine corps bootcamp and could yell louder than him anyway.

is he going to try to intimdate me by trying to quote laws that are not real?

again, it is irrelevant about the rest of the conversation. I know the laws, I know my rights, I know the levels of his authority according to the US supreme court.

the rest of the conversation would be him attempting to scream for assistance into his radio.