Time to Revisit the Legalized Murder Travesty

I said the desire to live is hardwired into each of us, including the unborn. I said nothing of what the fetus was thinking. Nobody really knows what they're thinking when they're able to think.

I hope that helps, given that you've already got a severe learning disability. Hang in there, dipshit. ;)

So we now can record for posterity that you don't know from shit about the thoughts and hopes of fetuses. If everybody is hardwired to live moron, how come there's so much suicide?
No, dumbass, I answered your question, and now you get to answer mine. We do this in an orderly fashion.

So now we can record more for posterity that you belong to no organized campaign to submit a constitutional amendment to award constitutional protections for the unborn, proving you're just another rightwing moralist busybody loudmouth, huh?

While we're at it we can also record that you have absolutely no answers as to legislation, laws, enforcement and punishments relative to passing a constitutional amendment to prohibit abortions. You have successfully proven that you're simply a BIG government moralist busybody Aunt Nancy.
No, he's not sure he wants to use that argument. The mouth breather doesn't even understand that he's a tool for the democrat party.

I submit Aunt Nancy that you're way more in tune with the fucking Democrats. You love BIG fucking government as much as they do, you haven't a clue about the Constitution, and don't give a flying fuck about the unborn, you just want to pretend you hate Democrats and protest Roe V Wade with no credible effort to do anything about it and no reasonable suggestions how to guarantee equal protections of the law should a constitutional amendment ever pass. You're a fucking phony!
As I said, liberals always have the mule attempting to push the plow....THE DECLARATION came first, and as you stated...that ACT ratified by THE PEOPLE gave simple reasons as to why the US could no longer live under the tyrannical laws of G.B, and as clearly stated...THE US established as precedence that men are granted their natural rights of being human from a higher transcending authority than that of mankind....God the creator.

Yada, yada, yada. “Coming first” means squat asshole! The Constitution is the rule of law!
One of those "unalienable" rights stated very clearly endorses the philosophy that "ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL.....with the unalienable right to life and liberty.."

The Declaration is NOT the rule of law dipshit, The Constitution is the rule of law!
Right Now while you are attempting to push the plow with nose of the mule....you declare that precedent does not apply and limits those rights not to the CREATED but to the BORN [ only, as if there was a statement in the 5th amendment that rescinded the original REASON as to why the US found G.B. law to be tyrannical....NOW YOU WISH TO INVOKE THE SAME tyranny and LAW UPON the PEOPLES of the UNITED STATES? Really? Why not? Your type of guild has already found a way to place exponentially more of a TAX burden upon the People than G.B. could have ever dreamed. Now you attempt to "OPINE" that the declaration defining the tyranny is NULL AND VOID.

Yada, yada, yada. You’re one boring brain-dead moron Ralphy!

AGAIN moron, The declaration is NOT the rule of law, the CONSTITUTION is the rule of law!
Only an emotional Liberal could contradict their own argument in just one thought. You state that the declaration defined the reasons for the need of a revolution...then you attempt (in the same breath) to invoke one of those reasons worthy of REVOLUTION upon the people once again. :good4u:

As I said....YOU MUST BE A CHILD the way you reason void of any kind of logic. :)

Well dumbfuck, what you’re calling a contradiction, I claim as proof that the founders defined “CREATED” as being BORN. The proof is in the Constitution, Amendment 14.
The Constitution is the rule of law, moron!

Dummy: Not if the 'declaration' is not an official legally binding document. If its not....THE PEOPLE of the United States are still bound by the laws of G.B. You can't have your cake and eat it also. The Declaration was made legally binding when the Treaty of Paris was signed by G.B in 1783.

Again...you attempt to PUSH THE DAMN PLOW instead of pulling it. The Constitution of the United States did not come into existence until 10 years after the Declaration went into effect (Declaration 1776, Constitution 1787)....without the signature of G.B in recognition of the United States "Declaration of Independence"...there could never have been a Constitution. The Declaration is very much a ratified LEGAL DOCUMENT....and can be used to establish precedence....since it was in existence 10 years prior to the contract among the states known as the United States Constitution. Geeze what a childish mind. :) What? The US did not exist prior to 1887? Really?

FYI: The constitution is not THE RULE OF LAW, its a contract among the PEOPLE/STATES limiting the scope and power of the federal government. The Constitution establishes the STANDARD in the rule of law in relation to things BIG BROTHER IS NOT ALLOWED TO DO. THE CONSTITUTION is a negative document...not a document granting or authorizing any rights...only PEOPLE have that authority. The rule of law is established by THE PEOPLES representatives (congress critters)....The constitution can't be changed by opinion, its a contract...nothing more. All common law is subject to the standard of THINGS not allowed by common agreement among the states...nothing more. What? Those 50 individual state constitutions are to be used for nothing but shit house paper by the FEDS? Really? There you go again INVOKING the same tyranny the Revolution was fought over........

That's the problem with liberalism in any form. They have been feed the Kool Aid so long....they believe the propaganda they are espousing as truth...when its pointed out they are wrong, the emotional tantrum begins. They simply don't comprehend the things they are talking about.

As Mr. Reagan said, "Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but they simply know so much that is not so/true..."
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Dummy: Not if the 'declaration' is not an official legally binding document. If its not....THE PEOPLE of the United States are still bound by the laws of G.B. You can't have your cake and eat it also. The Declaration was made legally binding when the Treaty of Paris was signed by G.B in 1783.

The leftist John Kerry, (Secretary Of State) once said “I’m not excited about the Constitution, I’m more in tune with the Declaration Of Independence.”

It’s interesting that you’re in tune with John Kerry. You wish the Declaration were the rule of law and not the Constitution, and you also love BIG federal government. That makes you what you call a “liberal” and I call a leftist. Our founders were “liberals,” Democrats are leftist.

All of that said moron, I repeat, the Declaration is NOT the rule of law, the CONSTITUTION is the rule of law.
Again...you attempt to PUSH THE DAMN PLOW instead of pulling it.

You need a damned plow up your boring stupid ass! You could shorten your paragraphs by about 50 stupid words if you stopped attempting to act smart. You’re a fucking idiot!

The Constitution of the United States did not come into existence until 10 years after the Declaration went into effect (Declaration 1776, Constitution 1787)....without the signature of G.B in recognition of the United States "Declaration of Independence"...there could never have been a Constitution. The Declaration is very much a ratified LEGAL DOCUMENT....and can be used to establish precedence....since it was in existence 10 years prior to the contract among the states known as the United States Constitution. Geeze what a childish mind. :) What? The US did not exist prior to 1887? Really?

One more time nimbnuts, the Declaration is NOT the rule of law the CONSTITUTION is! That’s the last time I’ll reply to your uninformed, ignorant retarded broken record.
FYI: The constitution is not THE RULE OF LAW, its a contract among the PEOPLE/STATES limiting the scope and power of the federal government. The Constitution establishes the STANDARD in the rule of law in relation to things BIG BROTHER IS NOT ALLOWED TO DO. THE CONSTITUTION is a negative document...not a document granting or authorizing any rights...only PEOPLE have that authority. The rule of law is established by THE PEOPLES representatives (congress critters)....The constitution can't be changed by opinion, its a contract...nothing more. All common law is subject to the standard of THINGS not allowed by common agreement among the states...nothing more. What? Those 50 individual state constitutions are to be used for nothing but shit house paper by the FEDS? Really? There you go again INVOKING the same tyranny the Revolution was fought over........

That's the problem with liberalism in any form. They have been feed the Kool Aid so long....they believe the propaganda they are espousing as truth...when its pointed out they are wrong, the emotional tantrum begins. They simply don't comprehend the things they are talking about.

Dummy As Mr. Reagan said, "Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but they simply know so much that is not so/true..."

Yada, yada, yada! Goodbye idiot!
The leftist John Kerry, (Secretary Of State) once said “I’m not excited about the Constitution, I’m more in tune with the Declaration Of Independence.”

It’s interesting that you’re in tune with John Kerry. You wish the Declaration were the rule of law and not the Constitution, and you also love BIG federal government. That makes you what you call a “liberal” and I call a leftist. Our founders were “liberals,” Democrats are leftist.

All of that said moron, I repeat, the Declaration is NOT the rule of law, the CONSTITUTION is the rule of law.

I'm in 'tune' with the simple truth and history actual....nothing more, nothing less. I suppose you assume because I agree somewhat with "another" democrat, as I am a democrat...there must be something wrong? Even a blind hog finds an acorn on occasion. The problem you have is the demonstrable "testable" truth found in the actual history and documentation of this nation and its foundation as a Representative Republic where the courts..i.e., THE STATE does not make law nor grant rights...such as exists in a socialist republic...but THE PEOPLE via representative law allow any and all rights to exist or to be regulated...not Big Brother.

Again...the constitution is not THE RULE OF LAW its a standard for negative liberties, its a negative document placed into contract form among the states to limit the power and scope of BIG BROTHER FED. The Constitution does not have the authority to grant rights that have not been ratified by a super majority of the STATES (3/4-75%)....the constitution limits the authority of the central government....not the inversion as opined by radical judges and leftist communists, it was never intended to be changed by OPINION from the bench in order to hit the states over the head with it like a hammer. If the Feds can change the meaning of one word in that document...then it ceases to be a valid contract. Read your history....not your propaganda.

Again...you think and reason like a child. :) Listen to a supposed LIBERAL CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOLAR BHO describing the FAULTS of the constitution from his point of view as a radical liberal. Educate yourself before you continue to make an ass of yourself in your obvious ignorance.

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So we now can record for posterity that you don't know from shit about the thoughts and hopes of fetuses. If everybody is hardwired to live moron, how come there's so much suicide?
Because suicide kicks in AFTER the shit storm.

Look, stupid. We all know that you are desperate to win, but you're just not smart enough. Go play with your Barack Obama Family Vacation doll set. You'll get more fulfillment out of that. ;)
So now we can record more for posterity that you belong to no organized campaign to submit a constitutional amendment to award constitutional protections for the unborn, proving you're just another rightwing moralist busybody loudmouth, huh?

While we're at it we can also record that you have absolutely no answers as to legislation, laws, enforcement and punishments relative to passing a constitutional amendment to prohibit abortions. You have successfully proven that you're simply a BIG government moralist busybody Aunt Nancy.
OK, you're also a pussy. You can dish out the questions, but you can't take them. Welcome to the 1st grade debate team! ;)

I'm betting that you were beat up a lot in school. Is this true?
OK, you're also a pussy. You can dish out the questions, but you can't take them. Welcome to the 1st grade debate team! ;)

That's all you got, huh Aunt Nancy? Accusationa, accusations, accusations.

I'm betting that you were beat up a lot in school. Is this true?

Bet whatever you want Aunt Nancy, let me know if you collect.
truth found in the actual history and documentation of this nation and its foundation as a Representative Republic where the courts..i.e., THE STATE does not make law nor grant rights...such as exists in a socialist republic...but THE PEOPLE via representative law allow any and all rights to exist or to be regulated...not Big Brother.

By the Constitution! America is a ”CONSTITUTIONAL” Republic.

“ALLOWING” is “GRANTING,” moron!