Too close to call: polls just closed

Looks like she took PA by double digit(s) which is what Obama was trying to avoid. She did win this battle, but she can't win the war. She needed a huge upset which she didn't get.

Democrats need to really put pressure on her now. She can't win and all she's doing is hurting the party's chances of taking back the white house.

She is a Democrat!
She out of money. This may change that by a little bit. she won this one but was 20 points ahead just a couple of weeks ago.

She cant pull it off but she will keep going anyway.

obama outspent her 3 to 1 or 4 to 1 on advertising in PA....she won by a LANDSLIDE!

has obama beaten her in any state by 10 points? i am uncertain? he might have, but 10 points is saying alot, even if 6 weeks ago she was ahead with 20 points, the MONEY obama spent in PA should have brought it to within 5 points or even winning! imo.

houston! we have a problem! nothing that obama can't fix in the remaining primaries though....he needs to start relating to the white male....and the older voter moreso....and i have no doubt his team is analyzing the demographics of the vote as we speak and he will focus on this going forward!

obama outspent her 3 to 1 or 4 to 1 on advertising in PA....she won by a LANDSLIDE!

has obama beaten her in any state by 10 points? i am uncertain? he might have, but 10 points is saying alot, even if 6 weeks ago she was ahead with 20 points, the MONEY obama spent in PA should have brought it to within 5 points or even winning! imo.

houston! we have a problem! nothing that obama can't fix in the remaining primaries though....he needs to start relating to the white male....and the older voter moreso....and i have no doubt his team is analyzing the demographics of the vote as we speak and he will focus on this going forward!


I think the problem can be summed up in the word "liberal." He is at least considered liberal by association by some and there are many centrist dems that are hesitant to pull the lever for him.
Rascism is Obama's biggest problem. The question was is America ready for a Black President ? Apparently not it would seem.
I just can't see it that way, usc. I like Obama, I like his charisma and I like some of his policies. They actually seem quite centrist when compared with policies of other democrats. My decision not to vote for him doesn't stem from the fact that he is a black man. It stems from the fact that he is liberal in areas of extreme importance to me. I like to think enough of my fellow man to think that they are not all basing their vote on the race card. I know some will but I can't believe the majority of them will.

Another thing that I believe hurts him with some folks whether it is founded or not is his association with Ayres (sp?). That more than his "pastor" hurts him with many folks IMO.
Rascism is Obama's biggest problem. The question was is America ready for a Black President ? Apparently not it would seem.
and biggest asset, he has the black vote entirely in his corner now, leaving near none voting for a white candidate... clinton, and the black vote stating they would never vote for hillary...even on c-span one back person after another saying one visceral thing after another regarding her....then the host asked if they supported bill clinton when in office and they all said, YES???????? I don't get it?

i think obama can overcome the white male racism left in the democratic party you speak of....i am uncertain hillary can overcome the surprising imo, black racism that i am seeing and hearing in the public towards her?

it's amazing how nasty the obama supporters are on c-span with the trashing of hillary, while the hillary supporters just call in to say they support her, NOT to trash obama....???

same thing on this site....???

i will probably end up not voting or writing in someone if i do vote, like al gore.... i am still not registered here in maine.....

Unlike these other posters on here, I happen to think that the vote of the people, does matter, and this is why I do not think the primary should be called off basically, before the last few states have a chance to cast their votes....shutting it down just because of convenience is disenfranchising the remaining states, especially since NEITHER CANDIDATE has enough delegate votes to win the nomination yet....PERIOD.

Caling off the vote now would be like calling off the vote of california a 7 pm EASTERN time and it is a disservice to one man one vote or any Democratic system.

and biggest asset, he has the black vote entirely in his corner now, leaving near none voting for a white candidate... clinton, and the black vote stating they would never vote for hillary...even on c-span one back person after another saying one visceral thing after another regarding her....then the host asked if they supported bill clinton when in office and they all said, YES???????? I don't get it?

i think obama can overcome the white male racism left in the democratic party you speak of....i am uncertain hillary can overcome the surprising imo, black racism that i am seeing and hearing in the public towards her?

it's amazing how nasty the obama supporters are on c-span with the trashing of hillary, while the hillary supporters just call in to say they support her, NOT to trash obama....???

same thing on this site....???

i will probably end up not voting or writing in someone if i do vote, like al gore.... i am still not registered here in maine.....

Unlike these other posters on here, I happen to think that the vote of the people, does matter, and this is why I do not think the primary should be called off basically, before the last few states have a chance to cast their votes....shutting it down just because of convenience is disenfranchising the remaining states, especially since NEITHER CANDIDATE has enough delegate votes to win the nomination yet....PERIOD.

Caling off the vote now would be like calling off the vote of california a 7 pm EASTERN time and it is a disservice to one man one vote or any Democratic system.


I don't think they are being racist towards her. I think they see what the majority of this country sees. There is NO mathematical way she can win this nomination without a coup of the super delegates. Thus, I believe it is more of their disdain for her staying in a race already lost on the off chance she can manage to steal the election via a super coup.
I don't think they are being racist towards her. I think they see what the majority of this country sees. There is NO mathematical way she can win this nomination without a coup of the super delegates. Thus, I believe it is more of their disdain for her staying in a race already lost on the off chance she can manage to steal the election via a super coup.

I can see that...

But Obama can not win the nomination either, NOT without the super delegates...why not admit to that instead of making it like it is just a hillary thing?

Bill Clinton did not get the nomination until June, the year he ran... why all the rush now?
I can see that...

But Obama can not win the nomination either, NOT without the super delegates...why not admit to that instead of making it like it is just a hillary thing?

Bill Clinton did not get the nomination until June, the year he ran... why all the rush now?

1) If the supers split according to the votes of their districts, Obama will have enough delegates. Hillary can only win if the supers go against the voters.

2) The campaign started much much earlier this election cycle than it did back in 1991/92 campaign and people are far more informed today. If I recall correctly the race wasn't as clear then as it is now.
Side note Care.... personally I hope she stays in until the convention. It gives McCain a better shot.
well, i don't know if i heard this correctly on the 24/7 this morning, but one channel, i believe it was CNN had an example where she could come close to winning the popular vote if Dean does allow Florida's vote count....I heard he was not allowing the vote for michigan individual voters to count but he might seat the delegates of both regardless.....with some sort of 50/50% agreement between the two camps on the delegates...I really don't understand what the diff between the voter and the delegate is at this point..... ? :(

I am not a true obama fan or a true clinton fan or a mccain fan....none enamor me, but if i do register to vote in maine, i suppose i would not really throw my vote away by voting gore and would probably press the lever for either obama or clinton.

I personally think the Democratic primary system should be changed and we should elect a nominee for president by the popular vote, and none of this delegate, and superdelegate crapola!
Hillary is still toast she just will end up being burnt toast and stinking up the whole house before its over.
well, i don't know if i heard this correctly on the 24/7 this morning, but one channel, i believe it was CNN had an example where she could come close to winning the popular vote if Dean does allow Florida's vote count....I heard he was not allowing the vote for michigan individual voters to count but he might seat the delegates of both regardless.....with some sort of 50/50% agreement between the two camps on the delegates...I really don't understand what the diff between the voter and the delegate is at this point..... ? :(

I am not a true obama fan or a true clinton fan or a mccain fan....none enamor me, but if i do register to vote in maine, i suppose i would not really throw my vote away by voting gore and would probably press the lever for either obama or clinton.

I personally think the Democratic primary system should be changed and we should elect a nominee for president by the popular vote, and none of this delegate, and superdelegate crapola!

The normal delegates simply represent the will of the voter (or at least they are supposed to). The Dems allocate them based on percentage of popular votes won. The supers are a whole other story.

I say you vote your conscious... vote for Gore. Don't settle for Hillary or Obama... :rolleyes:
The normal delegates simply represent the will of the voter (or at least they are supposed to). The Dems allocate them based on percentage of popular votes won. The supers are a whole other story.

I say you vote your conscious... vote for Gore. Don't settle for Hillary or Obama... :rolleyes:

The delegates don't really represent the people either's weird and only those in the know, know! hahahaha!

For example, Obama got more delegates for winning Kansas caucus than hillary got in the heck can that happen if delegates are really distributed on a per person basis?

There are all kinds of screwy things like that going on if you delve in to it...

sooooooooo, bottom line, who the heck knows what delegates really mean when it comes to a true popular vote....same as with the presidential electors, they don't necessary count as the will of the people, they could be weighted where small states get more than their fair share....and large states get shorted?

I really don't know...

this is why i think primaries should be held on one day...maybe in may or so.

This way the states at the end of the line, like the ones that have not primaried yet while a winner has already been proclaimed, would have a FAIR and EQUAL chance in the nomination.

The hell are you talking about? The polls close on Tuesday. Hillary has a good chance of winning Indiana.
The hell are you talking about? The polls close on Tuesday. Hillary has a good chance of winning Indiana.

What about the republican side? They chose McCain before even 25% of the states even voted yet?

Leaving all the Republicans that wanted to cause operation chaos shennanigans free to do such?

we need primaries on one day, for both sides of the aisle, where it is one man, one vote that makes the call...

the general election for president, can stay with the elector system if need be...

What about the republican side? They chose McCain before even 25% of the states even voted yet?

Leaving all the Republicans that wanted to cause operation chaos shennanigans free to do such?

we need primaries on one day, for both sides of the aisle, where it is one man, one vote that makes the call...

the general election for president, can stay with the elector system if need be...

I'd like that. It would rock.

If that had happened. It would be Romney and Clinton battling it out... Well, depending on when.