

Jaysus Christ Almighty, and I thought keepen up with the Bushies was a full time job! I will need to hire some help, this keeps up:

They have the emails. Remember, when this first started, no one from Sarah Palin's office had even spoken to the chief about her BIL. That statement was inoperative as of some weeks ago...but, SHE certainly had never done any such thing. Why did she then refuse to release her emails? Well, maybe because, that claim, is also, now inoperative:


And you guys better hope this one ain't true, but do read twice the real fun part about how ya'll was cauterwailing and making such a fuss when this same outfit broke the Edwards sex scandal. Why didn't the MSM go after him! If it was a republican they would have! Which of course, all gave the NE some credibility, now you guys lie down on that sword, ok?


WELLLLL.... let me tell you a little story bout a girl name sarah...

It's the Wasilla Hillbillies!
What is funny is, how a 'hot ticket' such as yourself, has spent the better part of her life the past week, trying everything you can to tear down this VP selection. It would seem, if Palin is this total catastrophe for the Republicans, you would be out having the time of your life in jubilant celebration, without the slightest concern for posting attack after attack on the internet. It just seems like you are putting an awful lot of energy and time, refuting someone who, in your opinion, puts the death nail in the McCain coffin.

I think you are a big fat liar. I think you know damn well, how dangerous Palin is to you and the Obama Express, and you're doing what pinhead liberals do best, attempting to assassinate her character before she gets started good. You don't want to face her on the issues, that would mean you would actually have to address the issues, and reveal your total lack of credibility. So, you put on the battle gear and go after her on every little tid-bit of bullshit you and the Daily Kos can dig up. She must be stopped now, or you are in serious trouble, and you know it.
What is funny is, how a 'hot ticket' such as yourself, has spent the better part of her life the past week, trying everything you can to tear down this VP selection. It would seem, if Palin is this total catastrophe for the Republicans, you would be out having the time of your life in jubilant celebration, without the slightest concern for posting attack after attack on the internet. It just seems like you are putting an awful lot of energy and time, refuting someone who, in your opinion, puts the death nail in the McCain coffin.

I think you are a big fat liar. I think you know damn well, how dangerous Palin is to you and the Obama Express, and you're doing what pinhead liberals do best, attempting to assassinate her character before she gets started good. You don't want to face her on the issues, that would mean you would actually have to address the issues, and reveal your total lack of credibility. So, you put on the battle gear and go after her on every little tid-bit of bullshit you and the Daily Kos can dig up. She must be stopped now, or you are in serious trouble, and you know it.

The other possibility is that McCain made a bad pick and did it impulsively after meeting her only once.
What is funny is, how a 'hot ticket' such as yourself, has spent the better part of her life the past week, trying everything you can to tear down this VP selection. It would seem, if Palin is this total catastrophe for the Republicans, you would be out having the time of your life in jubilant celebration, without the slightest concern for posting attack after attack on the internet. It just seems like you are putting an awful lot of energy and time, refuting someone who, in your opinion, puts the death nail in the McCain coffin.

I think you are a big fat liar. I think you know damn well, how dangerous Palin is to you and the Obama Express, and you're doing what pinhead liberals do best, attempting to assassinate her character before she gets started good. You don't want to face her on the issues, that would mean you would actually have to address the issues, and reveal your total lack of credibility. So, you put on the battle gear and go after her on every little tid-bit of bullshit you and the Daily Kos can dig up. She must be stopped now, or you are in serious trouble, and you know it.

Palin's a political light weight and about a week from now people will be going. Sarah who?

She's an idiot if she debates Biden.

You know I admire the hell out of McCain and I often think how much better off this country would be had he won the nomination in 2000. Bus Sarah Palin? What the fuck is he thinking?
The other possibility is that McCain made a bad pick and did it impulsively after meeting her only once.

I don't think so Skippy. McCain has run for president, what, three times? He finally gets the nomination, what he has sought for years... but he finds himself in a contest against a movement... and no administration coattails to want to hold on to. He meets Palin, along with several others he is considering, gets input from his advisers... learns of all the assorted 'pitfalls' regarding Palin's personal life and such... AND STILL PICKS HER! Trust me, he has good reason!

You can dream... you can froth up some idiotic myth... and your pinhead buddies will all go along with it, they dislike Palin as much as you do... but the truth is going to be hard for you guys to swallow. This woman is about to sweep the floor up with Obama/Biden, in a way we've never witnessed before in American politics. It's good you guys had a few days head start on tearing her down, but it won't do you any good in the end. Americans are about to hear the message of Conservatism once again, and your days are numbered.
Palin's a political light weight and about a week from now people will be going. Sarah who?

She's an idiot if she

You know I admire the hell out of McCain and I often think how much better off ? What the fuck is he thinking?
. There's no question she has a lot to prove. She could perform greatly or badly fail. It's in her hands to show now to show what she can do.
Conservatives seem destraught. They seem unable to accept the fact that American has seen conservatism, has experienced it, the only nation on Earth to go into so foolhardy and obviously wrong a path, and it failed. Miserably. It has cost us our place as a world superpower. Liberalism, meanwhile, was something America never even came close to trying. And they are willing to give it a chance.
this is pretty funny. All the republicans hopes for the presidency hanging on the VP nominee, who is at best a political lightweight.
this is pretty funny. All the republicans hopes for the presidency hanging on the VP nominee, who is at best a political lightweight.

Not a political lightweight, as has been pointed out, she has more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket combined. What you mean to say is, she is a Washington outsider, which is precisely why the Beltway crowd is whispering about her off-mike, and a huge plus for her with the American public, 91% of whom are fed up with the Beltway crowd!
I think it's EXACTLY the kind of "Change" America is looking for.

And you think liberals are dreamers ?

Now remember this is a VP candidate, not a presidential one.
But then I suppose she is all you have considering the doddering old shuffler.
Executive experience mayoring a town with 1000 voters then governing the 47th most populous state? Give me a break.

She's a fucking book burner.
Look, you guys can keep on towing the Democrat rope here... you can keep on insisting how a career politician and a 35-year relic of the Senate is going to bring something "new" to the table, but this woman is a complete Washington outsider who connects with average Americans in a very real and profound way. What better person to put at the head of our completely inept and out-of-touch Senate?