
... while the more numerous liberals want you guys buried and dead as the last century.

LOL... why do you suppose Democrats always have to "run to the middle" to win in the General Elections? Please explain that, if liberals outnumber conservatives?

Here's my estimate... about 40% of the country is non-conservative... of that 40%, about 20% are moderate yellow dog democrats who may have some liberal social or fiscal views, and about 20% are hard core Socialist Liberal scum like yourself. Don't kid yourself into thinking you are anywhere NEAR a majority in this country, you simply are not, and never will be.
What is funny is, how a 'hot ticket' such as yourself, has spent the better part of her life the past week, trying everything you can to tear down this VP selection. It would seem, if Palin is this total catastrophe for the Republicans, you would be out having the time of your life in jubilant celebration, without the slightest concern for posting attack after attack on the internet. It just seems like you are putting an awful lot of energy and time, refuting someone who, in your opinion, puts the death nail in the McCain coffin.

I think you are a big fat liar. I think you know damn well, how dangerous Palin is to you and the Obama Express, and you're doing what pinhead liberals do best, attempting to assassinate her character before she gets started good. You don't want to face her on the issues, that would mean you would actually have to address the issues, and reveal your total lack of credibility. So, you put on the battle gear and go after her on every little tid-bit of bullshit you and the Daily Kos can dig up. She must be stopped now, or you are in serious trouble, and you know it.

The other possibility is that McCain made a bad pick and did it impulsively after meeting her only once.

No, Dixie's got me. It was all me. I've been orchestrating the entire campaign against the lipsticked pitbull. It's my job as leader of Panicked Pinheads Unite.
Ditz-Dhula would love Palin if she had a D behind her name.
She's such a tool for the left it has her spazzing that there is a smart, hot, tough, intelligent woman on a ticket, oops but its the republican ticket.
Ditz-Dhula would love Palin if she had a D behind her name.
She's such a tool for the left it has her spazzing that there is a smart, hot, tough, intelligent woman on a ticket, oops but its the republican ticket.

If she had a D behind her name, she probably wouldn't oppose abortion in the case of rape.

Didn't you get embarassed enough yesterday, shorty?
If she had a D behind her name, she probably wouldn't oppose abortion in the case of rape.

Didn't you get embarassed enough yesterday, shorty?

Top doesn't know anything about issues, nor does he care. He's got mommy issues, and that's why we've seen him boomerang from being the board Hillary Girl to Palin's new cheerleader. He also has some very stunted belief that women don't go to war. But one of our most bloodthirsty posters is a woman. And in fact, history has plenty of them.

Only partisan hacks on the right and left have litmus test.
Millions of woman will vote for Palin, and that has both of your panties in a bunch.
You guys aren't used to moderate dems like me, Obama will win but I can still cave your looney left heads in on a daily basis.
Cue fatboy in the cycling jersey.
Only partisan hacks on the right and left have litmus test.
Millions of woman will vote for Palin, and that has both of your panties in a bunch.
You guys aren't used to moderate dems like me, Obama will win but I can still cave your looney left heads in on a daily basis.
Cue fatboy in the cycling jersey.

Only partisan hacks have a litmus test on whether abortion should be allowed in the case of rape? Really?

Top, issue for issue, she is the polar opposite of Hillary, who you used to adore.

How is it possible that on a political level, you can like both? Do the issues not matter to you at all?
I'm not pulling for Mcain/Palin at all. I'm yanking your chain for bashing her.
see my tag HR5843 is my most important issue, then oil.
but Obama has Mcain on too many domestic issue to let oil decide.
I do think and have said numerous times. A female president is less likely to start a war.
"I do think and have said numerous times. A female president is less likely to start a war."

Oh, okay. That makes me feel a whole lot better.

Thanks for the reassurance.
I know that's no important to a metrosexual like you.
Me, however who has three 20 something sons it's more than very important.
the fact that Obama is selling us out on Afghanistan has me worried as well.
Only partisan hacks have a litmus test on whether abortion should be allowed in the case of rape? Really?

Top, issue for issue, she is the polar opposite of Hillary, who you used to adore.

How is it possible that on a political level, you can like both? Do the issues not matter to you at all?

I have this idiot on IA, but just for the record - so far - polls are showing Palin is NOT drawing women.

Now, I know that will confuse Top because she is an emotional voter prone to voting on genitalia, but she's the exception. The majority of women are rational voters and want to know, not, what does your genitalia look like, but rather; what are your gender policies?

The DNC is running on the most pro-women platform they have ever had, including, equal pay. The RNC is waging a war on women, and contrary to Topper's claims - Top is after all, of a post-menopausal age - most women DO care about the state stepping in to take ownership of their bodies after they have already been raped.
polls are showing Palin is NOT drawing women.

Now, I know that will confuse Top because she is an emotional voter prone to voting on genitalia, but she's the exception. The majority of women are rational voters and want to know, not, what does your genitalia look like, but rather; what are your gender policies?

The DNC is running on the most pro-women platform they have ever had, including, equal pay. The RNC is waging a war on women, and contrary to Topper's claims - Top is after all, of a post-menopausal age - most women DO care about the state stepping in to take ownership of their bodies after they have already been raped.[/QUOTE]

your insane if you think Palin is not going to get many working class and lower class woman. Get your head out your ass and check some non-demorcatic pollsters.
Why would Palin get get many working class and lower class women ?

I would love to hear your rationalle on this.
book this
The woman has 5 kids, is pro energy (lower prices for moderate and lower income people).
She will be Pres if elected vice pres Mcfossil is 72 going on 92.
She fought corruption in Alaska and killed the bridge to nowhere.
As for me, I'm going Dem because of: 1.HR5843, 2. Stock markets do very well with Dem in the Pres and congress, 3. More civil liberties, 4. Way less war hawkish.
She has 5 kids? What does that have to do w/ her as VP?

And you're right, tops - so few politicians are for lower energy prices for the poor & middle class. Thank God for Palin...