THIS must end in America!

what most likely happened was the dude didn't appreciate being told what to do and when he said so, the jackbooted thug felt the need to make sure he did do what he was told.

Being ordered to zip up a jacket is an unlawful order, one I would not have followed, then it would have gotten real ugly.
what most likely happened was the dude didn't appreciate being told what to do and when he said so, the jackbooted thug felt the need to make sure he did do what he was told.

Being ordered to zip up a jacket is an unlawful order, one I would not have followed, then it would have gotten real ugly.
Amen brother. Here in New Mexico I have the right to resist an unlawful arrest and if the cop uses deadly force I can reciprocate.
Amen brother. Here in New Mexico I have the right to resist an unlawful arrest and if the cop uses deadly force I can reciprocate.

yup, same in TX, though I do have a finer appreciation for the environment and atmosphere in NM. That is the one thing I miss from Albuquerque. That and open carry. :clink:
I'm unsure if they'd be able to come up with anything that was entirely rational as a rationale. The guy had no appearance of any danger. Didn't even reach into his pockets or anything from the video.

But why the heck would they ask him to zip up his jacket? I can't get past this totally irrational demand from the cops.

There are, however, two sides to every story. I'm having a hard time believing that cops just asked him to zip up then beat him down as a random act of violence. Cops are people too, they do act at least somewhat rationally. What would make them act that way?

Do I think the beat-down was unnecessary? Yes. Do I think it was random and irrational? No.

Cops must be acting rational because they are cops.
THIS must end in America!

I AGREE! We should pass a law against videoing police officers acting in the line of duty! This incessant "gotcha" mentality of trying to catch a cop doing something you can interpret as "wrong" has got to stop, the police need to be able to do their job without fear of some pinhead misrepresenting something with video footage and splashing it all over the internet.
I AGREE! We should pass a law against videoing police officers acting in the line of duty! This incessant "gotcha" mentality of trying to catch a cop doing something you can interpret as "wrong" has got to stop, the police need to be able to do their job without fear of some pinhead misrepresenting something with video footage and splashing it all over the internet.

I AGREE! We should pass a law against videoing police officers acting in the line of duty! This incessant "gotcha" mentality of trying to catch a cop doing something you can interpret as "wrong" has got to stop, the police need to be able to do their job without fear of some pinhead misrepresenting something with video footage and splashing it all over the internet.

Well you can say what you will, but here's the deal... this officer has already been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion, and that is contradictory to everything our justice system stands for. He deserves to have his day in court, and a trial by a fair and impartial jury, not a bunch of pinhead youtube-gawking liberals! A 30-second video clip (I don't care what it's of) doesn't tell the whole story, doesn't tell the circumstances, or what may/may not have happened BEFORE the cameras were rolling. You are making your typical knee-jerk emotional liberal appeals based on incomplete information, as usual.
Well you can say what you will, but here's the deal... this officer has already been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion, and that is contradictory to everything our justice system stands for. He deserves to have his day in court, and a trial by a fair and impartial jury, not a bunch of pinhead youtube-gawking liberals! A 30-second video clip (I don't care what it's of) doesn't tell the whole story, doesn't tell the circumstances, or what may/may not have happened BEFORE the cameras were rolling. You are making your typical knee-jerk emotional liberal appeals based on incomplete information, as usual.

are you two capable of rational debate on his post.....

so far, you offered zero, except it must be stupid because i said it was stupid....

and another gay porn love fest between watermark and ib.....get a room!

Oh alright...


Mine and IB1's room

Mine and IB1's music
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Cops must be acting rational because they are cops.
People act rationally unless they are broken in some way, the idea that they act irrationally because they are cops is silly.

Again, why would the cops ask the dude to zip up then smack down on the dude? The story makes no sense at all from any perspective.