Thousands dropped from food stamps due to work requirements

Worse kind of right wing,twisting of scripture,and ignoring Jesus!

HEY, YOU'RE BACK!! ;god4u:

Did your "backside" recover from the spanking you received, for acting like a child??

I couldn't collude with the Russians,like your hero!
Funny a right-wing talking about swaying a vote.

While you can't prove your allegation, it has been proven that you are a cheater and the name of Mason will now always be associated with being a cheat; such as someone being accused of "Masoning".

What other benefits do these able bodied individuals get? Housing assistance, Medicaid, EBT?

For those that want to blame Trump, it’s not him. Blame the state of GA.

Trump is considering cutting benefits using an existing law.
The miracle of loaves and fishes is an example of taking from those that have and feeding those that have not.
Jesus did not require the government to redistribute the wealth, Jesus invoked his followers to do it willingly to share their bounty willingly. The early Christian community practiced what Jesus instructed, it is written in the Book of Acts.

That's exactly right, charity is not compulsory in the Bible. Why do you insinuate that Christians today don't practice what Jesus instructed? That's BS, and you darn well know it. You are waaaaay smarter than that.