Top Democratic contenders have no chief executive experience among them

Point taken!

yep---he is right. The best qualification is how much welfare they offer the people out of working peoples pocket books. Why do you think people on welfare (the more the merrier for libs) are almost always liberial? But never pay a dime.

When I ask these liberials what they do for work--they usually become silent--or tell me it is none of my business.

My money says---they don't actually earn theirs.
It appears that it served him well, as he has served us so well.

Don't let your hatred of the man cloud your judgement of him, or these candidates.

MWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA You're Funny! LOL I mean...Shrub's record stands for it'self, Glaring incompetance, bitter partisanship, strategic ineptitude, staggering ignorance, corruption....hell of a legacy he has there.

And don't accuse me of hating him. I'm a former Republican who voted for his Dad.

My concern with Bush, was that because he was an aristocrat and never had to actually complete in the real world, like his father did, that the job of President would be beyond him. He's exceeded my worst fears.
No I wouldn't, but that's not the point of the OP. These Democrats are arguing that they are more qualified than the other, yet none of them has any qualifications.


Why there only two things George W. Bush and I share in common. We both have Masters degrees and we're both dangerously underqualified to be President! LOL
I don't think so. He's not as adversarial. He's just as insane, but not as pissed. Dig?

Sounds about right, but could he be dixie after 6 months of therapy and some good drugs in his hide ?

or is it just a common southern type ?
SM, Dixie was a former poster here who used to argue with us about the existence of 1/3. He believed that because you couldn't express it decimally that it didn't, in reality, exist.
By David Broder

Why should that stop the Democrats from claiming that they have any experience at all?

It's not like we need a commander and chief on day one...


The first World Trade Center attack...

Khobar Towers...

The USS Cole...

And of course...
SM, Dixie was a former poster here who used to argue with us about the existence of 1/3. He believed that because you couldn't express it decimally that it didn't, in reality, exist.

What relevance does a decimal number have on existence?