T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
That's why I put it in quotes. When somebody I don't know says to me "I'm a veteran," I usually respond with something like this...Alleged veterans.
Skepticism is warranted. No official body, like the Department of Veterans Affairs, has released data confirming participants’ veteran status today, and the event’s open call to “all” (per nowmarch.org) means non-veterans likely joined. Past protests, like the 1932 Bonus Army, faced doubts about participants’ authenticity, with some labeled as non-veterans or radicals, though leader Walter Waters insisted all were vetted. Here, the lack of a centralized verification process leaves room for exaggeration or infiltration by non-veterans, a possibility not disproven by available data.
Really? Cool, what service?
What was your MOS/NEC/AFSC?
Where were you stationed?
An actual veteran can rattle those off without hesitation. Something like, 'I was in the Army and a 11B at Fort Hood in the 2nd Armored division,' or "I was a 5463 on the USS Ticonderoga,' that sort of thing. Actual veterans know the lingo and slang of veterans. Posers aren't practiced in those nuisances normally.