
You are correct, today the Democrats are running away from.... Obamacare. That is very likely to change faster than you believe it could. Do you remember how fast the Iraq war turned from an asset for GWB to a huge liability?

I don't know if it will change before November or not, but it could, and if it does I will enjoy watching the change, and its result.

We have had very good news in the last few weeks regarding Obamacare, and with the expectations having been lowered so dramatically by the Republican lie machine, any good news appears to the public like a major coup.

Can you tell me what the good news was? Haven't seen any!
My thoughts are the same on this topic as it has always been. I don't honestly believe any government injection into the market is going to benefit the American people in any way, shape or form. Health Care rates need to come down, people need to become healthier and use of prescription drugs needs to decrease. When/if that happens, I'll call the ACA a success. Those are my standards of success, and the 7 million people signing up is nothing more than a number democrats can use to laugh at republicans. Even when I was arguing with people here last time, I specifically said that there were going to be a lot of procrastinators, and they still have a chance of hitting their 7 million target. I'm against the ACA but have no desire to see it fail. My hope is we don't start labeling it a success before it even reaches it's goal, and confusing the people of the truth just for political gain. This is a major issue that has begun it's course and I have no desire to be right on this at all.
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I love this one, what if Obamacare really turns into a huge positive for the President.

Will the Republicans start calling it ACA or something new once a majority of the Public love it?

The RINOs are hanging their collective hats on Obama-Care sweeping the Democrats out of the Senate and increasing their hold on the House.

The RINOs forget that Obama’s only major talent is attracting women, people of color and hard-nosed socialist to the polls with magnificent lies, half-truths and preposterous promises that take advantage of the political stupidity of the average voter.

Obama has already painted the lipstick on his Obama-Care pig and is working on the cheek powder and eyeliner.

RINOs haven’t figured out yet that socialist bribery works, the electorate are mostly clueless morons and the neo-commie Democrats are well trained in pinning government shutdowns on Republicans and promoting the BIG corporation, BIG Wall Street title belongs solely to the R’s.

Even if Obama-Care does run the Democrats out of Congress in the midterm, What will the Republicans be able to do for 2 years aside from collecting pay checks from the taxpayers with Obama sitting in the White House? Actually what might happen is Obama and the Democrats then can campaign on the “DO NOTHING” Republican Congress and sweep Hillary and Democrats on her coattails into office in 2016, huh?

No matter how you cut it America loses again!!!!!
You are correct, today the Democrats are running away from.... Obamacare. That is very likely to change faster than you believe it could. Do you remember how fast the Iraq war turned from an asset for GWB to a huge liability?

Two false claims here that need to be addressed; first, the clueless claim that war is an asset. War is NEVER a good thing or what could be considered an "asset" except when Liberals attempt to use it for partisan political purposes. Bush didn't take us to war because he thought it would be politically beneficial and claiming that he would is a lie that only repugnant partisan dunces can stoop low enough to claim.

Secondly; the war didn't turn on Bush until whiney Democrat dunces who voted FOR the war before they were AGAINST the war saw political opportunism through declaring the war lost impugning the efforts of our troops risking their lives and causing permanent damage to American credibility in the world.

I don't know if it will change before November or not, but it could, and if it does I will enjoy watching the change, and its result.

The only thing that may change before November are Democrat taking points and efforts to hide the truth and facts about Obamacare until AFTER the election for purely partisan purposes.

We have had very good news in the last few weeks regarding Obamacare, and with the expectations having been lowered so dramatically by the Republican lie machine, any good news appears to the public like a major coup.

There hasn't been any good news regarding Obamacare and the only lie machine has been coming from this Administrations refusal to provide any data regarding their efforts, refusal to account for the massive amount of taxpayer money spent on his failed website and efforts to keep moving back the deadlines for purely partisan political purposes.

But then, why concern yourself with mundane things like reality, the truth or facts eh Counselor?
Two false claims here that need to be addressed; first, the clueless claim that war is an asset. War is NEVER a good thing or what could be considered an "asset" except when Liberals attempt to use it for partisan political purposes. Bush didn't take us to war because he thought it would be politically beneficial and claiming that he would is a lie that only repugnant partisan dunces can stoop low enough to claim.

Secondly; the war didn't turn on Bush until whiney Democrat dunces who voted FOR the war before they were AGAINST the war saw political opportunism through declaring the war lost impugning the efforts of our troops risking their lives and causing permanent damage to American credibility in the world.

The only thing that may change before November are Democrat taking points and efforts to hide the truth and facts about Obamacare until AFTER the election for purely partisan purposes.

There hasn't been any good news regarding Obamacare and the only lie machine has been coming from this Administrations refusal to provide any data regarding their efforts, refusal to account for the massive amount of taxpayer money spent on his failed website and efforts to keep moving back the deadlines for purely partisan political purposes.

But then, why concern yourself with mundane things like reality, the truth or facts eh Counselor?

You sound desperate to confirm your hope.
You sound desperate to confirm your hope.

That's interesting Counselor; when you are desperate to try to find some hope that this law will somehow get better and save your party from a massive slaughter in November.

It is with equal amusement that you think my efforts to defend the truth are desperate or hopeful. Trust me; I have no hope that the truth will ever have any effect on a hyper partisan like you who is so prone to lies and distortions in a desperate effort to defend the failed ideology you gullibly believe in.
I wonder what the righties on here will do if there ISN'T a massive slaughter in November?

Claim voter fraud, no doubt.
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I love this one, what if Obamacare really turns into a huge positive for the President.

Will the Republicans start calling it ACA or something new once a majority of the Public love it?

The gop will admit no such thing, however paul ryan recently said on a talk show that they are hoping for a sweep of the senate and Potus to repeal the entire thing.
Who cares what a dishonest hyper partisan slum dwelling moron like you wonders?

why would you waste bandwidth asking such a stupid question as that? Why would I give a fuck whether you cared about my rumination? (go ahead and look it up)

And why in the world do you continue to believe that I dwell in a slum? Whatever gave you that idea in the first place?

Are you such a bigoted racist that you think that all the little brown people in Mexico must live in slums and any expats who live here live in those slums with them? really???

not from me.... voter suppression, perhaps, but not voter fraud....

that is just the meme that the right uses to justify voter suppression.
not from me.... voter suppression, perhaps, but not voter fraud....

that is just the meme that the right uses to justify voter suppression.

Who in their right mind can argue with "suppressing" "fraudulent" votes?????
Bush didn't take us to war because he thought it would be politically beneficial

Bush took America to war in Iraq because Cheney convinced the moron that “enforcing UN resolutions” was a great opportunity to get even with Saddam for his attempted assassination of daddy George H.W. Bush and that America could control Iraq’s oil. Cheney was lickin his chops for that Iraqi oil and huge NO BID contracts for his old firm Halliburton.

Get a clue Jerkoff!!!!!
That's interesting Counselor; when you are desperate to try to find some hope that this law will somehow get better and save your party from a massive slaughter in November.

It is with equal amusement that you think my efforts to defend the truth are desperate or hopeful. Trust me; I have no hope that the truth will ever have any effect on a hyper partisan like you who is so prone to lies and distortions in a desperate effort to defend the failed ideology you gullibly believe in.

I would like you to define what a massive slaughter is in your opinion?