Thousands of vets march on DC - demand trump's removal from office....

I enlisted in peacetime and went through the Navy's nuclear power program. I was a 3384 and retired as a Chief Electrician's Mate (SW) nuclear field. My wartime experience was in areas of maintenance, which is what black shoe engineering types do.

In the first Gulf War, I was in shop 10A at SIMA San Diego, amphib section, and getting ships ready to take a Marine Amphibious Brigade to the Persian Gulf.

In the second one, after 9/11, I first went to San Diego to get a ship in Continental Marine's yard under the Coronado bridge capable of getting underway. It had serious electrical issues that I quickly fixed that the crew couldn't figure out and weren't part of Continental's contract. Then I went to NAS Bahrain for a variety of engineering tasks.

I was on the wrong coast for Granada, Panama, and Kosovo.

So, what war were you in and what did you do?
Good for you.
I was in NAM.
Active 1969 to 1973 .
was an ST first then went to OT
We tracked subs and helped make sure our subs could not be heard by the Russians.
Also worked at Autec on and off.
most of what we did back then was Top Secret and till this day about 20% or so still is and in my case I can't say anything about that part for another 24 years if they don't reclassify it.
You do realize that Musk is planning to chainsaw 80,000 positions in the VA? You don’t think that will have an effect on VA services?
Elon Musk has fired no one, anchovies! :omg:
Not to mention that close to 30% of all Federal employees are veterans, and you think randomly cutting positions isn’t going to affect Veterans?
Making up numbers won't either.
They should be pissed, protesting, anything but idiotic
Since they've chosen to break any military oath they supposedly took (I don't think they're veterans), that just make them idiots.
What does it matter?
So you just admitted that they are not even veterans, and your arguments are all about supporting veterans with the same crappy service they already get.
People do have the right to express their thoughts .
You aren't having any thoughts. You just mindlessly echo what Democrat leaders tell you to say.
And some people unlike Trump stand behind our vets.
You just admitted they aren't veterans.

Which is it, Tball???
Oh so other people that aren't VETs can't stand behind the vets that are protesting?
You are still locked in that paradox, Tball. You have to decide which argument you want to use and utterly discard the other.
I am a VET and I still help other vets and am a member of the VFW and do a lot of work there.
I don't believe you, Tball.
Not anatomically possible, Tball.
I was in NAM. Active 1969 to 1973 . was an ST first then went to OT We tracked subs and helped make sure our subs could not be heard by the Russians. Also worked at Autec on and off. most of what we did back then was Top Secret and till this day about 20% or so still is and in my case I can't say anything about that part for another 24 years if they don't reclassify it.

I don't believe you, T-Ball.

Yes, it fucking matters. There's nothing worse than a poser among a group of veterans. If you didn't serve don't begin to pretend you did.
The link below details not only some tips in spotting imposters, but details where doing such is an actual crime. Mostly it's about impersonating officers and medals of valor, but there are other limits along with some states which make posing as a veteran a crime.

IMO, it should be a felony to impersonate being a veteran regardless of rank or otherwise lie about service in the US military including time in service or type of discharge.
Let's see how little trumpers respect veterans who've sacrificed for our country....

View attachment 45784

Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) Doug Collins confirmed that the Biden administration’s VA diverted “manpower” away from Veteran Care (VC) to help illegal migrants obtain health care.​

Must have been slow at the VA under since they spent time and manpower helping illegals

Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) Doug Collins confirmed that the Biden administration’s VA diverted “manpower” away from Veteran Care (VC) to help illegal migrants obtain health care.​

Must have been slow at the VA under since they spent time and manpower helping illegals
MAGAt rule #4 When the conversation isn't going your way, change the subject.
MAGAt rule #5 When losing an argument, use whataboutism