Thousands dropped from food stamps due to work requirements

Too general, there are people who work multiple jobs and need assistance. You have to work to get assistance, unless you are child, elderly or disabled.

You have to work to get assistance, unless you are child, elderly or disabled.

Not true some single parents are not required to work.

there are people who work multiple jobs and need assistance.

And they meet the criteria.

I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand but if one is able to work and refuses to work they get no food stamps or public assistance.
Not true some single parents are not required to work.

And they meet the criteria.

I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand but if one is able to work and refuses to work they get no food stamps or public assistance.
It is already the law, educate yourself, it isn’t hard for me to understand at all, your generalizations are rhetoric, I was simply pointing it out to you.
It is already the law, educate yourself, it isn’t hard for me to understand at all, your generalizations are rhetoric, I was simply pointing it out to you.

I ignored your earlier snide little insults but I have had enough! First off you twit, I was giving my opinion which you were either to stupid to understand or ignored. When I asked you if you agree that people who refuse to work should get no food stamps you went off with the moronic crap that some people work multiple jobs but need help. That you moron was not the discussion. So please get your shit together before debating as you look like a left wing idiot which it so happens you are.
I ignored your earlier snide little insults but I have had enough! First off you twit, I was giving my opinion which you were either to stupid to understand or ignored. When I asked you if you agree that people who refuse to work should get no food stamps you went off with the moronic crap that some people work multiple jobs but need help. That you moron was not the discussion. So please get your shit together before debating as you look like a left wing idiot which it so happens you are.
:laugh: you mad bro :laugh: I love crabby old guys. Hilarious. You guys hate having your ignorance exposed. Carry on, and Nameste
Life has no come into this world naked and broke after having been created equal. If you constantly must depend upon the good nature of your neighbors to simply survive....then you will leave this world the same way you came into it.....naked and dependent, GUARANTEED.

DEMOCRATS seem to "think" that if a clump of cells manages to escape being aborted the taxpayers have an obligation to support it, don't they, Ralph?
:laugh: you mad bro :laugh: I love crabby old guys. Hilarious. You guys hate having your ignorance exposed. Carry on, and Nameste

Sorry but I don't get mad when dealing with mentally challenged old women. As I fully understand what menopause does to your mental facilities. Fortunately most women here are not affected like you are.

But your little outburst told me you are not willing to discuss poltics seriously but only want to see how big an ass you can make of yourself.

And you are doing one hell of a job showing your ass.
DEMOCRATS seem to "think" that if a clump of cells manages to escape being aborted the taxpayers have an obligation to support it, don't they, Ralph?

And reality dictates that it is the responsibility of the parents to nurture, protect, teach, and shepherd their offspring, expecting a "village" to raise your children in a "turnkey" society is a recipe for manufacturing a disrespectful, non-obedient, lazy, uneducated citizen that has no moral compass. :thinking:
Too general, there are people who work multiple jobs and need assistance. You have to work to get assistance, unless you are child, elderly or disabled.

But this isn't about people who are working and still need assistance; because this is about those who are able to work and aren't.
I ignored your earlier snide little insults but I have had enough! First off you twit, I was giving my opinion which you were either to stupid to understand or ignored. When I asked you if you agree that people who refuse to work should get no food stamps you went off with the moronic crap that some people work multiple jobs but need help. That you moron was not the discussion. So please get your shit together before debating as you look like a left wing idiot which it so happens you are.

But Grumpy; it's how she FEELS and in liberal land, it's all about the FEELS.

No they don't have to work .... Not in California !
Adults in CalWORKs must do “work activities” to get cash aid. This is called “Welfare-to-Work” (WTW). Unless you have an “exemption” (excusing you from work), one adult on aid must do 30 hours of work per week (20 hours if you have a child under age 6); two parents must do 35 hours per week.

Welfare-to-Work: How It Works | Legal Services of Northern ...

And then there is this .....

Welfare in California consists of federal welfare programs—which are often at least partially administered by state and county agencies—and several independent programs, which are usually administered by the counties.

The largest California-specific programs are:

MediCal, the California Medicaid program
CalFresh, the California Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP / Food Stamp program)
CalWORKs, the California Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program
Can you show us where Jesus said, feed the poor by taking from working people at the point of a gun?

Here's what the Bible actually has to say. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.

Worse kind of right wing,twisting of scripture,and ignoring Jesus!
Worse kind of right wing,twisting of scripture,and ignoring Jesus!
The miracle of loaves and fishes is an example of taking from those that have and feeding those that have not.
Jesus did not require the government to redistribute the wealth, Jesus invoked his followers to do it willingly to share their bounty willingly. The early Christian community practiced what Jesus instructed, it is written in the Book of Acts.
The miracle of loaves and fishes is an example of taking from those that have and feeding those that have not.
Jesus did not require the government to redistribute the wealth, Jesus invoked his followers to do it willingly to share their bounty willingly. The early Christian community practiced what Jesus instructed, it is written in the Book of Acts.

Almost sounds like Jesus isn't a white right-wing Republican, gun carrying Corporate Capitalist ,Trump supporter!