Thousands dropped from food stamps due to work requirements

As usual the haters are so pleased to get after the powerless. It must be some self gratifying sport for them. The vast majority of those on help are children, and the abject poor. If you think it will get your personal,super super hard working money back to you,you are dreaming.It is the top 1 percent and corporations that are confiscating the wealth and letting you pay the taxes.
It is a human frailty to want to wield power over those below us in society. Your attitude to the poor is the same as the rich have toward you. They think they deserve all that wealth and they are entitled to power. They see you as losers for not being them.

As usual, someone else creates a sock and tries to defend what one person earned going to someone that didn't earn it. You think the poor deserve something that isn't theirs. If you do, give them yours. MINE is for ME and MY family.
Deflection,you made a post and can't prove it!Fake Christian!

He is always asking/telling someone to prove something & yet he has never proved anything, even when chided repeatedly..

What is really sad here, IMHO, this man/women is actually an adult not an adolescent....
As usual, someone else creates a sock and tries to defend what one person earned going to someone that didn't earn it. You think the poor deserve something that isn't theirs. If you do, give them yours. MINE is for ME and MY family.

As usual Right wingers do not realize workers create the wealth. Corporate profits are at all time highs while worker pay stays stuck in the mud.
Deserve? Some believe that there are people whose circumstances put them in financial trouble. It is not because they are weak and sinful. Bad shit happens to good people too.
You just do not care about others. That is your weaknesses,hate and anger.
Thinking caring people are concerned about those who life gave the short stick. That includes many Christians. There are people who need assistance, through no part of their own doing. It happens to young and old. Happens to smart people and stupid ones too. It might happen to you. Most societies provide a way to survive when life bites you. They help the needy. They feel good about it. Some resent anyone who falls on hard times.They are Republicans.
Thinking caring people are concerned about those who life gave the short stick. That includes many Christians. There are people who need assistance, through no part of their own doing. It happens to young and old. Happens to smart people and stupid ones too. It might happen to you. Most societies provide a way to survive when life bites you. They help the needy. They feel good about it. Some resent anyone who falls on hard times.They are Republicans.

I work for charities .... Republicans give more money to charities than Democrats . Well known fact .
November 3, 2018; New York Times

The political differences between Republicans and Democrats don’t play out solely at the ballot box; they also predict how likely people are to donate to charity. This finding from a newly published research project reflects a key difference, one tied to political affiliation, about how our nation should take on critical social issues like homelessness, poverty, and health care. The data also suggest that in times of political strife, both parties’ supporters pull back, making problem-solving harder.

Using voting and IRS data for the residents of 3,000 counties across the nation, the four-professor research team found, according to the New York Times, that counties which are “overwhelmingly Republican” report higher charitable contributions than Democratic-dominated counties, although “giving in blue counties is often bolstered by a combination of charitable donations and higher taxes. But as red or blue counties become more politically competitive, charitable giving tends to fall.” The full study was recently published in the Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
As usual Right wingers do not realize workers create the wealth.
They certainly do help in that, yes.
Corporate profits are at all time highs while worker pay stays stuck in the mud.
Corporations that do not profit do not remain in business long. Why do you have a problem with corporate profits? It means they are doing something right.

Worker pay has nothing to do with corporate profits. Payscale is set by price discovery, same as any other resource on the market. You want to make more money? Make yourself worth more to somebody by providing a talent that few others have or a service that few others are willing to give. No corporation is required to spend their revenue on anything or to pay any particular price on that thing outside of price discovery. Government interference with prices is price controls. They never work. They ALWAYS cause shortages.
Deserve? Some believe that there are people whose circumstances put them in financial trouble. It is not because they are weak and sinful. Bad shit happens to good people too.
Yes it does. What you are going to do about it? Whine, or get back in the saddle and get back to being productive?
You just do not care about others.
But I do. I've just told you how to get rich. That was free advice. It works.
That is your weaknesses,hate and anger.
Inversion fallacy. If YOU just spend your time whining about your low pay, YOU are the only one to blame. You have no place to hate corporations or hold anger against them.