Too close to call: polls just closed

The delegates don't really represent the people either's weird and only those in the know, know! hahahaha!

For example, Obama got more delegates for winning Kansas caucus than hillary got in the heck can that happen if delegates are really distributed on a per person basis?

There are all kinds of screwy things like that going on if you delve in to it...

sooooooooo, bottom line, who the heck knows what delegates really mean when it comes to a true popular vote....same as with the presidential electors, they don't necessary count as the will of the people, they could be weighted where small states get more than their fair share....and large states get shorted?

I really don't know...

this is why i think primaries should be held on one day...maybe in may or so.

This way the states at the end of the line, like the ones that have not primaried yet while a winner has already been proclaimed, would have a FAIR and EQUAL chance in the nomination.


Fair national elections would ruin our entire political system !! You can't do that ! :shock: