Thread Ban feature


Former Vice President
Since the Thread Ban feature was created for Darla, Rana and Christie to be able to help deal with me, I have a couple of enhancement requests

1) change name from Thread Ban to The ILA. It was created for me. It is only fair it be be named after me

2) make it so list of who is thread banned is hidden so unsuspecting people are surprised when they try to post replies

3) Change the message from “you are banned from this thread” to “REJECTED BITCH”
Maybe change to:
"I'm frightened of other people, I like to talk to myself" thread?

Not true. Lots of threads I start in APP with little to know thread bans. Not my fault if leftists can’t follow the rules there.

I have very specific reasons why I Thread Ban and fear of a leftist doesn’t even come into play

I have considered starting a new thread ban policy.

On a weekly basis I will choose one leftist to NOT thread ban. That leftist will be the leftist spokesperson for all of you. I figure you all spout the same exact talking points and nonsense. By limiting the threads to just one idiot, I can be more efficient and not have to read duplicative crap.

What do you think?
Not true. Lots of threads I start in APP with little to know thread bans. Not my fault if leftists can’t follow the rules there.

I have very specific reasons why I Thread Ban and fear of a leftist doesn’t even come into play

I have considered starting a new thread ban policy.

On a weekly basis I will choose one leftist to NOT thread ban. That leftist will be the leftist spokesperson for all of you. I figure you all spout the same exact talking points and nonsense. By limiting the threads to just one idiot, I can be more efficient and not have to read duplicative crap.

What do you think?

Why exactly do you suppose any 'leftist' (= normal person) would wish to communicate with you, I wonder.
Why exactly do you suppose any 'leftist' (= normal person) would wish to communicate with you, I wonder.

That is easily answered. I am JPPs most influential and consequential poster.

Now you can say you don’t wish to communicate with me, but the constant bitching about my use of thread bans would tend to mitigate that statement.
That is easily answered. I am JPPs most influential and consequential poster.

Now you can say you don’t wish to communicate with me, but the constant bitching about my use of thread bans would tend to mitigate that statement.
My point about thread bans is that it is difficult for sane people to remember that weirdoes join a discussion site to run away from discussion, so you type out an answer to some contribution, and only then discover that you are in the list of fifteen rugby teams at the top of the thread. The trick would be, I suppose, to deny anyone rational a voice, then we could avoid wasting our time in this way.
My point about thread bans is that it is difficult for sane people to remember that weirdoes join a discussion site to run away from discussion, so you type out an answer to some contribution, and only then discover that you are in the list of fifteen rugby teams at the top of the thread. The trick would be, I suppose, to deny anyone rational a voice, then we could avoid wasting our time in this way.

Talk about a first world problem. I didn’t realize what a tremendous burden this put on you.

Here is a suggestion. Before typing out a post that won’t be any different from any other leftist, just check the top of the thread you are wishing to respond to to see if your name is present.

What do you think of my idea of having a designated leftist spokesperson for my threads thus allowing y’all to participate?
Talk about a first world problem. I didn’t realize what a tremendous burden this put on you.

Here is a suggestion. Before typing out a post that won’t be any different from any other leftist, just check the top of the thread you are wishing to respond to to see if your name is present.

What do you think of my idea of having a designated leftist spokesperson for my threads thus allowing y’all to participate?

Why the fuck should I read seventy thousand names every times I visit? Put up Nazi thread. Heil Trump where everyone can always read it.
Why the fuck should I read seventy thousand names every times I visit? Put up Nazi thread. Heil Trump where everyone can always read it.

Well I guess you will just have to keep rolling the dice then

I have offered you a solution to your problem but like all leftists you just want to stomp your feet until you get your way.

Well I won’t give you your way

I will offer this compromise. If I decide to go through with my new thread ban feature, I promise you will be the first lefty spokesperson. I am thinking of making it a weeklong rotation.
Not true. Lots of threads I start in APP with little to know thread bans. Not my fault if leftists can’t follow the rules there.

I have very specific reasons why I Thread Ban and fear of a leftist doesn’t even come into play

I have considered starting a new thread ban policy.

On a weekly basis I will choose one leftist to NOT thread ban. That leftist will be the leftist spokesperson for all of you. I figure you all spout the same exact talking points and nonsense. By limiting the threads to just one idiot, I can be more efficient and not have to read duplicative crap.

What do you think?

I think you are paralyzed with fear. You ban almost the entire Forum. The effect is, ... no one bothers to read your OP because no one is allowed to respond. It's like you are in an empty Park, standing on a Soap Box, and speaking solely so you can hear yourself. Maybe you have something of interest to say, but no one will ever know because they ignore your threads.
I think you are paralyzed with fear. You ban almost the entire Forum. The effect is, ... no one bothers to read your OP because no one is allowed to respond. It's like you are in an empty Park, standing on a Soap Box, and speaking solely so you can hear yourself. Maybe you have something of interest to say, but no one will ever know because they ignore your threads.

Your psychoanalysis is belied by the fact that I threadban very few in APP

For the record whether you read my threads or not is irrelevant although I know many do. The forum tells me so
Since the Thread Ban feature was created for Darla, Rana and Christie to be able to help deal with me, I have a couple of enhancement requests

1) change name from Thread Ban to The ILA. It was created for me. It is only fair it be be named after me

2) make it so list of who is thread banned is hidden so unsuspecting people are surprised when they try to post replies

3) Change the message from “you are banned from this thread” to “REJECTED BITCH”

stay away from sharp objects

that cranium is so inflated it will pop very easily
Poor guy. He goes to the moderated forum, where everyone should be essentially neutered in their responses, and he has to ban the opposition, so he can dick around. He's kind of like the old man, yelling at kids to get off his lawn. He just wants to attempt to troll liberals, because he's butthurt, and can't do much else.
Not true. Lots of threads I start in APP with little to know thread bans. Not my fault if leftists can’t follow the rules there.

I have very specific reasons why I Thread Ban and fear of a leftist doesn’t even come into play

I have considered starting a new thread ban policy.

On a weekly basis I will choose one leftist to NOT thread ban. That leftist will be the leftist spokesperson for all of you. I figure you all spout the same exact talking points and nonsense. By limiting the threads to just one idiot, I can be more efficient and not have to read duplicative crap.

What do you think?

If you limited your threads to "just one idiot"...

...nobody would ever be there but you.
Yet here you are. I also seem to recall you moaning about being excluded for some of my threads, Taffy. If you don't "wish to communicate," don't.

Not a single thing of value will be lost thereby.

Their lack of self awareness is astonishing

Leftist: “I hate that Legion and ILA Thread ban me but I don’t want to read their posts anyway”
Poor guy. He goes to the moderated forum, where everyone should be essentially neutered in their responses, and he has to ban the opposition, so he can dick around. He's kind of like the old man, yelling at kids to get off his lawn. He just wants to attempt to troll liberals, because he's butthurt, and can't do much else.

I don't allow racists, or haters in.

Hypocrite much?
Your psychoanalysis is belied by the fact that I threadban very few in APP

For the record whether you read my threads or not is irrelevant although I know many do. The forum tells me so

I can only speak for myself. I view the first page, see if anything looks interesting to comment on. I know you thread ban most of the Forum (including me) so I don't bother clicking on your thread. I'm sure I'm not the only one that does this.