Three ways for the Jury to convict Trump

I realize evil scum won't shut down if I criticize them since evil scum are often in self denial. I am merely pointing out to others that you are antisemitic based on your actions.

You are evil scum.

You try and shut down speech by those who call out your filthy party. George Soros, Alex Soros, and the rest of the criminal gang that is the Soros Cartel are not immune to criticism and exposure because fuck witted Nazis like you throw a fit,

Soros is not a practicing Jew, worked for Hitler, and is a major supporter of Hamas - HE and YOU are Antisemites. This cynical Nazi attempt to silence dissent ain't cutting it pal.

You are a Hamas promoting Antisemite.

Have you sent your check to your terrorist buddies yet? Jews aren't going to kill themselves, Nazi boi.
You are evil scum.

You try and shut down speech by those who call out your filthy party. George Soros, Alex Soros, and the rest of the criminal gang that is the Soros Cartel are not immune to criticism and exposure because fuck witted Nazis like you throw a fit,

Soros is not a practicing Jew, worked for Hitler, and is a major supporter of Hamas - HE and YOU are Antisemites. This cynical Nazi attempt to silence dissent ain't cutting it pal.

You are a Hamas promoting Antisemite.

Have you sent your check to your terrorist buddies yet? Jews aren't going to kill themselves, Nazi boi.
Evil scum don't shut down. They double down as evidenced by your post.
You are criticizing Soros with no evidence and then trying to pretend you aren't antisemitic by claiming someone that is Jewish isn't really Jewish.
Go ahead and triple down now. We can all see it.
I realize evil scum won't shut down if I criticize them since evil scum are often in self denial. I am merely pointing out to others that you are antisemitic based on your actions.
Agreed, but also consider that most evil people choose to be evil like most of those in the MAGA movement. The fanatics, and those most likely to commit violence, are primarily mentally ill.

IMO, Sybil AKA Into the Night AKA gfm7175 AKA IBDaMann AKA Uncensored2008 is a paranoid schizophrenic and quite capable of committing a mass violent act against innocent Americans whom he considers to be Nazis, Leftists, Socialist or anyone who speaks ill of the Orange Jesus.

Hopefully the FBI has algorithms on him to stop him cold when he finally decides to act.
Evil scum don't shut down.

I don't expect you to shut down - I expect you to vomit out Nazi filth.

They double down as evidenced by your post.
You are criticizing Soros with no evidence and then trying to pretend you aren't antisemitic by claiming someone that is Jewish isn't really Jewish.
Go ahead and triple down now. We can all see it.

You sir, are lying scum. You've been provided posts by Alex Soros proving the Soros Cartel is behind the lynching in New York.

You try your little Nazi games to silence those who expose you, but you fail. You send money to Soros - who funds Hamas. Making you party to the 10-7 slaughter. Then you try and accuse others of what it is you are - a Nazi and an Antisemite.

There is a word for you, פאַררעטער
I don't expect you to shut down - I expect you to vomit out Nazi filth.
Reason #1 on why the FBI needs to track Sybil. He's violent.
You sir, are lying scum. You've been provided posts by Alex Soros proving the Soros Cartel is behind the lynching in New York.

You try your little Nazi games to silence those who expose you, but you fail. You send money to Soros - who funds Hamas. Making you party to the 10-7 slaughter. Then you try and accuse others of what it is you are - a Nazi and an Antisemite.

There is a word for you, פאַררעטער
אתה מטורף
I don't expect you to shut down - I expect you to vomit out Nazi filth.

You sir, are lying scum. You've been provided posts by Alex Soros proving the Soros Cartel is behind the lynching in New York.

You try your little Nazi games to silence those who expose you, but you fail. You send money to Soros - who funds Hamas. Making you party to the 10-7 slaughter. Then you try and accuse others of what it is you are - a Nazi and an Antisemite.

There is a word for you, פאַררעטער
There is a word for you -
Полезный идиот

Alex Soros runs a non profit that supports democracy around the world. Why do you hate democracy? Is it because you are Полезный идиот?
There is a word for you -
Полезный идиот

Alex Soros runs a non profit that supports democracy around the world. Why do you hate democracy? Is it because you are Полезный идиот?

The Soros Cartel is at war to end the United States of America and Israel, פאַררעטער

Standard Disclaimer: ההבנה שיש לך בעברית לא קיימת
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The Soros Cartel is at war to end the United States of America and Israel, פאַררעטער
That is an interesting sequence of logic.
Soros caused Trump's conviction and the proof is he said after the conviction that we should refer to a felon as a felon.
Then because Soros caused Trump's conviction it means that Soros is working to end the United States and Israel.

I didn't realize that Trump was both the United States and Israel. In actual reality they aren't. You seem to have some serious psychotic delusions there, Uncensored, if you think Trump encompasses both the United States and Israel.

That is an interesting sequence of logic.
Soros caused Trump's conviction and the proof is he said after the conviction that we should refer to a felon as a felon.
Then because Soros caused Trump's conviction it means that Soros is working to end the United States and Israel.

I didn't realize that Trump was both the United States and Israel. In actual reality they aren't. You seem to have some serious psychotic delusions there, Uncensored, if you think Trump encompasses both the United States and Israel.

You try so hard, and fail so completely.

I get that you're an America hating Stalinist - but you can't defend Soros anymore than you can defend Hitler or Pol Pot.
You try so hard, and fail so completely.

I get that you're an America hating Stalinist - but you can't defend Soros anymore than you can defend Hitler or Pol Pot.
LOL. You don't seem to know the difference Alex and George.
Definitely delusional on your part.
LOL. You don't seem to know the difference Alex and George.
Definitely delusional on your part.

You want to try that again in English?

Alex is the heir of George - the emperor of evil taking over for his Nazi father.

Why do you personally support and promote evil? Do you just hate humanity, or are you seeking revenge against the universe because you exist?