Time to Revisit the Legalized Murder Travesty

Just expecting people to be personally responsible for the results from choices they've already made. Killing what you don't want because you don't like the results of that previous choice isn't being responsible.

So sad you consider being responsible as a disgusting thing.

Prove it, racist.
Neither one of those says "abortion".

For you, of course it would have to be spelled out in gold print by the god of politics. It covers not only abortion but many other rights, immunities and privileges. Fact is it covers everything an individual decides to do as being a right or privilege that doesn't infringe on any other right or privilege of another BORN PERSON. Honest people understand that and agree.
It's very easy to say that what I think someone should do when it comes to personal responsibility. That comes from practicing the concept and one doesn't have to have experienced that specific item in order to expect others to practice it.

How come you never post the "personal responsibility" of those who father children that end up being aborted. Your mind seems stuck on ABORTION solely. We never hear y'all macho males rage against the male responsibility for unwanted pregnancies. How much do you donate to homes to unwed mothers? Where's your crusade for a constitutional amendment?

There isn't a need for me to have adopted any of those children. All I need to do is practice personal responsibility for the ones I helped produce. And I do.

Golly Gee! Your first post recognizing a "personal responsibility" for someone other than the female.

You promote law that would do nothing except force young girls/women into the back alleys for dangerous abortions. If you really gave a rat's ass about abortion, you'd support homes for unwed mothers and you'd adopt an unwanted child and provide alternatives for unwed pregnant women.
Amendment 14.

"All persons "BORN" or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States, nor shall any State deprive any "PERSON" of life liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law."

You don't believe babies are people?
Look, the article is accurate at every point. 1973 was a fucked up time in American history, and it's time to revisit this massive human mistake.

From the article:

"First, and most importantly, the outcome of Roe is fundamentally harmful and unjust. Why? The facts of biology show that the human embryo or fetus (the being whose life is ended in abortion) is a distinct and living human organism at the earliest stages of development. This was established long before 1973, though subsequent scientific and technological advances have greatly improved our knowledge of life before birth. As Dr. Horatio R. Storer explained in a book published in 1866, “Physicians have now arrived at the unanimous opinion that the foetus in utero is alive from the very moment of conception.”

Who, in good conscience, can dispute this?
For you, of course it would have to be spelled out in gold print by the god of politics. It covers not only abortion but many other rights, immunities and privileges. Fact is it covers everything an individual decides to do as being a right or privilege that doesn't infringe on any other right or privilege of another BORN PERSON. Honest people understand that and agree.

Oh, the if you don't agree with me you're not an honest person argument? That invalidates anything you say.
How come you never post the "personal responsibility" of those who father children that end up being aborted. Your mind seems stuck on ABORTION solely. We never hear y'all macho males rage against the male responsibility for unwanted pregnancies. How much do you donate to homes to unwed mothers? Where's your crusade for a constitutional amendment?

Golly Gee! Your first post recognizing a "personal responsibility" for someone other than the female.

You promote law that would do nothing except force young girls/women into the back alleys for dangerous abortions. If you really gave a rat's ass about abortion, you'd support homes for unwed mothers and you'd adopt an unwanted child and provide alternatives for unwed pregnant women.

How come those of you who say a woman has the right to kill what she doesn't want in her body never say anything about the choice those who fathered the children has related to it? If he doesn't have a choice, why mention him?

It's not part of my personal responsibility to donate to those homes. People like you keep telling me what a woman does with her body is none of my business yet you keep saying I should donate to something that pays for that choice.

I promote personal responsibility and choice. If a woman wants to have sex, I would never tell her NOT to do so. However, if SHE CHOOSES to do so and gets pregnant, knowing that is a possibility when she does despite her efforts to prevent it, I EXPECT her to be responsible and killing what she produced isn't being responsible.

You don't get set the parameters for what you think I should do in order to care. I didn't do what it took for those unwed mothers to need a home or for adoption to be needed. Why do you want me to be responsible for the results when a woman chooses to have sex then that occurs?

I provided an alternative. If she spreads her legs knowing that she can get pregnant and she does, take responsibility for it whether that it what she wanted or not. If she can get the sperm donor to support her, fine. If she can't, since I'm not it, it doesn't fall on me to do so. What I don't give a rat's ass about is someone who makes a choice then when the person making it doesn't like the results, tough shit. Make a better choice next time.
In Becoming pregnant didn't they already decide?

That's something the baby killers overlook. Doing what it takes to get pregnant is a choice. Having an abortion because she gets pregnant is killing what that choice produced. You'll hear the argument of "getting pregnant isn't what they wanted". Irrelevant. Does that mean anytime someone does something, despite knowing what could happen, if the results they didn't want actually occur, they can kill the result? That's what pro abortion people say.
Look, the article is accurate at every point. 1973 was a fucked up time in American history, and it's time to revisit this massive human mistake.

From the article:

"First, and most importantly, the outcome of Roe is fundamentally harmful and unjust. Why? The facts of biology show that the human embryo or fetus (the being whose life is ended in abortion) is a distinct and living human organism at the earliest stages of development. This was established long before 1973, though subsequent scientific and technological advances have greatly improved our knowledge of life before birth. As Dr. Horatio R. Storer explained in a book published in 1866, “Physicians have now arrived at the unanimous opinion that the foetus in utero is alive from the very moment of conception.”

Who, in good conscience, can dispute this?

Even Norma McCorvey (aka Jane Roe) is a pro life activist.
Yeah, I remember reading something about that. I'll have to go check it out.

The entire process that led to the Roe v. Wade case was based on a lie by McCorvey that she had been raped despite having tried that same route with the police about being raped. Having no evidence she was raped, the police didn't investigate.

In the end, the entire situation that resulted in Roe v. Wade was based on a farce, lies, and what later McCorvey describe as her being a pawn to two ambitious lawyers.

A little known fact is that McCorvey is a lesbian. Not that it matters but it's still a fact.
Oh, the if you don't agree with me you're not an honest person argument? That invalidates anything you say.

Attempting to blame me for your "DISHONEST" ignorance concerning the 14th amendment and the abortion issue is typical of brainwashed partisan wonks.:rofl2:

Again, I'll ask you what you're doing to limit abortions aside from wanting to lock up young girls? How much do you contribute to homes for unwed mothers? How many unborn children have you adopted? What national crusade for amending the Constitution to provide protections for the unborn do you belong to and contribute to?:dunno: