Top 10 gaping holes in the Democrats' false 'Trump mishandled COVID' narrative

Top 10:

The massive offshoring of the medical supply chain, which impacts both patient care and testing, which happened primarily on Obama/Bidens watch.

They were all for it, but it messed up testing and it is why we were so scared of over running the hospitals.

You dont have any control when you dont make what you need.


In the top 5:

It was Obama and Congress who wrecked the CDC not Trump, and he had no way to know because the fact that the CDC had been wrecked to pursue social engineering programs is to this day hidden by the Swamp.

I haven't heard about that one, but I have heard about him corrupting and perverting every other part of government, so it's not the least bit unlikely. :dunno:
Top 10:

The massive offshoring of the medical supply chain, which impacts both patient care and testing, which happened primarily on Obama/Bidens watch.

They were all for it, but it messed up testing and it is why we were so scared of over running the hospitals.

You dont have any control when you dont make what you need.

Since Democrats will not stop repeating this blatant lie that President Trump somehow mishandled the China virus, a review of the record is apparently in order. Here are the top 10 facts that demolish this fraudulent "repeat it until people accept it" fantasy:

1) Trump aggressively and proactively took extensive measures from the very beginning. See the list of early actions here.

2) Democrats opposed most of those measures that saved thousands of lives, such as banning travel from China, which they erroneously smeared as racist and unnecessary, based on nothing.

3) Democrats also spent that time smearing Trump as overreacting, demanding that he focus on the flu instead, and were still downplaying the China virus and telling everyone to live their lives normally as late as March.

4) Another critical life-saving measure President Trump took that Democrats attacked (and repeatedly lied about before having to admit they were wrong) was advocating for the time-proven Hydroxychloroquine, which even even Democrats thanked him for promoting after it saved their lives.

5) The lock-downs Democrats imposed (the ones they condemn President Trump for not illegally imposing at the national level) have been completely ineffective and actually far worse, to a point of even being devastatingly harmful. The science also contradicts Democrat demands that everyone be forced to wear masks, that Trump rallies spread the virus, and that schools should not reopen.

6) Even Democrats admitted that Democrat governors incompetently botched their obscenely dishonest handling of COVID (public health officials resigned in protest), and that President Trump's important actions early on saved countless lives. Here is Cuomo praising his swift response. Here is Ilhan Omar admitting he did a great job. Here is CNN admitting it. Here is Gavin Newsom admitting it.

7) Democrats caused the mask shortage (and were caught falsely trying to blame conservatives), caused the ventilator shortage, and put bureaucratic FDA red tape in the way of responding to this crisis. They did all of this while diverting federal resources and the entire country's attention to their phony partisan impeachment stunt and wasting critical time repeatedly blocking all emergency relief to scam and extort taxpayers for payoffs, power grabs, and lunatic extremism. Democrats also blindly parroted whatever China said as gospel, which all turned out to be lies that delayed the world's response. Additionally, Democrats protect the border anarchy that helped spread the China virus.

8) Democrats also repeatedly tried to cut CDC funding leading up to the China virus (which they were caught trying to falsely project onto President Trump), and encouraged and enabled Antifa and BLM terrorists to violate every COVID restriction to burn the country down over a lie.

9) Contrary to everything Democrats claim, according to Johns Hopkins, President Trump had this country better prepared than any other nation on Earth.

10) There is nothing to mishandle. 80% of those who contract China virus don't even realize they're sick, 99% survive it...and that's WITH the deliberately inflated, intentionally doctored, and utterly botched COVID death calculations...and everyone will eventually inevitably contract this virus, regardless of what anyone does. And most hospitalizations and deaths are due to patients being co-infected with other viruses (i.e., it's not even just COVID that's killing the few who die).

In other words, Democrats are once again peddling a wildly false narrative and counting on people to forget what actually happened. :bs:

See also:

The Media's Top Lies and Spins About COVID-19

The Top 10 Lies About President Trump’s Response to the Coronavirus

Reporter apologizes and deletes tweet claiming Trump called coronavirus a 'hoax'

Biden Campaign Gets 'Four Pinocchios' from the Washington Post

Defense official says media reports about November coronavirus intel assessment are false

Your low IQ and opioid addiction is making you completely delusional
The only thing Trump did was stop vacationer traffic from China in the middle of it's off season. He did not do a thing about the real threat of business travel. Lo and behold, the buisness trade centers started heating up fast. My mom's friend was scheduled himself to go to Wuhan but companies themselves wised up and stopped stuff themselves. Mom's friend was told not to go. Finally, we had states taking charge with things while Trump still had the ideas of the liberals making a hoax panic to hurt him, the virus barely being there and it was just going to miraculously disappear. That kept going till it got so bad he had to jump in and attempt to save face. The countries around the world were shocked and frightened by our response and leadership and told us to piss off. Yeah, much of the world thinks we handled it even worse than Liberals say so you can't bullshit around like you always do. Like your usual D+ class bullshit, you were shut down and wrong as you typed your title.

Um...nope. Proving that Democrats are lying is just called "debating" or "setting the record straight." :nono:


For an actual example of trolling, I would refer you to post #3. :cool:

The Democrats Trump Virus narrative has to be one of the most effective misinformation campaigns ever run. Have to hand it to them. Anyone with minimal knowledge of the facts can sit around all day and poke holes in it.

I’ve done it for months and I’m beyond bored with it.
The only thing Trump did was stop vacationer traffic from China in the middle of it's off season. He did not do a thing about the real threat of business travel. Lo and behold, the buisness trade centers started heating up fast. My mom's friend was scheduled himself to go to Wuhan but companies themselves wised up and stopped stuff themselves. Mom's friend was told not to go. Finally, we had states taking charge with things while Trump still had the ideas of the liberals making a hoax panic to hurt him, the virus barely being there and it was just going to miraculously disappear. That kept going till it got so bad he had to jump in and attempt to save face. The countries around the world were shocked and frightened by our response and leadership and told us to piss off. Yeah, much of the world thinks we handled it even worse than Liberals say so you can't bullshit around like you always do. Like your usual D+ class bullshit, you were shut down and wrong as you typed your title.

There's a second wave currently happening throughout Europe care to explain that? Trump also set up Operation Warpspeed, the Oxford vaccine is ready to be rolled out next month fatso, aided hugely by a billion dollars from that initiative. You're one of the most partisan posters on here, never seen you ever criticise anybody on the Left. Just a constant litany of woe and sorrow, shit for brains.

Just one more thing, it's been reported that flu has virtually disappeared this year, so the deaths from that have not materialised, anything to say about that?

Has Covid killed off the flu? Experts pose the intriguing question as influenza cases nosedive by 98% across the globe
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There's a second wave currently happening throughout Europe care to explain that? Trump also set up Operation Warpspeed, the Oxford vaccine is ready to be rolled out next month fatso, aided hugely by a billion dollars from that initiative. You're one of the most partisan posters on here, never seen you ever criticise anybody on the Left. Just a constant litany of wow and sorrow, shit for brains.

Just one more thing, it's been reported that flu has virtually disappeared this year, so the deaths from that have not materialised, anything to say about that?

Has Covid killed off the flu? Experts pose the intriguing question as influenza cases nosedive by 98% across the globe

Much of Europe is headed for a second lockdown [since the first one worked so well]. Except for Sweden.

Funny, how that worked out.

If we start the Lockdown/Spike/Lockdown Two-Step in this country it will lead to an economic catastrophe and a lot of unnecessary deaths due to myriad causes. And it’s no longer a secret that lockdowns produce collateral deaths and collateral human misery.

It’s only part of what’s at stake in this election.

I don’t know what’s up with the decline in flu cases. Most plausibly, they just aren’t being reported. Who wants to risk losing two weeks pay and being placed under house arrest with a positive COVID test?
The only thing Trump did was stop vacationer traffic from China in the middle of it's off season.

You don't just get to make up whatever you feel like. :lies:

Fauci: Trump restrictions on travel from China, Europe, UK saved American lives early in pandemic

Trump's Decisive Actions Helped Save Lives During Coronavirus Pandemic, Experts Admit

World Health Organization director praises Trump's leadership in response to coronavirus pandemic

Officials admit it: Trump saved lives and spared America from worst of coronavirus

Nice try, dishonest demagogue. :bs:


Finally, we had states taking charge with things while Trump still had the ideas of the liberals making a hoax panic to hurt him...

1) This is an outright lie that has been repeatedly debunked for a long time now. Try to keep up. :nono:

Reporter apologizes and deletes tweet claiming Trump called coronavirus a 'hoax'

2) You don't get to smear President Trump as Hitler at every turn while also crucifying him for following the Constitution and letting the states succeed or fail on their own leadership. :bs:

Pick a smear and stick with it. You can't have it both ways. :nono:

...That kept going till it got so bad he had to jump in and attempt to save face.

I literally just posted proof in the OP that this is a lie, and you respond by talking past the evidence to repeat the lie. The very first link shows the timeline that flatly contradicts this false narrative. :laugh:

Newsflash: Repeating your falsehood over the facts proving it wrong is not "debate." It's a child's tantrum. :crybaby:


Yeah, much of the world thinks we handled it even worse than Liberals say so you can't bullshit around like you always do.

fallacy populum.jpeg

And I guess you also missed the part about the U.S. being the most well-prepared country on Earth in the OP. :awesome:

Behold, what I mean when I say that Democrats struggle with literacy. :nodyes:


Like your usual D+ class bullshit, you were shut down and wrong as you typed your title.

Says the person parroting long-debunked misinformation that was already corrected in the OP. :laugh:
There's a second wave currently happening throughout Europe care to explain that? Trump also set up Operation Warpspeed, the Oxford vaccine is ready to be rolled out next month fatso, aided hugely by a billion dollars from that initiative. You're one of the most partisan posters on here, never seen you ever criticise anybody on the Left. Just a constant litany of wow and sorrow, shit for brains.

Just one more thing, it's been reported that flu has virtually disappeared this year, so the deaths from that have not materialised, anything to say about that?

Has Covid killed off the flu? Experts pose the intriguing question as influenza cases nosedive by 98% across the globe


Let's see if Crocodile can muster up the brain power to comprehend what that last part means. :awesome: