Top 10 gaping holes in the Democrats' false 'Trump mishandled COVID' narrative

Hate all you want, muggle.

Yet your fake president tRump and his sold out republicans were in charge at ensuring society was fully warned of a pending pandemic but intentionally failed to inform states that resulted at your lawlessly hacked in Putin b!tch tRump and his sold out republicans coronavirus murdering over 200,000 Americans. Otherwise, what else is tRump there for, other than to be a lawlessly hacked in and destructive menace upon humanity?


Another hyperventilating nut-job meltdown that contradicts all available facts and evidence. :laugh:

Since Democrats will not stop repeating this blatant lie that President Trump somehow mishandled the China virus, here are the top 10 facts that demolish this fraudulent "repeat it until people accept it" fantasy:

1) Trump aggressively and proactively took extensive measures from the very beginning. See the list of early actions here.

2) Democrats opposed most of those measures that saved thousands of lives, such as banning travel from China, which they erroneously smeared as racist and unnecessary, based on nothing.

3) Democrats also spent that time smearing Trump as overreacting, demanding that he focus on the flu instead, and were still downplaying the China virus and telling everyone to live their lives normally as late as March.

4) Another critical life-saving measure President Trump took that Democrats attacked (and repeatedly lied about before having to admit they were wrong) was advocating for the time-proven Hydroxychloroquine, which even even Democrats thanked him for promoting after it saved their lives.

5) The lock-downs Democrats imposed (the ones they condemn President Trump for not illegally imposing at the national level) have been completely ineffective and actually far worse, to a point of even being devastatingly harmful. The science also contradicts Democrat demands that everyone be forced to wear masks, that Trump rallies spread the virus, and that schools should not reopen.

6) Even Democrats admitted that Democrat governors incompetently botched their obscenely dishonest handling of COVID (public health officials resigned in protest), and that President Trump's important actions early on saved countless lives. Here is Cuomo praising his swift response. Here is Ilhan Omar admitting he did a great job. Here is CNN admitting it. Here is Gavin Newsom admitting it.

7) Democrats caused the mask shortage (and were caught falsely trying to blame conservatives), caused the ventilator shortage, and put bureaucratic FDA red tape in the way of responding to this crisis. They did all of this while diverting federal resources and the entire country's attention to their phony partisan impeachment stunt and wasting critical time repeatedly blocking all emergency relief to scam and extort taxpayers for payoffs, power grabs, and lunatic extremism. Democrats also blindly parroted whatever China said as gospel, which all turned out to be lies that delayed the world's response. Additionally, Democrats protect the border anarchy that helped spread the China virus.

8) Democrats also repeatedly tried to cut CDC funding leading up to the China virus (which they were caught trying to falsely project onto President Trump), and encouraged and enabled Antifa and BLM terrorists to violate every COVID restriction to burn the country down over a lie.

9) Contrary to everything Democrats claim, according to Johns Hopkins, President Trump had this country better prepared than any other nation on Earth.

10) There is nothing to mishandle. 80% of those who contract China virus don't even realize they're sick, 99% survive it...and that's WITH the deliberately inflated, intentionally doctored, and utterly botched COVID death calculations...and everyone will eventually inevitably contract this virus, regardless of what anyone does. And most hospitalizations and deaths are due to patients being co-infected with other viruses (i.e., it's not even just COVID that's killing the few who die).

In other words, Democrats are once again peddling a wildly false narrative and counting on people to forget what actually happened. :bs:

See also:

The Media's Top Lies and Spins About COVID-19

The Top 10 Lies About President Trump’s Response to the Coronavirus

Reporter apologizes and deletes tweet claiming Trump called coronavirus a 'hoax'

Biden Campaign Gets 'Four Pinocchios' from the Washington Post

Defense official says media reports about November coronavirus intel assessment are false