Thousands dropped from food stamps due to work requirements

Racist white men are a danger to our society.

We need to stop funding states who do this to the poor.

Why do we keep allowing these people to do this while they themselves are living off the government dole.

As a resident of CA, my taxes go to support these racist as states.

CUT THEIR FUNDING and let them sink.

Why the fuck are able bodied people without children, getting food stamps in the first place?
What really matters is if there's work available. If there is, cool. If there isn't then you can't blame people for not working.

We are at historically low unemployment levels. If someone ain't working, it's because they don't want to.
What was Jesus thinking?When he said feed the poor?

Can you show us where Jesus said, feed the poor by taking from working people at the point of a gun?

Here's what the Bible actually has to say. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.
I think some posters here would be amazed to learn how many Trump supporters both on this board and in RL rely on some sort of government-provided social welfare, from Medicare, to Medicaid, to food stamps, to VA healthcare, to disability benefits.

So? We do not tolerate laziness.
What am I missing here? The folks being taken off food stamps are "able bodied childless adults". I am assuming this means these folks are quite capable of getting job. There are no children that need to be supported. What is the problem?

Most liberals believe that being self sufficient is an option if you don't want to work you shouldn't have to as society should cloth, feed and house you as long as you live or when the tax payers revolt.
Urban areas are invariably democrat, how come the blue state urban areas don't consume nearly what the red ones do? How come the states that use the most are almost invariably the states trump won by the widest margins?

The poorest county in the country voted for trump by the widest margin, it's 99% white and over 60% of those living in it are on welfare.

News flash: Democrats exist in every state in the union in every geographical location of this nation...that's why there exists a generational welfare demography since the purchase your vote great society programs of the 60s came into existence. ;) What's the difference between a city slum controlled by the democrats and a rural slum controlled by the democrat plantation overseers? Geography. Look it up its a real lesson taught in every classroom across the nation. Some people (to include minorities who are now enjoying the lowest unemployment rate in their history) finally realizing ….YES....they can work their way out of this generational welfare entrapment voter base......just ask the good folk of the impenetrable BLUE WALL states that elected President Trump.
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Life has no come into this world naked and broke after having been created equal. If you constantly must depend upon the good nature of your neighbors to simply survive....then you will leave this world the same way you came into it.....naked and dependent, GUARANTEED.
Too general, there are people who work multiple jobs and need assistance. You have to work to get assistance, unless you are child, elderly or disabled.

Free will is a bitch sometimes no? Name one individual that has to work 2 jobs that have not placed themselves into that position through the piss poor live decisions they have made or simply refused to make. The world owes you nothing...if you are dependent upon CHARITY to exist you will always be a loser. Call it what you will....welfare is a type of charity, its simply a state sponsored income redistribution scam made under threat of fine and or imprisonment....used to purchase votes from those who ask no more out of life than existence. What ADULT has to work 2 min. wage jobs? Children pretending to be adults who refused to mature because their MOMMA has promised to take care of them (GOVERNMENT)…."if" they keep voting for a certain party.