today we celebrate freedom, but can't even buy alcohol

This reminds me again of how uptight our country is when it comes to booze, tobacco, marijuana, and firearms -- all of which should be available in your local convenience store.

Drinking age should be 18, and marijuana should be completely legal. Kids in school should be taught how to use guns. And teachers should be packing heat, to dissuade school shootings.

As far as things we are uptight about, you might want to add nudity to the list. Very few civilized nations are as weird about nudity as we are.
I just like posting offensive things. Plus it pisses off douche bags like Good Luck who compares it to slavery and Hitler.

You think butchering a baby is morally acceptable? We're not talking about a "fetus," KingRaw. We're talking about a living, breathing, sentient being. And I agree with Good Luck - partial birth abortion is no different than what Hitler did.

I hate abortion in any trimester, but it is particularly evil in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, when we're talking about a whole baby with a heartbeat.

'Offensive' isn't the word. I'd say you are mentally disturbed.
As far as things we are uptight about, you might want to add nudity to the list. Very few civilized nations are as weird about nudity as we are.

I have no problem with some beaches being designated as topless beaches. However, this would require a greater shift in public opinion than would loosening restrictions on booze, pot and guns.
I have no problem with some beaches being designated as topless beaches. However, this would require a greater shift in public opinion than would loosening restrictions on booze, pot and guns.

Which pretty much proves my point. Drunk drivers are the cause of tens of thousands of deaths every year.

But alcohol is more acceptable than seeing someone nude? That is very strange to me.
You think butchering a baby is morally acceptable? We're not talking about a "fetus," KingRaw. We're talking about a living, breathing, sentient being. And I agree with Good Luck - partial birth abortion is no different than what Hitler did.

I hate abortion in any trimester, but it is particularly evil in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, when we're talking about a whole baby with a heartbeat.

'Offensive' isn't the word. I'd say you are mentally disturbed.

It's working! But I wasn't talking about partial birth abortion. Good luck says any abortion is bad like the KKK. I never said I approved of partial birth abortion but it's not as bad as what Hitler did.
Which pretty much proves my point. Drunk drivers are the cause of tens of thousands of deaths every year.

But alcohol is more acceptable than seeing someone nude? That is very strange to me.

I'd suggest that our drunk driving problem is the result of social stigmas. In Europe where restrictions on alcohol are almost non-existent, they don't have these problems.
Then why does your avatar depict one?

Because it's the most offensive.

How so? Are you saying a whole baby is less than a person?

Killing one baby is not as bad as kidnapping millions of people and starve, gas and burn them to death. Not on the same level.
I'd suggest that our drunk driving problem is the result of social stigmas. In Europe where restrictions on alcohol are almost non-existent, they don't have these problems.

The social stigmas about nudity aren't there in Europe either.
Thousands of babies are aborted every day.

More babies have been aborted than Jews killed by Hitler.

And how many of those thousands of abortions are partial birth abortions?
Thousands of babies are aborted every day.

More babies have been aborted than Jews killed by Hitler.

And how many of those thousands of abortions are partial birth abortions?

In America? Very few, thanks to the bi-partisan ban on the procedure. Anyone who is sane opposes partial birth abortion. But in some parts of Europe (most notably the UK) and China, the procedure is legal and quite common.

But why are statistics so important? Murder is murder. Do you think it is somehow more acceptable to murder 50 people than a 100 people?
Independence Day is one of my few traditional shifts to beef as my meat source. Specifically, large racks of nice meaty ribs. They've been in a marinating bag (frozen) filled with my home made BBQ sauce since the 1st of May. Thawed them out 2 days ago.

Cook 'em slow over a medium heat charcoal fire, turning every 20 minutes and basting with more BBQ sauce. In the bottom of the BBQ, nestled in the coals is a foil package of potatoes and onions. Corn goes on last, still in the husk, about 40 minutes before everything come out.

Neighbors are bringing salad. Wash it all down with ice cold Sam Adams ale.

And watermelon for dessert. (Seeded, of course.)
Muskel und Hass! Wir sind eine hoeherwertigere Sorte. Die hoechst führer und Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei unaufhoerlich!!!!
In America? Very few, thanks to the bi-partisan ban on the procedure. Anyone who is sane opposes partial birth abortion. But in some parts of Europe (most notably the UK) and China, the procedure is legal and quite common.

But why are statistics so important? Murder is murder. Do you think it is somehow more acceptable to murder 50 people than a 100 people?
It isn't murder, though. Murder is the illegal taking of a human life. Abortion is legal. It is homicide. But legal homicide.

Over 40 million innocent children killed since 1973.
In America? Very few, thanks to the bi-partisan ban on the procedure. Anyone who is sane opposes partial birth abortion. But in some parts of Europe (most notably the UK) and China, the procedure is legal and quite common.

Well then those countries that have them common are wrong in my eyes. Doesn't make it wrong or right. How common are they? It strikes me as confusing to why someone would wait 7-9 months to have an abortion. There must be a logical explanation because it makes no sense to me at all.

I could say anyone who supports killing animals is as bad as Hitler. It's a slippery slope. Just the other day I yelled at a far-left loon for being against the death penalty for child molesters and defending the retarded system that wastes the taxpayers money with nonsense that does nothing.

But why are statistics so important? Murder is murder. Do you think it is somehow more acceptable to murder 50 people than a 100 people?

Statistics are important because you were putting the spin on things. First you gave me the impression that partial birth abortion was not the same thing as regular abortion in your eyes. Then you use regular abortion statistics and try to pass them off to me as all partial birth abortions.

Murder is murder? Did not know that. And yes! Murdering 50 people IS less bad as murdering 100 people. Why? Because less people are killed. Bad? Yes! But less bad? Also yes!
Over 40 million innocent children killed since 1973.

BWAHAHAHAAAHHAHAAA! Take that losers! We killed little babies and there's nothing you can do about it! AAAAAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
i don't give a damn about those babies that get aborted,it's no different from humans slaughtering animals for no reason
The left has a good point and the right has a good point. I guess we should all just discuss this in a civili...ABORTION RULES! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!