Thousands of vets march on DC - demand trump's removal from office....

Alleged veterans.

Skepticism is warranted. No official body, like the Department of Veterans Affairs, has released data confirming participants’ veteran status today, and the event’s open call to “all” (per means non-veterans likely joined. Past protests, like the 1932 Bonus Army, faced doubts about participants’ authenticity, with some labeled as non-veterans or radicals, though leader Walter Waters insisted all were vetted. Here, the lack of a centralized verification process leaves room for exaggeration or infiltration by non-veterans, a possibility not disproven by available data.

That's why I put it in quotes. When somebody I don't know says to me "I'm a veteran," I usually respond with something like this...

Really? Cool, what service?
What was your MOS/NEC/AFSC?
Where were you stationed?

An actual veteran can rattle those off without hesitation. Something like, 'I was in the Army and a 11B at Fort Hood in the 2nd Armored division,' or "I was a 5463 on the USS Ticonderoga,' that sort of thing. Actual veterans know the lingo and slang of veterans. Posers aren't practiced in those nuisances normally.
Because it's disingenuous to make the claim without evidence, T-ball.

Nobody claimed otherwise, T-Ball.

I bet you stand behind them, T-Ball. Way behind them. :thup:
Oh so other people that aren't VETs can't stand behind the vets that are protesting?
I am a VET and I still help other vets and am a member of the VFW and do a lot of work there.
That's why I put it in quotes. When somebody I don't know says to me "I'm a veteran," I usually respond with something like this...

Really? Cool, what service?
What was your MOS/NEC/AFSC?
Where were you stationed?

An actual veteran can rattle those off without hesitation. Something like, 'I was in the Army and a 11B at Fort Hood in the 2nd Armored division,' or "I was a 5463 on the USS Ticonderoga,' that sort of thing. Actual veterans know the lingo and slang of veterans. Posers aren't practiced in those nuisances normally.

I suspect most JPP lefties are poseurs who pretend they love the military opportunistically.
The Military Times didn't mention "Musk". You did - on, a social media platform.

Nothing else seems to have worked.

I have no problem if deadwood loses their jobs if they aren't helping veterans. Being ex-military doesn't make someone impervious to performance standards.

I've also seen no evidence that "veterans are protesting" in their "thousands".
Did you think Collins came up with that number on his own? He was confirming questions regarding leaked memo stating the intent (

And again, you missed it, Musk ain’t looking for deadwoods, there’s no performance review, it’s chainsaw dismissals, indiscriminately cutting people
Can't make them worse. Call a government agency sometime. You'll typically wait for an hour or more to get served. Even then, the result is likely to be they can't fix the problem. When I have to mail in documents for something government related, I send them 100% of the time certified mail, return receipt required. If I don't it likely won't be processed. That adds cost to doing that process.

If you make any mistakes, no matter how small, on a form it won't get processed and you will have to start the process over. Civilian companies will work with you on the phone or by e-mail and fix such problems usually in minutes.

When I retired from military service, I submitted my paperwork almost a year in advance and I still had to spend several days on the phone with the processing command and then DFAS to get everything through. After that, it only took about 3 months for them to start paying me.

The government, as it is, is the most inefficient, inept, clueless, ineffective, sloppy, useless, and pedantic customer service on the planet. Firing people isn't going to make it slower or worse.

The VA is very much hit and miss. For most veterans--including me--it is the source of last resort for virtually anything. VA medical care can be anything from pretty good to incredibly terrible. Wait times are astoundingly long. Have a problem with DFAS (the agency that pays veterans)? Expect to sit on the phone for several hours. Dial in within a minute or two of them opening (CST--they're in Cleveland OH). Paperwork? It is utterly pedantic and often completely confusing.

ID cards have gotten better. It used to take an appointment and all day to get one. Now they have these kiosks that you do all the entries on and then have to comeback the next day to get the ID card. At least you don't spend all day getting one, just an hour or so on two days...

TRICARE is a hot mess today too. Compared to the civilian side, FEHB, Tricare sucks bigtime! I guess that's because Congresscritters use FEHB too.

Veterans do get a hiring preference with the federal government, but it's on par with those that select minorities, and a number of other categories get.
So indiscriminately, without even a performance review, cutting 80,000 employees is going to improve service?
Nobody said that, T-Ball. OP is being disingenuous, T-Ball.

I don't believe you, T-Ball.

I broke @Tbird19482.
Fuck you ASSHOLE I do more work for our vets in a week then most people do in a year.
My point to you ASSHOLE is people have the right to stand by their vets and protest what Trump and his ass kisser Musk have been doing. AGAIN you do NOT go in and start cutting " waste and fraud" BEFORE you even find out where the waste and fraud is.
Going in with a chainsaw and just cutting cutting cutting everything in sight is NOT how you do it, FIND the waste and fraud FIRST then you can cut it with a hand saw .
That way you do not hurt people that need these federal programs.
Musk ain’t looking for deadwoods, there’s no performance review, it’s chainsaw dismissals, indiscriminately cutting people

So you say, Anchovies. Y O U posted "Musk" and "chainsaw" on a social media platform, Anchovies.

Not Military Times, not

Y O U, Anchovies.
Fuck you ASSHOLE I do more work for our vets in a week then most people do in a year.
My point to you ASSHOLE is people have the right to stand by their vets and protest what Trump and his ass kisser Musk have been doing. AGAIN you do NOT go in and start cutting " waste and fraud" BEFORE you even find out where the waste and fraud is.
Going in with a chainsaw and just cutting cutting cutting everything in sight is NOT how you do it, FIND the waste and fraud FIRST then you can cut it with a hand saw .
That way you do not hurt people that need these federal programs.
Now you sound like you're not a vet.
I put my time in and was in a war .
What did you do?
I enlisted in peacetime and went through the Navy's nuclear power program. I was a 3384 and retired as a Chief Electrician's Mate (SW) nuclear field. My wartime experience was in areas of maintenance, which is what black shoe engineering types do.

In the first Gulf War, I was in shop 10A at SIMA San Diego, amphib section, and getting ships ready to take a Marine Amphibious Brigade to the Persian Gulf.

In the second one, after 9/11, I first went to San Diego to get a ship in Continental Marine's yard under the Coronado bridge capable of getting underway. It had serious electrical issues that I quickly fixed that the crew couldn't figure out and weren't part of Continental's contract. Then I went to NAS Bahrain for a variety of engineering tasks.

I was on the wrong coast for Granada, Panama, and Kosovo.

So, what war were you in and what did you do?