Todd palin was member of Alaskan Independence Party

Yeah, real interesting...
Sen. Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK.....

Whats your point ?:pke:

Todds not running for any office....


Might want to also add Obama's membership to a black activist church!

I think it only shows the Palin's are not partisan Republican hacks. They aren't marching in lockstep with the Neocon agenda, and stuff like this proves it. In a time where a vast majority of people are growing more and more frustrated with partisanship and status quot in Washington, it will be nice to have TWO maverick's running the country.

Here is something else, my co-worker (a liberal) brought this up to me the day she was nominated. So, it's not news, it's been out there, and McCain was well aware of it when he picked her. Now I know you are really desperate to dig up some dirt on the Palin's here, after all, she does spell disaster for your little 'movement' you had going there, but you will have to do better than this.

The Barracuda is coming to eat your lunch, and I'm enjoying every second of it. Just watching you Pinheads burn up the board with shit that won't stick, is priceless to me. I can almost see the puzzled looks on your faces... why isn't it working? why is nothing sticking? why can't we get some traction with this stuff? It must be very frustrating to not be able to do a damn thing to stop her, or the momentum she created. Hey... it's going to get worse!

Might want to also add Obama's membership to a black activist church!

I think it only shows the Palin's are not partisan Republican hacks. They aren't marching in lockstep with the Neocon agenda, and stuff like this proves it. In a time where a vast majority of people are growing more and more frustrated with partisanship and status quot in Washington, it will be nice to have TWO maverick's running the country.

Here is something else, my co-worker (a liberal) brought this up to me the day she was nominated. So, it's not news, it's been out there, and McCain was well aware of it when he picked her. Now I know you are really desperate to dig up some dirt on the Palin's here, after all, she does spell disaster for your little 'movement' you had going there, but you will have to do better than this.

The Barracuda is coming to eat your lunch, and I'm enjoying every second of it. Just watching you Pinheads burn up the board with shit that won't stick, is priceless to me. I can almost see the puzzled looks on your faces... why isn't it working? why is nothing sticking? why can't we get some traction with this stuff? It must be very frustrating to not be able to do a damn thing to stop her, or the momentum she created. Hey... it's going to get worse!

She's coming to eat my lunch? I'll give her 1/3 of my sandwich if she really wants it.
My link says he took a leave of absence.
Not the same thing Damo.

darn you are hard headed.
And mine says he quit. You too are "hard-headed". Sometimes I see some similarities between us. Thankfully, not that often.

I said I was mistaken, he does work there. What more do you want?
The shock is starting to wear off a little, but it is incredible for an Alaskan to see so much being printed about our state! We were unknown, except for ANWR until, now!

The MSM has hit town! It is almost like when Wally Hickle became Sec. of the Interior.
He left Alaska and didn't come back for a long time. Sarah promised to build us a gas line, I guess this is going to take up a lot of her time, now. Just defending her membership in the crazy Soldiers of Joel organization that is like the American Taliban!
Well, I exaggerate...a little
And mine says he quit. You too are "hard-headed". Sometimes I see some similarities between us. Thankfully, not that often.

I said I was mistaken, he does work there. What more do you want?

The truth, read here.
Although Ms. Palin once said that her husband would quit his job at BP if she were elected governor, she later backed away from that. He took a leave from the company after she won, but went back to work there last year, saying his family needed the money. And the governor now says that because Mr. Palin is not in management, it poses no conflict with her own dealings with the petroleum industry, a major force in Alaska’s politics and economy.

And yes we are quite alike. More than either of us is comfortable with.
She sent him out to the Red Dog Mine a couple of times as her representative...the local natives do not want the mine, it is ruining the fishing, their subsistence!
What a GED sheeple, wtf does her husbands job or politics have to do with you pinheads getting yourselves into a frenzy.
Nice example of how to be a lemming USGED.
What a GED sheeple, wtf does her husbands job or politics have to do with you pinheads getting yourselves into a frenzy.
Nice example of how to be a lemming USGED.

Yep lik Kerrys spouse ? Or clintons, etc ?

Big oil back in the WH ?
The shock is starting to wear off a little, but it is incredible for an Alaskan to see so much being printed about our state! We were unknown, except for ANWR until, now!

The MSM has hit town! It is almost like when Wally Hickle became Sec. of the Interior.
He left Alaska and didn't come back for a long time. Sarah promised to build us a gas line, I guess this is going to take up a lot of her time, now. Just defending her membership in the crazy Soldiers of Joel organization that is like the American Taliban!
Well, I exaggerate...a little

Nah.. I have known all about Humpys for many many years.