Told You So!!!!!

First with Prince Andrew Cuomo and his fellow communist Mayor DiBlasio of Puke York City, and now with Schooma the Looza. Democrats' true totalitarian colors are finally showing through. And as Americans awaken to the fact that Democrats' ultimate goal is permanent one party rule across the entire country, and outlawing any and all opposition to their agenda, this proves they are nothing short of Totalitarian Leftists, pure and simple. It's long past time for Conservatives to stop brownnosing Liberals in order to placate them and not to "offend" anyone. I say piss on all that! I could not give a shit who gets offended! The GOP needs to grow a nice set of solid brass balls and take the Communist Democrats head on and beat them at their own game!

Don’t worry, when the RINOs get Chris Christy elected President, he’ll make peace with the NY Democrats and probably even have some in his cabinet. He was one of the first RINOs to set up an Obama-Care exchange in NJ. He couldn’t wait to make operational the great Obama-Care idea that was hatched first in the Rightwing RINO Heritage Foundation and tested by the RINO Mitt Romney in Massachusetts.

For your information, the Duopoly already has total political control of the country and has had it for decades now. They all do the same fucking things. They simply offer up different faces with either (Rs) or (Ds) as their affiliation titles so we morons can tell em apart.

The era of BIG Fucking Government is well in place, enjoy!!!!!
The era of BIG Fucking Government is well in place, enjoy!!!!!
I enjoy it hugely. Obama is a fantastic president, Sheerod brown is a fantastic senator, as is Elizabeth Warren. I enjoy schools, highways, subsidized passenger rail service, parks, national defense protection of the environment, safe pharmaceutical products, Safe water to do and clean air to breathe, I can enjoy driving a domestic automobile if I choose as the auto industry is still with us, I have safe buildings to live in and work in abuse we have code enforcement, I am relatively safe because of our judicial system, we have an assload of public universities.... What is not to like about many forms of big government?
Don’t worry, when the RINOs get Chris Christy elected President, he’ll make peace with the NY Democrats and probably even have some in his cabinet. He was one of the first RINOs to set up an Obama-Care exchange in NJ. He couldn’t wait to make operational the great Obama-Care idea that was hatched first in the Rightwing RINO Heritage Foundation and tested by the RINO Mitt Romney in Massachusetts.

For your information, the Duopoly already has total political control of the country and has had it for decades now. They all do the same fucking things. They simply offer up different faces with either (Rs) or (Ds) as their affiliation titles so we morons can tell em apart.

The era of BIG Fucking Government is well in place, enjoy!!!!!
He would be the most sane republican president since like, but considering the competition that isn't saying much, actually.
The states that would be the best to live in are largely democratic, although some republican states like Alabama are cool as well. But yes, New York rocks!

Funny Snarla brags about how great they are in New York yet there they all stood like little whiney pussies after a little water infiltrated their utopia. They stood there like poor wittle waifs crying for Obummer to come save them. They couldn't even take care of themselves.

The sooner they are wiped off the map the better. And I hope Darla is inseminated by HIV infested simian monkeys
I enjoy it hugely. Obama is a fantastic president, Sheerod brown is a fantastic senator, as is Elizabeth Warren. I enjoy schools, highways, subsidized passenger rail service, parks, national defense protection of the environment, safe pharmaceutical products, Safe water to do and clean air to breathe, I can enjoy driving a domestic automobile if I choose as the auto industry is still with us, I have safe buildings to live in and work in abuse we have code enforcement, I am relatively safe because of our judicial system, we have an assload of public universities.... What is not to like about many forms of big government?

It is almost like you couldn't survive without the government. Does Obummer come and tuck you in at night and read you a lullaby? Maybe Marx? Mein Kampf? Some of your socialist favorites?
right sized government is what this country wants.

the right just wants the government weakened so the people don't have control anymore.
I enjoy it hugely. Obama is a fantastic president, Sheerod brown is a fantastic senator, as is Elizabeth Warren. I enjoy schools, highways, subsidized passenger rail service, parks, national defense protection of the environment, safe pharmaceutical products, Safe water to do and clean air to breathe, I can enjoy driving a domestic automobile if I choose as the auto industry is still with us, I have safe buildings to live in and work in abuse we have code enforcement, I am relatively safe because of our judicial system, we have an assload of public universities.... What is not to like about many forms of big government?

17 trillion $ in debt and rising by around a million a minute.

1.5 trillion $ deficits annually.

Hundreds of trillions of $ of future unfunded liabilities for future Congresses and future generations to worry about.

Endless foreign undeclared, unnecessary, unconstitutional wars, killing maiming and mentally destroying America's youth.

An out of control Military Industrial Complex. An American World Police Force. Military bases in over 120 foreign countries reminiscent of the old authoritarian Roman Empire.

A violent Drug War that provides huge tax free profits for criminal and terrorist types, corrupts politicians and law enforcement, causes extreme violence at our southern border and in our city streets and incarcerates thousands of our otherwise non-violent citizens.

The NSA, CIA and FBI unconstitutionally collecting private information on every American citizen without a warrant.

The federal government exercising monumental constitutional violations with constitutionally unauthorized subsidies for multi-billion $ corporations, socialist vote buying rackets for deadbeats and high school dropouts and unconstitutional taxpayer’s bailouts of BIG banks and auto unions.

A Duopoly Dictatorial political system that controls major media, ballot access and the national debate reminiscent of the old Soviet Union, minus the duopoly.

A river of Red Ink, Mountains of regulations, the highest corporate taxation on Earth, highly stimulated terrorist licking their lips to murder us, International Hatred for the Giant World Bully and Busybody and lying assed corrupt, Constitution violating leadership in every office of government and the courts.

And a country full to the brim with fucking partisan idiots playing musical chairs with the Duopoly criminal bastards.

"Don't vote it just encourages the sons-of-bitches." (P. J. O'Rourke, paraphrased and revised)
We have anarchists in California. Should Jerry Brown announce they should move to Oregon or somewhere else?

He did not say they should move. He said "they have no place in the state of NY" politically.

If he ever does announce they should move I hope he steers them away from Florida.
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Phil Robertson is not a Governor. How is he even comparable to an elected public official?

Cuomo made no reference to their chance for political success, he said they aren't welcome in New York. As a Libertarian you can support a Governor saying that? Hell there are people who think Libertarians are fringe racist wackos. What if a Governor said all Libertarians need to leave. You cool with that?

He was absolutely talking about their place in the state in a political/electoral context. He did not say they were not welcome or that they should leave.
Nobody. Especially if they choose to force their skewed perceptions of 'right/wrong' on everyone else.

Don't believe in abortion? By all means...don't have one. And it isn't just the RTL's. It's the gun nuts too. Fortunately, we have leaders here who stand up to the political pressure, and do the right thing.

dang right....don't want folks who object to killing unborn children casting their taint on them New Yorkers who stand up to political pressure......let's have the politicians pressure everyone to make them unwelcome....that'll show 'em!.......
He would be the most sane republican president since like, but considering the competition that is

I have no doubt that y’all lefty commies would love everything about Christi except his (R) label. What the fuck! He’s pro-abortion, anti-Second Amendment pro-BIG fucking government and taxation, pro-public teacher’s union, he loves Federal programs and unconstitutional pork loot for Jersey and he believes in Global Warming and he hates Rand Paul and the NRA. He’s a lefty Commie’s dream. Every democrat in Jersey voted for old Fatty Shitty Shorts. The Jersey Democrat politicians just want to impeach the bastard now because he stole all of their brainwashed brain-dead voters.
dang right....don't want folks who object to killing unborn children casting their taint on them New Yorkers who stand up to political pressure......let's have the politicians pressure everyone to make them unwelcome....that'll show 'em!.......

Yeah, Commiefornia is doing a great job of running people off
I have no doubt that y’all lefty commies would love everything about Christi except his (R) label. What the fuck! He’s pro-abortion, anti-Second Amendment pro-BIG fucking government and taxation, pro-public teacher’s union, he loves Federal programs and unconstitutional pork loot for Jersey and he believes in Global Warming and he hates Rand Paul and the NRA. He’s a lefty Commie’s dream. Every democrat in Jersey voted for old Fatty Shitty Shorts. The Jersey Democrat politicians just want to impeach the bastard now because he stole all of their brainwashed brain-dead voters.

I don't love him, even if I agree with some of his positions, because I think he's a corrupt bully.
