Time to Revisit the Legalized Murder Travesty

The entire process that led to the Roe v. Wade case was based on a lie by McCorvey that she had been raped despite having tried that same route with the police about being raped. Having no evidence she was raped, the police didn't investigate.

In the end, the entire situation that resulted in Roe v. Wade was based on a farce, lies, and what later McCorvey describe as her being a pawn to two ambitious lawyers.

A little known fact is that McCorvey is a lesbian. Not that it matters but it's still a fact.
It does matter. Lesbian activists are super haters of the unborn and are among the most militant of political groups.
Attempting to blame me for your "DISHONEST" ignorance concerning the 14th amendment and the abortion issue is typical of brainwashed partisan wonks.:rofl2:

Again, I'll ask you what you're doing to limit abortions aside from wanting to lock up young girls? How much do you contribute to homes for unwed mothers? How many unborn children have you adopted? What national crusade for amending the Constitution to provide protections for the unborn do you belong to and contribute to?:dunno:

I plainly said that your argument is if someone doesn't agree with you, your claim is they aren't being honest. That's not blaming, that's saying you have the arrogant asshole argument.

I didn't participate in the situations where any of those leg spreaders became unwed mothers. That means it's not my responsibility to fund them. You can't adopt an unborn child.

Are you claiming it's only young girls having abortions? When you pose arguments like that, you've already lost. I expect a woman that spreads her legs to be responsible for the results of that choice. It's apparent you don't.
How come those of you who say a woman has the right to kill what she doesn't want in her body never say anything about the choice those who fathered the children has related to it? If he doesn't have a choice, why mention him?

Speak for others! If it weren’t for me mentioning the fathers here in this thread, we’d never have seen a word from you about them, huh?

It's not part of my personal responsibility to donate to those homes.

But it IS your responsibility to promote locking up young girls and forcing them into the back alleys for dangerous abortions even though your needing to ever decide abortion for your superior male body is impossible, right?

People like you keep telling me what a woman does with her body is none of my business yet you keep saying I should donate to something that pays for that choice.

It’s you that’s making what a woman does with her body your business. Apparently, your only solution for her is birth, go to jail or into the back alley for a dangerous abortion. Offering her other choices and aiding her in her dilemma to limit abortions isn’t in your agenda. You’re just another elitist authoritarian fucking busybody, minding other folks business.

I promote personal responsibility and choice. If a woman wants to have sex, I would never tell her NOT to do so. However, if SHE CHOOSES to do so and gets pregnant, knowing that is a possibility when she does despite her efforts to prevent it, I EXPECT her to be responsible and killing what she produced isn't being responsible.

The only “responsibility” you promote is your imagined authority to be responsible for minding other people’s business. You’re a fucking busybody. You’re the old woman that peeks at her neighbors behind her curtains. You have no concept of freedom or a constitutional rule of law protections of rights, immunities and privleges. The Constitution thankfully makes the people immune from fucking busybodies like you.

You don't get set the parameters for what you think I should do in order to care.

The hell I don’t! I get to set the parameters for every one of my opinions.

I didn't do what it took for those unwed mothers to need a home or for adoption to be needed. Why do you want me to be responsible for the results when a woman chooses to have sex then that occurs?

Because we are our daughter’s keepers. Because voluntary charity is the work of God and the teachings of The Christ. Our charity is to honor him!

I provided an alternative. If she spreads her legs knowing that she can get pregnant and she does, take responsibility for it whether that it what she wanted or not. If she can get the sperm donor to support her, fine.

So the “sperm donor” has an option, right? Then you wonder where feminazis come from. Fucking pigs like you create them!

If she can't, since I'm not it, it doesn't fall on me to do so. What I don't give a rat's ass about is someone who makes a choice then when the person making it doesn't like the results, tough shit. Make a better choice next time.

What you don’t give a rat’s ass about is freedom, constitutional rule of law, voluntary charity or minding your own fucking business. You’re just a rightwing authoritarian.
I plainly said that your argument is if someone doesn't agree with you, your claim is they aren't being honest. That's not blaming, that's saying you have the arrogant asshole argument.

You fail to report that my arrogant asshole is totally correct about your DISHONESTY.

I didn't participate in the situations where any of those leg spreaders became unwed mothers. That means it's not my responsibility to fund them. You can't adopt an unborn child.

You have well established there's nary a dime's worth of charity in your heart, and you think your "responsibility" is minding other folks business though your male body never has to face the dilemma of an unwanted pregnancy and possible abortion. You're one hell of a MAN!...NOT! I'd call you a DICK, if it weren't for a dick being part of a MAN.

Are you claiming it's only young girls having abortions? When you pose arguments like that, you've already lost. I expect a woman that spreads her legs to be responsible for the results of that choice. It's apparent you don't.

The woman that "spread her legs" to birth you might have aborted you if she knew she was creating an anti-charity, busybody authoritarian wonk, huh Osama? ISIS and the Talaban agree with you.
Speak for others! If it weren’t for me mentioning the fathers here in this thread, we’d never have seen a word from you about them, huh?

But it IS your responsibility to promote locking up young girls and forcing them into the back alleys for dangerous abortions even though your needing to ever decide abortion for your superior male body is impossible, right?

It’s you that’s making what a woman does with her body your business. Apparently, your only solution for her is birth, go to jail or into the back alley for a dangerous abortion. Offering her other choices and aiding her in her dilemma to limit abortions isn’t in your agenda. You’re just another elitist authoritarian fucking busybody, minding other folks business.

The only “responsibility” you promote is your imagined authority to be responsible for minding other people’s business. You’re a fucking busybody. You’re the old woman that peeks at her neighbors behind her curtains. You have no concept of freedom or a constitutional rule of law protections of rights, immunities and privleges. The Constitution thankfully makes the people immune from fucking busybodies like you.

The hell I don’t! I get to set the parameters for every one of my opinions.

Because we are our daughter’s keepers. Because voluntary charity is the work of God and the teachings of The Christ. Our charity is to honor him!

So the “sperm donor” has an option, right? Then you wonder where feminazis come from. Fucking pigs like you create them!

What you don’t give a rat’s ass about is freedom, constitutional rule of law, voluntary charity or minding your own fucking business. You’re just a rightwing authoritarian.

I don't mention the fathers because even they don't get a say in what the woman does. Why should someone even you say shouldn't be involved in her choice be mentioned at all? If he would do his damn job, this wouldn't be a discussion.

That I don't promote killing a life because I don't like the results of a choice makes me superior.

My only solution for her is to accept the responsibility for the results of a choice she made to spread her legs. No other choice is a solution.'

When people like you expect me to give to places for which I do not have a stake, you're sticking your nose in my business. I didn't create unwed mothers, therefore, it's not my place to fund them.

If you dictate where I should give, you're not minding your own business. It's not your place to determine to what charities I should donate. I honor God by not supporting a choice to kill what I believe God placed where he did then trying to justify it by saying people should but out.

Apparently the sperm donor does have an option. Since you want those of us that didn't create unwed mothers to give to things helping them, it's a direct result of the sperm donor not doing his job.

I'm not the one on here telling you where you should donate your money. That's you doing so and calling it voluntary. You're just another Libertarian that think people can do whatever they want, whenever they want, but when those choices produce results they can't afford, it's OK to be irresponsible or expect others to "voluntarily" give to help them.

At least I vote. You hide.
You fail to report that my arrogant asshole is totally correct about your DISHONESTY.

You have well established there's nary a dime's worth of charity in your heart, and you think your "responsibility" is minding other folks business though your male body never has to face the dilemma of an unwanted pregnancy and possible abortion. You're one hell of a MAN!...NOT! I'd call you a DICK, if it weren't for a dick being part of a MAN.

The woman that "spread her legs" to birth you might have aborted you if she knew she was creating an anti-charity, busybody authoritarian wonk, huh Osama? ISIS and the Talaban agree with you.

That's the arrogant asshole part where you think anyone that doesn't agree with you is being dishonest. You have it in your mind that whatever you believe is what everyone else should believe. That has never been nor ever will be the case.

No, what I don't do is support the type of charity you think I should. By claiming I should support certain things then calling it voluntary proves you mind other people's business especially when you chastise them for not doing with THEIR money what you think they should. Since when is it your business what I choose to do related to charity? I actually am one hell of a MAN. I meet my personal responsibilities and don't expect others to do it for me,.

The woman that birthed you SHOULD have aborted you instead of putting another arrogant piece of shit in the world. I'm not anti-charity. I'm anti you telling me what charities I should support while, at the same time, claiming I don't mind my business. I'll ask again. Since when is it your business where I donate? I'll answer it. It isn't. So when I don't donate where you think I should, you should be OK with that since you don't think what one person does is anyone else's business.

By the way, I expect people who choose to take on debt to buy houses, cars, etc. to pay their own bills. Do you think I should also donate to charities to fund that when people that made the choices don't do so?
I don't mention the fathers because even they don't get a say in what the woman does. Why should someone even you say shouldn't be involved in her choice be mentioned at all? If he would do his damn job, this wouldn't be a discussion.

When did I say that? The fathers do and should have a voice in a woman’s anortion. You don’t mention that because you’re just an authoritarian and what the feminazis call a male shovinist pig.
When did I say that? The fathers do and should have a voice in a woman’s anortion. You don’t mention that because you’re just an authoritarian and what the feminazis call a male shovinist pig.

So the father could go to the abortion clinic and stop the abortion? Should he be able to in your opinion? I thought you pro abortion people argued what a woman does with her body is her choice? Which one is it?
My only solution for her is to accept the responsibility for the results of a choice she made to spread her legs. No other choice is a solution.'

We should all know by now that you’re long on authoritarianism and short on solutions. All busybody old ladies are like that.

When people like you expect me to give to places for which I do not have a stake, you're sticking your nose in my business. I didn't create unwed mothers, therefore, it's not my place to fund them.

OH! But you do have a “stake” in abortion! You made it your business! It’s your business to provide a solution. We know what that is. Jail young girls, force them into the back alleys for dangerous abortions and to hell with any solutions that might limit abortions like donations to homes for unwed mothers or adopting unwanted children. We know you’re just an authoritarian pig.
We should all know by now that you’re long on authoritarianism and short on solutions. All busybody old ladies are like that.

OH! But you do have a “stake” in abortion! You made it your business! It’s your business to provide a solution. We know what that is. Jail young girls, force them into the back alleys for dangerous abortions and to hell with any solutions that might limit abortions like donations to homes for unwed mothers or adopting unwanted children. We know you’re just an authoritarian pig.

How is expecting someone that does something she knows can produce a certain result to be responsible when it happens authoritarian?

I provided the only solution. When you do something that can produce a certain result and that result occurs, you take responsibility for it not kill it and expect others to pay for your choices.

I didn't create those unwed mothers. Perhaps you should go after the sperm donors like you do those of us that didn't donate it to her and get her pregnant. By demanding those of us that didn't get her pregnant while ignoring those that did, you're the authoritarian. You expect me to do with MY money what you think I should do. Why do you deny me that freedom?
If you dictate where I should give, you're not minding your own business.

Who would ever accuse you of knowing the difference between a “question and suggestion” and “dictating?” Surely not I.

It's not your place to determine to what charities I should donate.

When did I do that? Quote please!

I honor God by not supporting a choice to kill what I believe God placed where he did then trying to justify it by saying people should but out.

When did God give you the authority to determine for women what they should do? Abortion is the exclusive domain of God not authoritarian busybodies.

“Judge not lest ye be judged.”

If a woman sins, she’ll answer to God, not you! I’m perfectly willing to leave the abortion issue in the hands of God, not you. God is charitable, you’re a self confessed pig.
Who would ever accuse you of knowing the difference between a “question and suggestion” and “dictating?” Surely not I.

When did I do that? Quote please!

When did God give you the authority to determine for women what they should do? Abortion is the exclusive domain of God not authoritarian busybodies.

“Judge not lest ye be judged.”

If a woman sins, she’ll answer to God, not you! I’m perfectly willing to leave the abortion issue in the hands of God, not you. God is charitable, you’re a self confessed pig.

It quit being a suggestion when you threw out the term anti charity and authoritarian.

You don't consider something for which God had a hand in creating a person. Even God's word says before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Are you saying God doesn't consider that person to the same level as someone that has already come out of the womb? God considers the unborn the same as those that have been born. You don't. That's means you're the last person to talk to me about what God says.

You said that by me not donating to charities that helped unwed mothers I wasn't willing to provide solutions. You chastised me for saying it wan't my place to do so calling me a pig and against what God taught. Seems you've determined that because I choose not to do what you think I should do, I'm wrong and the only way to satisfy you in that aspect is to do what you think I should do. When you put conditions on what you think people should do, that's making a determination.

When did God give you the authority to determine what charities I should help? MY money is the exclusive domain of me not some asshole like you that wants me to use it where he's decided I should use it.
Apparently the sperm donor does have an option. Since you want those of us that didn't create unwed mothers to give to things helping them, it's a direct result of the sperm donor not doing his job.

Actually Osama, there are laws to limit the kind of option you think sperm donors should have and when they’re enforced women have an option to give birth and receive support for the child by the sperm donor. Problem is enforcement is often delinquent as government often is and sperm donors have a habit of vanishing. That’s where charity and adoption come in to further limit abortion. And we all know by now you’re not interested in limiting abortions. You just want to lock up young girls and force them into the back alleys for dangerous abortions.

I'm not the one on here telling you where you should donate your money.

Nor I you. That’s your strawman!

You're just another Libertarian that think people can do whatever they want, whenever they want, but when those choices produce results they can't afford, it's OK to be irresponsible or expect others to "voluntarily" give to help them.

The nation was founded on libertarian principles. The Bill Of Rights is a libertarian document.

People have every inalienable right to do whatever they want as long as they violate nobody else’s rights to life, liberty and property.

At least I vote.

Of course that’s why we have a 19 trillion $ national debt, undeclared unconstitutional wars endlessly, crony capitalist Wall Street and other special interest control of the humongous authoritarian government, duopoly control of the media, ballot access, the national debate and all of the special interest money and the best government we can’t afford, a government of the bribery, by the bribery and for the bribed.

Keep up the good work at the polls Osama!
Actually Osama, there are laws to limit the kind of option you think sperm donors should have and when they’re enforced women have an option to give birth and receive support for the child by the sperm donor. Problem is enforcement is often delinquent as government often is and sperm donors have a habit of vanishing. That’s where charity and adoption come in to further limit abortion. And we all know by now you’re not interested in limiting abortions. You just want to lock up young girls and force them into the back alleys for dangerous abortions.

Nor I you. That’s your strawman!

The nation was founded on libertarian principles. The Bill Of Rights is a libertarian document.

People have every inalienable right to do whatever they want as long as they violate nobody else’s rights to life, liberty and property.

Of course that’s why we have a 19 trillion $ national debt, undeclared unconstitutional wars endlessly, crony capitalist Wall Street and other special interest control of the humongous authoritarian government, duopoly control of the media, ballot access, the national debate and all of the special interest money and the best government we can’t afford, a government of the bribery, by the bribery and for the bribed.

Keep up the good work at the polls Osama!

I didn't say sperm donors should have that option. I said that they do.

I gave you the solution. Take responsibility for your choices and abortion isn't taking responsibility.

When you say I should donate to certain charities, call that a solution, then revert to the name calling when I choose not to, something you say people should have the freedom to do, it's you expecting others to do what you say they should do.

If people have a choice to do what they want, why do you have a problem with me exercising not to give to charities you think I should give? It's what I choose not to do. If you truly believed what you say, you'd simply say OK and move on. When yo chastise for a choice with which you disagree, you contradict what you say about rights to do what you want. My desire to not give to certain charities isn't violating your rights but you sure seem to think you have a say in what you think I should do.

It's like playing the lottery. Unlike you, I can make a difference. You think doing nothing does. I may lose but I'll lose trying. You'll lose because you're a quitter and a coward.
That's the arrogant asshole part where you think anyone that doesn't agree with you is being dishonest. You have it in your mind that whatever you believe is what everyone else should believe. That has never been nor ever will be the case.

You’re a funny small minded man Osama.

You insinuate that you DON’T believe that what you believe others should believe. That’s funny! You accuse me of doing what you sure as hell do as though it’s a sin for me and you’re innocent of same. You Osama are a fucking hypocrite!

What I don't do is support the type of charity you think I should. By claiming I should support certain things

That statement also makes you a fucking liar Osama. Quote me where I ever said “YOU SHOULD” support any fucking thing! I simply ask you “IF” you supported particular charities.

then calling it voluntary proves you mind other people's business especially when you chastise them for not doing with THEIR money what you think they should.

Prove it and quote me Osama! I’ll understand if you don’t and can’t!

Since when is it your business what I choose to do related to charity?

Since you made it my business with your confessed single solution to abortion being the female serving the consequences alone for aborting proving the pig you are and the denouncing you need.

I actually am one hell of a MAN. I meet my personal responsibilities and don't expect others to do it for me,.

No real “MAN” is anti-charity, anti-woman, anti-Constitution and anti-freedom. Only Pussy brained authoritarian busybodies do that.

By the way, I expect people who choose to take on debt to buy houses, cars, etc. to pay their own bills. Do you think I should also donate to charities to fund that when people that made the choices don't do so?

Can’t stay on topic Osama? I understand that you can’t!:rofl2:
So the father could go to the abortion clinic and stop the abortion? Should he be able to in your opinion? I thought you pro abortion people argued what a woman does with her body is her choice? Which one is it?

Who's the "pro-abortion people?" I'm anti-abortion! I'm pro-woman, pro-Constitution and pro-life! I'm anti-BIG government, anti-authoritarianism and anti-busybody-ism.
Take responsibility for your choices and abortion isn't taking responsibility.

According to constitutional law, it is. A woman has the right to privacy security in her person, (Amendment 4). Only ”PERSONS BORN” have constitutional protections, (Amendment 14.) Prohibiting abortions would require a constitutional amendment!
When you say I should donate to certain charities, call that a solution, then revert to the name calling when I choose not to, something you say people should have the freedom to do, it's you expecting others to do what you say they should do.

When did I say “you should donate to certain charities?” Post my quote please! You either don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, or you’re purposely lying about what I’ve said, which is it?
If people have a choice to do what they want, why do you have a problem with me exercising not to give to charities you think I should give?

Post my quote where I said you should give to any charities. I’ll understand if you can’t!

I know why you don’t donate to charities, you’ve made it perfectly clear, you really don’t give a fuck about limiting abortions, you simply want to take authority over what other people do.