THIS must end in America!

Not if you understand authoritarianism and the right wing pea brain mind...

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altemeyer

LOL sorry, friend, you lose at the internets
I AGREE! We should pass a law against videoing police officers acting in the line of duty! This incessant "gotcha" mentality of trying to catch a cop doing something you can interpret as "wrong" has got to stop, the police need to be able to do their job without fear of some pinhead misrepresenting something with video footage and splashing it all over the internet.

If you are serious, you're an UN American fucking DICK HEAD...

The "gotcha" camera was a surveillance camera pea brain...

If someone breaks the law and needs warrants arrest, a police officer has the right to use necessary force...he has NO right to beat that person...NONE

THAT police officer is the one that deserves to be locked up for a LONG time
LOL sorry, friend, you lose at the internets

Well why don't you debate me on the will give you an opportunity to show how much smarter you are...

I'll be waiting.....................................................
Well why don't you debate me on the will give you an opportunity to show how much smarter you are...

I'll be waiting.....................................................

Robert Altemeyer's quote is as dickass moronic as you are.
Robert Altemeyer's quote is as dickass moronic as you are.

Conservatism is a political and social term from the Latin verb conservare meaning to save or preserve. As the name suggests it usually indicates support for tradition and traditional values.

You never answered my question smarter than FEW...

If conservatism is predisposed to follow the dictates of traditional conventional values.... Are the traditions in Russia based on free market capitalism and conventional western values?

OR, would conservatism in Russia be predisposed to follow the dictates of communist traditions and eastern values?
Conservatism is a political and social term from the Latin verb conservare meaning to save or preserve. As the name suggests it usually indicates support for tradition and traditional values.
so freedom, liberty, and limited government are all antiquated ideas that should be scrapped so we can embrace progressivism?
so freedom, liberty, and limited government are all antiquated ideas that should be scrapped so we can embrace progressivism?

Let's start with a more simple question...

Conservatism is a political and social term from the Latin verb conservare meaning to save or preserve. As the name suggests it usually indicates support for tradition and traditional values.

Do you basically agree with this definition?
People act rationally unless they are broken in some way, the idea that they act irrationally because they are cops is silly.

Again, why would the cops ask the dude to zip up then smack down on the dude? The story makes no sense at all from any perspective.

I'm sure it probably doesn't make any sense from YOUR perspective .. but from the perspective of those who are repeatedly and historically victimized by the "authority" of cops, and to people who clearly see the outcomes of that "authority", it is quite clear what happened.

There is fucking video.

This is no different than when the video of the beating of Rodney King was released and people whose only goal is to defend cops not justice also refused to acknowledge what was clearly obvious.

Why did the cops ask him to zip up his jacket then attack him? .. because they see him as the enemy and they have a plethora of names they call him to dehumanize him. If that seems strange to you then your perspective is based on fairy-tales about the "goodness" of police officers written and directed by Steven Speilberg. It is not based on a reality that millions of Americans face every day of their lives.

Irrespective of how highly you regard your own perspective there are others that are formed through a prism you never have to look through.
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Let's start with a more simple question...

Conservatism is a political and social term from the Latin verb conservare meaning to save or preserve. As the name suggests it usually indicates support for tradition and traditional values.

Do you basically agree with this definition?

as it stands for one part of the definition, yes.
as it stands for one part of the definition, yes.

And now a question...

If conservatism is predisposed to follow the dictates of traditional conventional values.... Are the traditions in Russia based on free market capitalism and conventional western values?

OR, would conservatism in Russia be predisposed to follow the dictates of communist traditions and eastern values?
And now a question...

If conservatism is predisposed to follow the dictates of traditional conventional values.... Are the traditions in Russia based on free market capitalism and conventional western values?

OR, would conservatism in Russia be predisposed to follow the dictates of communist traditions and eastern values?

Regardless of the answer, authoritarianism could be used to implement those values, perhaps hypocritically.
And now a question...

If conservatism is predisposed to follow the dictates of traditional conventional values.... Are the traditions in Russia based on free market capitalism and conventional western values?

OR, would conservatism in Russia be predisposed to follow the dictates of communist traditions and eastern values?

see, this here is irrelevant. What you're doing is trying to build a false argument about a political philosophy from the definition of a transitive verb. In other words, this is all strawman.
If you are serious, you're an UN American fucking DICK HEAD...

The "gotcha" camera was a surveillance camera pea brain...

If someone breaks the law and needs warrants arrest, a police officer has the right to use necessary force...he has NO right to beat that person...NONE

THAT police officer is the one that deserves to be locked up for a LONG time

Why does he need to be locked up??
I'm sure it probably doesn't make any sense from YOUR perspective .. but from the perspective of those who are repeatedly and historically victimized by the "authority" of cops, and to people who clearly see the outcomes of that "authority", it is quite clear what happened.

There is fucking video.

This is no different than when the video of the beating of Rodney King was released and people whose only goal is to defend cops not justice also refused to acknowledge what was clearly obvious.

Why did the cops ask him to zip up his jacket then attack him? .. because they see him as the enemy and they have a plethora of names they call him to dehumanize him. If that seems strange to you then your perspective is based on fairy-tales about the "goodness" of police officers written and directed by Steven Speilberg. It is not based on a reality that millions of Americans face every day of their lives.

Irrespective of how highly you regard your own perspective there are others that are formed through a prism you never have to look through.
Hence my question. I search for the capacity to wrap my mind around the action. So far it is impossible to reason out why they would ask him to zip his jacket up.

Again, what was the point of asking him to zip up? If they really thought him the enemy and only wanted to beat the crap out of him there was no need for this extra step. The story makes no sense because it makes no sense through any prism. No matter what prism you use you aren't going to get a full-spectrum rainbow from red light.

I can't see the motivation for them to add this extra nonsense step to an already nearly incomprehensible activity. From the video it was clear the dude wasn't a threat.
see, this here is irrelevant. What you're doing is trying to build a false argument about a political philosophy from the definition of a transitive verb. In other words, this is all strawman.

NO, a TRUE argument on authoritarian personality based on PERSONALITY TYPE

As I stated in the beginning, your problem is your provincialism...

You view the WHOLE world through a tiny "local" lens...
NO, a TRUE argument on authoritarian personality based on PERSONALITY TYPE

As I stated in the beginning, your problem is your provincialism...

You view the WHOLE world through a tiny "local" lens...

you're talking gibberish. what does provincialism or authoritarianism have to do with a transitive verb that means to keep or save?
you're talking gibberish. what does provincialism or authoritarianism have to do with a transitive verb that means to keep or save?

It is only gibberish to a mind with the cognitive level of either a 5 year old, OR a right wing pea brain...

A CONSERVE-ative in America would want to keep or save American values and capitalism, democracy

A CONSERVE-ative in Russia would want to keep or save Russian values and communism, Bolshevism

A 5 year old might be able to understand this FACT...can you pea brain???
It is only gibberish to a mind with the cognitive level of either a 5 year old, OR a right wing pea brain...

A CONSERVE-ative in America would want to keep or save American values and capitalism, democracy

A CONSERVE-ative in Russia would want to keep or save Russian values and communism, Bolshevism

A 5 year old might be able to understand this FACT...can you pea brain???

Conservative means different things in different conexts, if you're talking politics.

this is still has nothing to do with authoritarianism, which is really more of a management and implmentation style, more than it is an ideology.