
Bush took America to war in Iraq because Cheney convinced the moron that “enforcing UN resolutions” was a great opportunity to get even with Saddam for his attempted assassination of daddy George H.W. Bush and that America could control Iraq’s oil. Cheney was lickin his chops for that Iraqi oil and huge NO BID contracts for his old firm Halliburton.

Get a clue Jerkoff!!!!!

Yeah right shit-for-brains; you're about as brilliant as Mainetard.
exactly.... and, in the process, they get to suppress all those non-fraudulent ones from demographic groups that typically support the other party.

If requiring a voter ID at the polls is "suppressing non-fraudulent votes," how come it doesn't work to suppress welfare checks, Obama-phones and food stamps?????
The gop will admit no such thing, however paul ryan recently said on a talk show that they are hoping for a sweep of the senate and Potus to repeal the entire thing.

Paul Ryan also predicted he'd be Vise President in this day and age. What the fuck does Paul Ryan really know?????
Further losses in the House and loss of control of the Senate.

Then "IF" y'all's RINOs get that kind of control what the fuck good will it do with Obama in the White House with his veto pen????? That's likely to give Demorats enough of an issue, i. e. "The Republican Do Nothing Congress" to sweep Hillary and Demorats into office in 2016.
Then "IF" y'all's RINOs get that kind of control what the fuck good will it do with Obama in the White House with his veto pen????? That's likely to give Demorats enough of an issue, i. e. "The Republican Do Nothing Congress" to sweep Hillary and Demorats into office in 2016.

Well, first no legislation would reach Obummers desk that wasn't vetted by a Republican controlled Congress. Secondly, it would be very hard to claim Congress was "doing nothing" if they send legislation to Obummers desk only to get vetoed; then I would argue we had a do-nothing President.

Lastly, the alternative would be a Democrat victory which would ensure passage of another $450 billion pork laden bill euphemistically called a "jobs" bill adding much more to an already massive accumulation of debt and deficits.

I know you like to dimwittedly rant that there is no difference between the two party's with your equally stupid duopoly meme; but reality suggests you could not be MORE wrong.

P.S. Currently we have a "do-nothing" Senate that is sitting on a pile of legislation thanks to Dirty Harry Ried; the dumbest man to ever preside over the Senate.
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Well, first no legislation would reach Obummers desk that wasn't vetted by a Republican controlled Congress.

Oh! OK “vetted” by a Kangaroo Court of majority ideologues dancing to the John Boehner jig. How sweet is that?????

Secondly, it would be very hard to claim Congress was "doing nothing" if they send legislation to Obummers desk only to get vetoed; then I would argue we had a do-nothing President.

”You” would argue to who? When have RINOs ever been able to “out-argue” the Communist & Chief? Who pinned the government shutdown on who? Who pushed granny off of the cliff in her wheelchair? Who’s labeled “The BIG Corporation Party?” The Communist & Chief will make any RINO legislation look like a firing-squad of Satan’s loyalist aiming at the poor, the downtrodden, the weak, the impoverished, the sick and the old. RINOs are about as politically skilled as Larry, Mo and Curly.

Lastly, the alternative would be a Democrat victory which would ensure passage of another $450 billion pork laden bill euphemistically called a "jobs" bill adding much more to an already massive accumulation of debt and deficits.

And a RINO victory in the midterm will produce nothing except ammunition for the Demorats to blame on the RINOs and bolster Hillary’s landslide in 2016 and her coattails long enough to carry a Demorat majority again in both houses.

I know you like to dimwittedly rant that there is no difference between the two party's with your equally stupid duopoly meme; but reality suggests you could not be MORE wrong.

The ”reality” is my dimwitted rants and the tons of evidence I produce that prove that there is truly a fucking duopoly dictatorship leave you speechless and totally unable to respond with any kind of rational argument so you resort to worthless, humorous insults in your wildest hope that some other moron like you will think you actually have debating skills.

P.S. Currently we have a "do-nothing" Senate that is sitting on a pile of legislation thanks to Dirty Harry Ried; the dumbest man to ever preside over the Senate.

P.S. Dirty Harry and the Communist & Chief managed to convince the voting minions that RINOs are the “Do Nothing” Dorks well enough to get Harry & Barrack reelected. Splain that!!!!!!!