Thousands dropped from food stamps due to work requirements

What really matters is if there's work available. If there is, cool. If there isn't then you can't blame people for not working.
I'm sure there are lots of them, as well as lots of rightWingWackos such as yourself....... The difference is that the rightWingers earned theirs in their own minds while everyone else is just a bum.........:rolleyes:

I'm willing to concede you are a bum........

pO' pimp has no dragons left to slay..
Racist white men are a danger to our society.

We need to stop funding states who do this to the poor.

Why do we keep allowing these people to do this while they themselves are living off the government dole.

As a resident of CA, my taxes go to support these racist as states.

CUT THEIR FUNDING and let them sink.

Do what to the poor, have them earn what they get? What we need is to stop enabling people to be freeloaders and live off others willing to provide for themselves. I don't owe them a damn thing.
What really matters is if there's work available. If there is, cool. If there isn't then you can't blame people for not working.

Is it that they can't find work or they can't find a job doing exactly what they want to do?
What am I missing here? The folks being taken off food stamps are "able bodied childless adults". I am assuming this means these folks are quite capable of getting job. There are no children that need to be supported. What is the problem?

If you're an able bodied adult, there is no reason you shouldn't be working. It is they can't find a job or can't find one they WANT to work?
They starve people they don't like in third world countries, too...
Great fucking company eh?

If you're able bodied and unwilling to work, I'm not starving you. You're starving yourself. I have no problem with someone unwilling to work being unable to eat.