This world would be better without religion

lol... malnourished goats .... I forgot how awesome I was. (for those that pay attention this thread was originally created by me over a year ago)
So let me get this straight. D'Souza says that BECAUSE Mao and Stalin were athiests they killed? I argue that hitler was not an athiest but a believer in the Romantic visions of Wotan. That being said, none of these three killed for any other reason than they were power hungry and Religions sought to divide the people's loyalties. Stalin and Mao killed to create fear and panic. To subjugate the masses. It had nothing to do with Athiestic opinions held or not by these psychopaths. D'Souza also ignores the fact that relgion, and in the western world, Christianity used it's power to keep the masses uneducated and when presented with proof of such things as the earths movement around the sun and the suns movement through space, sought through torture and violence to supress that knowledge. The Dark ages did not occurr when secular scientific thought became more prominent.

So christianity SHOULD be smeared for things christians did for power, but atheism SHOULD NOT be smeared for things atheists did for power. Your mind is a morass of baffling inconsistencies.
I'm not smearing them. I just agree, the world would be better off without all these belief systems that profess to know the mind of god and then force us all to live by them. If people JUST lived by their own beliefs and left other people alone to live by their beliefs we would all get along fine. But the fundamentalists in ALL faiths think that it is their job and the job of the state to save my soul. Morals are NOT dependent on religious belief. IT would still be wrong to murder people EVEN if there was no religious belief at all.
I'm not smearing them. I just agree, the world would be better off without all these belief systems that profess to know the mind of god and then force us all to live by them. If people JUST lived by their own beliefs and left other people alone to live by their beliefs we would all get along fine. But the fundamentalists in ALL faiths think that it is their job and the job of the state to save my soul. Morals are NOT dependent on religious belief. IT would still be wrong to murder people EVEN if there was no religious belief at all.

I'm afraid you are wrong, but I cannot fault you for it. It would certainly be nice to live in a world where tolerance reigned supreme and it is easy to point to religion as a culprit, but it is humanity that is at fault.

If religion were not the driving belief system behind human aggression, another belief would replace it. Beliefs in the hands of humanity are dangerous things, and it doesn't matter what they are.
I wish more people understood that.

Chosen People of God sounds a lot like Master Race in my book.

Finally, another person who see something as it is, without the blinders of guilt which have been used to intimidate people for the last half century.

Judeofascism is very real. Just as real as "Islamonazi terror" as neocon michael medved puts it.
Finally, another person who see something as it is, without the blinders of guilt which have been used to intimidate people for the last half century.

Judeofascism is very real. Just as real as "Islamonazi terror" as neocon michael medved puts it.

I'm just glad to find someone else (in America, at least) that doesn't support Israel like some blind tard boy. Israel is just as much a terrorist state as any other country, and a lot of international hate towards us would go away if we just stopped backing their terrible decisions and let them get some of what is coming to them.
Finally, another person who see something as it is, without the blinders of guilt which have been used to intimidate people for the last half century.

Judeofascism is very real. Just as real as "Islamonazi terror" as neocon michael medved puts it.
I'll bet there's a phylactery and yarmulke in one of your grandparents' closets. How else to explain such wanton, irrational hate?
I'll bet there's a phylactery and yarmulke in one of your grandparents' closets. How else to explain such wanton, irrational hate?

It's not hate to point out the racial supremacism of others. Was it hate to call nazis racial supremacists? No. It's just an accurate description. Get a clue, noahide ninny.
It's not hate to point out the racial supremacism of others. Was it hate to call nazis racial supremacists? No. It's just an accurate description. Get a clue, noahide ninny.
Was it hate to point out the insidious, grasping infection of the Jews in the body of the Fatherland? Was it hate to point out the expansionist tendencies of the Blosheviks? Was it hate to really despise the French and desire to liberate them from their government?
Was it hate to point out the insidious, grasping infection of the Jews in the body of the Fatherland? Was it hate to point out the expansionist tendencies of the Blosheviks? Was it hate to really despise the French and desire to liberate them from their government?

It Depends on how accurate the descriptions were. If jews were insisting on control of germany like they insist on control of the u.s. then it just might have been accurate. His solution, however, was immoral. I do not advocate that.
It Depends on how accurate the descriptions were. If jews were insisting on control of germany like they insist on control of the u.s. then it just might have been accurate. His solution, however, was immoral. I do not advocate that.
No, Ass, it does not. The really sad thing is that you don't see even that.

You are a prime example of how a bad circumcision can effect ones's a shame your circumcision made you go so far astray...
Not to worry ya can celebrate lieu of Hannaka...just fewer gifts on one day...thats all...and the Easter Bunny loves you too!:rolleyes:
You are a prime example of how a bad circumcision can effect ones's a shame your circumcision made you go so far astray...
Not to worry ya can celebrate lieu of Hannaka...just fewer gifts on one day...thats all...and the Easter Bunny loves you too!:rolleyes:

Judaism is a racial supremacist doctrine. Sorry, It is.
How can he bbe a Christian when christian means to be a follower or or to be like Christ.
He followed himself ?
He was trained by the priests in the temple, he was a jew.
How can he bbe a Christian when christian means to be a follower or or to be like Christ.
He followed himself ?
He was trained by the priests in the temple, he was a jew.

He believes himself to be the son of god. He is christ. ergo, he is a christian. Yes. He followed himself. His ideas of reform for judaism were not embraced, therefore what judaism is today is not what christ believed. Buddha was born a hindu. Stop being a moron.