
Look, you guys can keep on towing the Democrat rope here... you can keep on insisting how a career politician and a 35-year relic of the Senate is going to bring something "new" to the table, but this woman is a complete Washington outsider who connects with average Americans in a very real and profound way. What better person to put at the head of our completely inept and out-of-touch Senate?

yeah kind of like putting a little kitten in charge of an alligaotr pit.
It would be fun to watch though. Sure the Republicans will kiss her butt since she is a republican in power. But the senate is not all republicans and will be even less so after NOV.

She does not seem to have gotten along famously with all the republicans in the AK legislature though. And like I say AK politics is a small rural type of mindset.
Man, I love how much you adore her now.

Here's the real hack test, Dix; be honest - are you pumped about McCain now, as well?

Let me put it to you this way... before Palin, I was in a real dilemma, I have always felt it was my patriotic duty to vote for President, and have done so since the age of 18, but for the first time in my life, neither candidate represented my viewpoint. I was not a supporter of McCain, and even posted a poll here upon my return... Which Liberal are You Voting For? Obama, Hillary, or McCain? I have posted several threads expressing my displeasure with McCain as the Republican nominee, and even speculated he might pick Joe Lieberman as his running mate. (Joe was on the short list, btw) I could honestly not see myself supporting John McCain unless he started to sound like anything remotely close to a Conservative, and it wouldn't have really mattered if he had picked Rudy or Pawlenty as his VP... Romney? Maybe I could have held my nose and voted for him, with Romney on the ticket, but I would have been reluctantly doing so, and mostly just to counter an Obama vote.

With Palin on the ticket, I will vote for McCain, and not only that, I will campaign for him and send money as well. I think Sarah Palin is exactly what America needs and wants in Washington, and I will go to the mat supporting her, and the man who picked her. I don't think I am the only American who has had this change of heart.
Wow - I have to admit, I didn't expect that answer. I expected you to lie.

You are definitely a hack, and failed the hack test. You would have been enthusiastically supporting McCain around this time, no matter what the circumstances.

She's a VP candidate, Dixie; if he gets elected, you'll see her at the occasional funeral, but won't hear from her again until 2012.
I am just flabgbergasted on how the right is hanging so much on a VP candidate.

I am at a loss to understand the mentality involved.

Which I think is a good thing :)
Wow - I have to admit, I didn't expect that answer. I expected you to lie.

You are definitely a hack, and failed the hack test. You would have been enthusiastically supporting McCain around this time, no matter what the circumstances.

She's a VP candidate, Dixie; if he gets elected, you'll see her at the occasional funeral, but won't hear from her again until 2012.

LOLOLOL... Only YOU could take my comments, along with the proof I gave to back them up, and just call me an outright liar. What a pathetic piece of shit! I would not have been supporting McCain enthusiastically or non enthusiastically, unless he had picked a true conservative running mate, or started sounding like a true Conservative... which he hasn't in all the years I've known of him. Picking Palin secured my CONSERVATIVE vote. Got it? Good!
What makes you think America wants a "true conservative" in the White House if they nominated two liberals for the major parties, as you describe them?
Or Reagan? Because he won, then was usurped by a two-term liberal (post Bush I) you think America's starving for more?
Reagan was usurped? When???? He won two landslide elections against the biggest baddest liberal asswipes you guys could find. And Bush I or II were not "true conservatives" in my opinion.
Reagan was usurped? When???? He won two landslide elections against the biggest baddest liberal asswipes you guys could find. And Bush I or II were not "true conservatives" in my opinion.

Clinton was a fluke then. I'd call 1992 and 1996 landslides by modern standards.
Your argument is that because America elected Reagan 20 YEARS AGO in a landslide, that they still want someone just like him.

You're retarded.
Clinton was a fluke then. I'd call 1992 and 1996 landslides by modern standards.

Clinton, if you will recall, did NOT run as a "liberal" at all... he ran as a "uniter" as well as a "washington outsider" ...he was famous for "triangulation" ...taking a conservative issue, and making it a democrat issue.... (ie; welfare reform.)
Your argument is that because America elected Reagan 20 YEARS AGO in a landslide, that they still want someone just like him.

You're retarded.

My statement of fact is, conservatives want another Ronald Reagan, have been wanting another Ronald Reagan, and will continue to want another Ronald Reagan until someone comes along to fill that desire... tonight, someone did.
My statement of fact is, conservatives want another Ronald Reagan, have been wanting another Ronald Reagan, and will continue to want another Ronald Reagan until someone comes along to fill that desire... tonight, someone did.

... while the more numerous liberals want you guys buried and dead as the last century.