THIS must end in America!

Authoritarians could also offer something radically different in terms of values.

Like the change to full on american destroying internationalist fascism that obama offers

In brief, the authoritarian is predisposed to follow the dictates of a strong leader and traditional, conventional values.

Are you intellectually indigent?
In brief, the authoritarian is predisposed to follow the dictates of a strong leader and traditional, conventional values.

Are you intellectually indigent?

The actual definition of the word has nothing to do with your supposed "predisposition" listed here.

1. Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom: an authoritarian regime.
2. Of, relating to, or expecting unquestioning obedience. See Synonyms at dictatorial.

Authoritarian regimes include, or have included:

The USSR, China, Germany, Italy, any total Monarchy or dictatorship. It comes from both left and right, and some of the highest body counts come from authoritarian "Communist" governments and other leftward movements of collectivism. There is nothing inherently right-leaning in authoritarianism, nor is "the authoritarian" predisposed towards one side of the spectrum over the other by any evidence of history we have.
I'll refer you to damos' post. Which pwned you hard.

AGAIN, it is obvious what I posted is beyond your ability to comprehend...

Did the thought ever cross your mind that issues like violence are complex? There are many factors and many different angles to view those factors personality types or societal influences...

Damo's post was excellent, but he and I are viewing it from different levels, angles and perspectives...

Go to college, major in psychology/sociology like I did. Pay particular attention to how norms and values are influenced in any society and I'll talk to you in 4 years...

ALL the personality markers of authoritarianism are right wing traits...they have found maybe 1% of the left could be classified as authoritarian..the FAR, FAR left.
AGAIN, it is obvious what I posted is beyond your ability to comprehend...

Did the thought ever cross your mind that issues like violence are complex? There are many factors and many different angles to view those factors personality types or societal influences...

Damo's post was excellent, but he and I are viewing it from different levels, angles and perspectives...

Go to college, major in psychology/sociology like I did. Pay particular attention to how norms and values are influenced in any society and I'll talk to you in 4 years...

ALL the personality markers of authoritarianism are right wing traits...they have found maybe 1% of the left could be classified as authoritarian..the FAR, FAR left.

I went to college and majored in psychology, oddly enough.

you added extra bullshit to the definition about authitarianism being limited to traditional lifestyles or something, so you can ignore the authoritarianism in obama's change brigade. I had the same criticism damo had. Why are you such a megatool?
AGAIN, it is obvious what I posted is beyond your ability to comprehend...

Did the thought ever cross your mind that issues like violence are complex? There are many factors and many different angles to view those factors personality types or societal influences...

Damo's post was excellent, but he and I are viewing it from different levels, angles and perspectives...

Go to college, major in psychology/sociology like I did. Pay particular attention to how norms and values are influenced in any society and I'll talk to you in 4 years...

ALL the personality markers of authoritarianism are right wing traits...they have found maybe 1% of the left could be classified as authoritarian..the FAR, FAR left.
First, let me point out that this is a logical fallacy called "Appeal to Authority."

Which, again, either shows the total lack of any ability of this soft science to determine anything, or your own personal biased incapacity to read all the information provided in their surveys and tests.

History proves this totally incorrect, one can see this with the actual information and facts that are before your eyes during any World History class. If you cannot see that the facts that are before your eyes do not fit the preconceived (and IMO directed) result of your "tests", then it is necessary to change the test so that you can find what is right, rather than what you wanted.
I'm not saying the Police Officer was correct, in what he did; but aren't most of you condemning him on the basis of a video and the comments from the "victim"??

Are you positive that there is nothing else?
Herein lies your problem...I KNOW my original post is not a load of's just beyond your comprehension...

I majored in psychology/sociology ...

Society's norms and values can be influenced, distorted and twisted over a period of time by particular, authoritarian leaders like a Bush and Cheney that resort to highly incendiary rhetoric, a "with us or against us" mindset and a litmus test for patriotism.

Authoritarian followers look to their authoritarian leaders for guidance and sanction. Authoritarian followers would be highly attracted to joining a police force just as an arson would be attracted to becoming a fireman...

I don't claim Bush told the officer to beat that man, I DO claim Bush helped create a society where that beating is more acceptable instead of less acceptable...

Are you trying to promote that Police Brutality either came into existence or significantly increased, while President Bush was in office??
I'm not saying the Police Officer was correct, in what he did; but aren't most of you condemning him on the basis of a video and the comments from the "victim"??

Are you positive that there is nothing else?

while it's possible that the 'victim' may have told the cop to kiss his ass, a verbal smart ass comment is not against the law and it certainly isn't something that would allow a beatdown.
AGAIN, it is obvious what I posted is beyond your ability to comprehend...

Did the thought ever cross your mind that issues like violence are complex? There are many factors and many different angles to view those factors personality types or societal influences...

Damo's post was excellent, but he and I are viewing it from different levels, angles and perspectives...

Go to college, major in psychology/sociology like I did. Pay particular attention to how norms and values are influenced in any society and I'll talk to you in 4 years...

ALL the personality markers of authoritarianism are right wing traits...they have found maybe 1% of the left could be classified as authoritarian..the FAR, FAR left.

Since you seem to be engaging in generalizations; are you aware that one of the offered explanations for people going into the field of psychology/sociology, is because they're actually trying to resolve some really difficult situations in their own lives!!

So, what psychological problems are you trying to overcome??
while it's possible that the 'victim' may have told the cop to kiss his ass, a verbal smart ass comment is not against the law and it certainly isn't something that would allow a beatdown.

Could it also possible that the "victim" threatened the cop and then refused to follow the Officers order to get on the groiund and to put his hands behind his back??

This could and has been played before; but until everything is revealed, it's all speculation and both sides do it.
Could it also possible that the "victim" threatened the cop and then refused to follow the Officers order to get on the groiund and to put his hands behind his back??
I'll stipulate that this is possible, but if it's the case then that particular cop needs to be off the street anyway, for his own good. Officer safety would dictate that the threat be considered real, therefore, said cop should have either drawn taser or firearm and then frisking the suspect before cuffing him. Since that didn't happen here, two options are left...

1) said cop wanted to perform a beatdown

2) said cop will eventually be killed by an actual armed suspect because he was too stupid to handle the situation professionally.
I'll be honest. Each time I read it, the first thing that hits my mind is, "Why the hell would the cop ask him to zip up his jacket?"

Nothing in this story makes sense to me.
I'll stipulate that this is possible, but if it's the case then that particular cop needs to be off the street anyway, for his own good. Officer safety would dictate that the threat be considered real, therefore, said cop should have either drawn taser or firearm and then frisking the suspect before cuffing him. Since that didn't happen here, two options are left...

1) said cop wanted to perform a beatdown

2) said cop will eventually be killed by an actual armed suspect because he was too stupid to handle the situation professionally.

Sorry; but it's all speculation and firearms are supposed to be a last resort, sometime after what might warrent the baton.
Do you have the Departments policy on taser use??
I'll be honest. Each time I read it, the first thing that hits my mind is, "Why the hell would the cop ask him to zip up his jacket?"

Nothing in this story makes sense to me.

I was wondering the same thing; but the thought was lost, during reading all the projection of "why".
Sorry; but it's all speculation and firearms are supposed to be a last resort, sometime after what might warrent the baton.
Do you have the Departments policy on taser use??

no, no dept policy on taser, but if their policy does NOT have something in there requiring spaced apart detention for disarming in the name of officer safety, then they are setting themselves up to lose an officer or two.
no, no dept policy on taser, but if their policy does NOT have something in there requiring spaced apart detention for disarming in the name of officer safety, then they are setting themselves up to lose an officer or two.

So maybe before it's said that he should have used his taser, we might want to know what the policy is.
Like I said, both sides are doing nothing but speculating.
So maybe before it's said that he should have used his taser, we might want to know what the policy is.
Like I said, both sides are doing nothing but speculating.

and i'm sure you'd have this same kind of 'wait and hear all the facts before passing any judgement' if the civilian would have beat the cop?